Thrashing through the snow: Hanley ends regular season with 77-44 win

The Hanley Sabers' Conor Prosofsky presses forward as the Davidson Raiders' Ryan Skinner (left) and Dawson George attempt to bring him down during Tuesday's senior football game.
The Hanley Sabers’ Conor Prosofsky presses forward as the Davidson Raiders’ Ryan Skinner (left) and Dawson George attempt to bring him down during Tuesday’s senior football game.

By Joel van der Veen

DAVIDSON — The Hanley Sabers proved themselves an all-season team on Tuesday, defeating the Davidson Raiders on a wet field surrounded by snow.

Temperatures hovered below the freezing mark throughout the game, and most spectators abandoned the stands by the second half for the comfort of their vehicles.

Both teams pressed on, but Hanley held onto an early lead and eventually won 77-44.

Even with the scoring gap, Sabers head coach Mark Anderson said his team had to keep up their efforts, knowing the Raiders could catch up with a few well-executed plays.

“They were a pretty happy group,” said Anderson. “We worked pretty hard to prepare for this one.”

He said they tried to correct the mistakes from their last game against Davidson, tightening their defence and working to keep Raiders quarterback Andrew Read under control.

Anderson said the Sabers also showed improvement in their passing. He had particular praise for quarterback Conor Prosofsky, saying some of his throws were “post-secondary worthy.”

Though the snow and weather were factors in the Raiders’ performance, coach Jason Low said the team ultimately fell short against the Sabers.

“Hanley was just better than us on that day,” said Low. “I don’t think we necessarily played poorly. They just played better.”

Strategy adjustments in the second half helped the team recover somewhat, along with rotating in younger players.

For the full story and photos, please see the Oct. 17 edition of The Davidson Leader, or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.

Obituary: Willner, Verna

Verna Willner
Verna Willner

In Loving Memory of
Verna Maryetta Willner
October 28, 1928 — September 15, 2016

Verna Willner (née Wightman) was born in Davidson, Sask. on October 28, 1928, the oldest of three children of the late Kenneth and Mary Wightman of Craik.

Verna was predeceased by her husband Arthur Willner in 1977 and her brother Lyle Wightman in 2016.

She is survived by her sister Nola Manz and her children:

Linda (Gary) Osmachenko, Scott (Elaine) Osmachenko, and Amy (Derek) Hoiseth;

Gordon (Laura) Willner, David (Marisa) Willner, Don (Karielle) Willner, Jessica (Jeff) Foster, Hayley Willner, and Sydney Willner;

Jerry (Heather) Willner, Courtney (James) LaFramboise, and Tyler Willner;

Nancy Quenell, Barbara Morrison, and Harley Quenell.

Verna also leaves behind 11 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.

The most important thing in Gramma’s life was family. In her last moments she was surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Raised through the ‘30s, she knew the value of hard work and being resilient: moving from Girvin to Pelly to survive two dust bowls, living with uncles and aunts to complete her schooling, from Girvin to Craik and finally working at Morrisons’ to pay for her room and board, so she could complete her Grade 12 and graduate in Davidson.

Her marriage to Art Willner in 1949 gave her the life of a busy farmer’s wife: raising four kids, growing huge vegetable and fruit gardens, chickens, fresh baked bread and basement shelves packed with preserves and jams, and in her “spare” time caring for her flowers, glads and lilies.

Mom and Dad moved to town in 1974 but with Dad’s passing in 1977, Mom’s resilience took her back to work, first at J.V.’s Restaurant and then to the Prairie View Lodge.

Retirement didn’t slow her down. Her door was always open to family, friends and neighbours. Gramma’s was the go-to spot for her grandchildren. If you had an after-school sport or 4-H, or if you just missed the bus, there was always something to eat at Gramma’s. Even the occasional babysitting for family and her young neighbours kept her spirit young.

Trips to hot spots with friends, senior games and the centre kept her social calendar full. She stayed in her home almost until the end, with the help of home care, meals-on-wheels and the silent army of volunteers who drove her to her “appointments.” Thanks.

She has left us with a great legacy of family!

Insurance payout could fund Craik water solution



By Joel van der Veen

CRAIK — The next step in restoring Craik’s drinking water will be up to voters.

Town council is seeking residents’ permission to direct the insurance payout from the Eco-Centre fire — estimated at roughly $380,000 — towards the Water Fund.

The referendum question will be on the ballot presented to voters in the Oct. 26 municipal election, when they will also select a mayor and six councillors.

The question reads as follows: “Do you agree with crediting the net insurance payment from the loss of the Eco-Centre to the Water Fund?”

A “yes” answer means work will begin immediately on a plan developed by the town and KGS Group, an engineering firm based in Regina, while a “no” answer means the town will return to the drawing board to look at other funding options.

Bringing drinking water back to Craik has been the top priority for the current council, said Coun. David Ashdown.

A positive response to the referendum question “should bring us to potable water by this time next year,” he told the Leader on Thursday.

A written update was distributed by the town to local residents late last week.

