By Joel van der Veen
DAVIDSON — The next step towards the construction of Davidson’s new pool is on the horizon, town councillors heard at this week’s meeting.
Recreation director Trevor Ouellette, who visited the July 21 meeting as a delegation, received approval from council last week to make arrangements with Regina-based firm Walker Projects to start seeking proposals from contractors.
“They are ready to get started as soon as we sign,” he told council at the meeting, distributing documents outlining the company’s services and fees.
With a total of $1,065,000 raised for the pool in three years, Ouellette said that it’s likely the first phase of construction could begin by the spring of 2016, with the pool being ready for use the following year.
Estimates on the cost of the project have varied, but based on current information, he placed the total cost at somewhere between $1.25 million and $1.3 million.
Ouellette was joined later in the meeting by a delegation from the swimming pool fundraising committee, consisting of Crystal Johnson, Brenna Siroski and Erin Gust.
Like the town councillors, committee members welcomed the news, but they also took the opportunity to voice some concerns.
To read more, please see the July 27th print edition of The Davidson Leader. To subscribe email: davidsonleader@sasktel.net