Sigfusson named CCA high point cowboy

A local cowboy is making a name for himself on the CCA (Canadian Cowboy’s Association) rodeo circuit this year by placing first as the high point cowboy in the association for the year, while also securing himself a second-place finish in calf roping and an honourable mention in steer wrestling at the year-end finals.

Davidson’s Scott Sigfusson was awarded the high point award during the Western Canadian Agribition held at the Brandt Centre in Regina from Nov. 20 to 24. He also qualified for the steer wrestling and tie-down roping finals at the Agribition, due to his great showing in the semi-professional rodeo season held during the summer months.

Sigfusson said he won two performances and finished in second once during the five trials of calf roping at Agribition finishing in second place overall to winner Shawn Williamson, a Canadian Finals Rodeo professional.

“I didn’t do real great in steer wrestling,” said Sigfusson. “I sprained my foot three weeks prior to (the finals) and it was pretty painful to get down off a horse and try and stop a steer in the dirt. I placed fifth twice.”

Agribition is the toughest challenge on the rodeo circuit for cowboys as it brings together the best competition from sea to sea to sea in Canada as well as qualifiers in the various competitions from cowboys in the United States.

Sigfussion said how someone finishes in the regular rodeo season doesn’t matter at Agribition as long as you’re in the top 11 at the end of your year to qualify in your desired competitions.

“Anybody has a chance to win the championship,” he said, noting this is the second time he has qualified for the calf roping finals and the third time he has qualified for steer wrestling. “She’s for all the marbles there.”

To read more please see the Dec. 3 print edition of The Davidson Leader.