Council wants to see speed sign data

This speed radar sign has been at the corner of Railway Street and Government Road in Davidson for a few months. Council decided to purchase it with the intention of encouraging motorists to slow from 80 kilometres per hour to 40 kilometres per hour as they approach the residential area.

DAVIDSON—Now that the speed radar sign has been functioning for a few months, town council wants to look at the data it collects.

At Davidson town council’s Oct. 16 meeting, Coun. Jessica Foster asked who has the data and if council could view it.

The speed radar sign was installed at the corner of Railway Street and Government Road in August. Council had decided to buy and install it to discourage motorists from speeding through town. The Government Road and Railway Street location was targeted due to the significant reduction in the speed limit, from 80 kilometres per hour (km/h) on the old Highway 11 down to 40 km/h on Government Road and Railway Street.

The sign collects all sorts of traffic data including traffic counts, minimum and maximum speeds and percentage of speed violations.