Volunteer crew cleans up

DAVIDSON—Members of Prairie Spirit Trefoil Guild were out by the Coffee Pot last Wednesday spring cleaning.

Each spring, members of the Guild have been picking up garbage from the rest stop area and ditch along Highway 11, from King Edward Street down to the Communiplex.

Bonnie Jean Low, Lana Johnsson, Mary Lynne Golphy, Gladys Junop and Trudy McCreary spent a few hours on the cleanup.

They use it as a service project for the Guild, on behalf of Davidson’s Communities in Bloom organization.

This was their sixth year cleaning the area.

“The first year we did it we had Bonnie Jean’s half-ton full of garbage,” Junop says.

Last year they only filled four or five black garbage bags, which is good because Low now drives a Honda Civic.

Junop gives some credit to the decrease in trash to conscientious people who aren’t littering as much as they used to, or it could be that since they first started tending the area from the rest stop to the rink, they’ve managed to keep pace with the litterbugs.

Cigarette packaging, beverage containers and serviettes make up the bulk of the garbage.

If they find anything big or bulky such as vehicle parts, they call the Department of Highways to have them remove it.

Tim Horton’s sponsors the Guild’s cleanup efforts under its Community Cleanup campaign.

The Trefoil Guild is part of the Girl Guides of Canada. It is an adult-only women’s group that allows women to keep the spirit of Guiding alive and to give service to the community.