Craik has been under a boil water advisory since August 17, 2010, for “failing to meet minimum disinfection levels (ozone),” according to the Water Security Agency (WSA).

The town has had ongoing problems with a water plant completed in 2009 by Mainstream Water Solutions, a Regina company which has since gone into bankruptcy.

Progress has been made recently towards restoring Craik’s drinking water, in co-operation between the town council, the WSA and a local water task force (since disbanded).

Last year, the town engaged with KGS, citing their expertise in working with rural communities. The company recently worked with the Town of Radville, which has a Mainstream water plant similar to Craik’s, to restore drinking water there.

For the full story, see the Oct. 10 edition of The Davidson Leader or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.

Small but fervent crowd at NDP health care forum

Saskatchewan NDP leader Trent Wotherspoon and NDP health critic Danielle Chartier listen to David Ashdown (in foreground) during a town hall meeting in Davidson on Tuesday.
Saskatchewan NDP leader Trent Wotherspoon and NDP health critic Danielle Chartier listen to David Ashdown (in foreground) during a town hall meeting in Davidson on Tuesday.

By Joel van der Veen

DAVIDSON — She knew the end was near, and she wanted to be in her hometown hospital when it happened.

Registered nurse Lindsay Cross told the story of an elderly lady with failing health who had been in and out of the Davidson Health Centre in recent weeks.

She was back in the hospital in mid-September and wanted to stay put, but because of a service disruption, caused by a shortage of available staff, she had to be sent elsewhere.

Cross said the patient was transferred temporarily to Saskatoon, where she died that weekend.

“She wanted to die in Davidson,” Cross said, adding that the nurses couldn’t help feeling guilty over the situation. “It shouldn’t be that way.”

Cross was speaking at a public meeting about health care in the province, organized by the New Democratic Party and held at Davidson Town Hall on Tuesday.

Leading the meeting were NDP leader Trent Wotherspoon and health critic Danielle Chartier.

Wotherspoon said the meeting was the first of many planned across the province in coming weeks, in both rural communities and urban centres.

The forums are being held in response to a recent string of job cuts in multiple health regions as a result of limited funding.

“Day after day, we’re seeing too many cuts across Saskatchewan,” said Wotherspoon. “Services aren’t up to the standard that they need to be.”

He was also critical of the review currently underway by the provincial government, which is seeking options to reduce the number of health regions in Saskatchewan.

A formal feedback process was open to the public between Aug. 29 and Sept. 26, and the advisory panel also held consultations with key partners and stakeholders.

According to the government, over 300 submissions were received from the public.

Chartier said they are concerned about the speed at which the review was carried out as well as the methods being used.

“Our goal is to be an effective opposition,” she said. “We’re very concerned that these local voices are not going to be part of the discussion.”

“We’ll be advocating in a constructive way, whenever and wherever possible,” said Wotherspoon, adding that his party would work to protect, improve and strengthen Saskatchewan’s health care system.

He acknowledged that Tuesday’s event was somewhat “intimate,” blaming the inclement weather and the Blue Jays game for the low turnout.

Just 14 people were in attendance, including seven residents of Davidson and Craik, but those present had plenty to say.

For the full story, see the Oct. 10 edition of The Davidson Leader or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.

Area teams reconnect as RaiTec hosts home tourney

The Davidson/Loreburn RaiTec poses with their award after winning the consolation prize at their home tournament in Davidson on Oct. 1. Pictured are (back row from left) Nevada Wightman, Lauren Bueckert, Elena Nykiforuk, Jocelyn Millham, Chase Lyn Dean; (front row) Tori Rendall, Gracie Allan, Lynzey Sanden and Brianna Jess.
The Davidson/Loreburn RaiTec poses with their award after winning the consolation prize at their home tournament in Davidson on Oct. 1. Pictured are (back row from left) Nevada Wightman, Lauren Bueckert, Elena Nykiforuk, Jocelyn Millham, Chase Lyn Dean; (front row) Tori Rendall, Gracie Allan, Lynzey Sanden and Brianna Jess.

By Joel van der Veen

DAVIDSON — Keeping track of eight teams and their busy schedules kept organizers on their toes last weekend.

The Davidson/Loreburn RaiTec hosted its annual senior girls volleyball tournament on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1.

Team manager Sandra Baldwin said players and coaches have gotten to know each other well thanks to this and other tournaments.

“People were here for more than just volleyball,” she said, adding that six teams stayed overnight in the school, with the canteen team serving breakfast on Saturday.

“It was just a ton of fun,” Baldwin continued. “It was just a really good weekend (with) strong volleyball.”

Kahkewistahaw defeated Elrose in the final on Saturday to take the championship title for the weekend.

The tournament began with round-robin play on Friday night. Pool A teams competed in Davidson, with Kahkewistahaw coming in first place, Elrose in second, Davidson/Loreburn in third and Beechy/Kyle/Lucky Lake in fourth.

Pool B teams competed in Loreburn. Plenty finished in first place, Eston in second, Assiniboia in third and Biggar in fourth.

For the full story, see the Oct. 10 edition of The Davidson Leader or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.

The Davidson Leader, Davidson, Saskatchewan