Bird kills power to region: SaskPower tweets about outages

A feathered fiend is to blame for the widespread power outage that enveloped Davidson and area last Saturday afternoon.

“It was actually a bird that made contact with some of our equipment near Davidson and sometimes that can cause an outage on its own,” said Tyler Hobson, media spokesman for SaskPower. “In fact, it looks like it caused a fuse at a substation near Davidson to actually blow when that happened. The fuse blowing caused some extra damage to another piece of equipment at the substation, so it took them just over two hours to get things fixed and then power restored.”

The winged marauder that rammed the power equipment kamikaze like took out power Sept. 1 between the hours of 3 p.m. to just past 5 p.m. in towns from Craik to Kenaston.

Hobson said if anything like this occurs again, be it a bird living out its Hitchcock fantasies or merely a scary storm, residents can now get updates via twitter. There has been no word on how to access twitter when the power is out.

“We’ve just launched a twitter feed about a week and a half ago to report power outages as they happen,” said Hobson, adding residents can access it through @SaskPower. “We’re just working towards getting that operating seven days a week right now, so it will be very soon and that’s a good spot residents can go to and check for information on updates. They can always call our outage centre line as well, which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”