Fourth high-point title for Sigfusson

Scott Sigfusson is pictured in action during Frontier Days in Swift Current. (Photo courtesy of Teresa Bellows)
Scott Sigfusson is pictured in action during Frontier Days in Swift Current.
(Photo courtesy of Teresa Bellows)

By Joel van der Veen

DAVIDSON — Another season of hard work paid off for local cowboy and rodeo champion Scott Sigfusson.

“I’m a super competitive person,” he told the Leader in late October. “You just hope to go out and do the best you can do and let the chips fall where they will.”

Sigfusson ended this season as the Canadian Cowboys Association (CCA) high-point champion, taking both the finals rodeo title in Swift Current and the year-end title.

This is his fourth time claiming the high-point title, which he earned for the first time in 2012 and now for three years running.

At the finals event he finished third in calf roping, fourth in steer wrestling and sixth in team roping.

The last event of the current season was the Manitoba Rodeo Cowboys Association (MRCA) finals, held the last weekend of October in Brandon.

There, Sigfusson finished the weekend as both tie-down roping champion and high-point champion, also competing in the steer wrestling and team roping events.

In total, he competed in roughly 70 events this year — enough to make the season feel like “a pretty big blur” by the end.

“It’s a super busy summer,” said Sigfusson, who turns 28 in December. “Weren’t very many days spent at home, that’s for sure.”

For the full story, see the Nov. 7 edition of The Davidson Leader or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.