
Alta Louise was born to Marguerite and James Glover on May 12, 1935. Alta was born and raised in Craik. Alta met her one true love in 1951. Bob and Alta became engaged on April 8, 1953 and less than two months later they were married.
Alta and Bob had four children: Debra Lynn, Terry Louise, Shawn Scott, and Jody James. Through the years, Bob and Alta lived in many homes. They lived in Davidson for many years before Bob was transferred to Saskatoon to continue his Superior Propane Career. While living in Saskatoon, they enjoyed playing cards with neighbours and visiting friends. Alta took up bowling and would play often in her spare time. Before long she discovered it as a new talent and became very good at it. For a short while, they moved to Martensville and then it was back to the city. It was after Bob passed away in 2001 that Alta decided to move back to Davidson where she lived until her passing.
When Alta wasn’t playing crib with Bob or taking care of the children, she was working on her many crafts. Some of the crafts she enjoyed were plastic canvas, cross stitch, needle point, beadwork, ceramics, sewing, knitting, crocheting and anything else she could get her hands on. Every craft she did she put her entire heart and soul into it. Consequently, she did very good work and showed great results.
Alta enjoyed expressing herself through writing, especially poetry. When Princess Diana passed away, she wrote a poem to her children, which she sent to them. She was delighted when she received a letter back from Prince Harry and Prince William.
In 2003, Alta took her poetry and published her very own book. “Treasures from the Heart” was a book filled with memories of family and friends that she was very proud of.
Alta took great pride in her children and grandchildren. She would always be there to listen and she was never quick to judge. She always treated each as a unique individual.
Mom, Gran, Mother-in-law, we will all miss you! Watch over us as we grow and move on in our lives. Rest in Peace!