Plan in works to fix Craik water

By Kevin Gilby
CRAIK – Town officials approved a fix-fee charge to determine the necessary actions required to resolve limitations in its water treatment plant. The plant has under-performed since its installation and the town has been under a boil water advisory since 2010.
The town had been in contact with Randy Schatz of Element Water Systems, a Regina-based company that specializes in water treatment systems.
During the last town council meeting, Oct. 7, members reviewed the results from interviewing his references from other communities. Results were very supportive of his experience and convinced the town to approve the $3,500 fee be awarded to produce a work plan to resolve the issues of the treatment system.
“We asked the three references and they were all very happy with his work, “ Mayor Rick Rogers said, adding, “One town in particular has the same plant as us, and the same problems as us, and he fixed it. So hopefully he can fix ours.”
Randy is expected to initiate his work within a week. His solution will be provided in about a month’s time.