Top eggs aid Davidson Health Centre

Arnie Entz holds some of the top-quality eggs produced by the layers at Loreburn Colony. Loreburn Colony’s eggs won the Grand Champion prize at the Cramer Ag Expo in Swift Current in February. The eggs were auctioned with proceeds going to charity. The Loreburn Colony chose to send $450, proceeds from the egg sale, to the Davidson and District Health Foundation.

DAVIDSON—Davidson Health Centre is richer thanks to some award-winning eggs.

Recently the Davidson and District Health Foundation received a $450 donation courtesy of Loreburn Colony’s laying hens.

Two flats of eggs produced by the hens were selected as Grand Champion at the Cramer Livestock and Crop Production Expo in Swift Current on Feb. 22.

Ike Entz, laying manager for Loreburn Colony, said this was the colony’s first year entering the egg competition. He oversees a large operation that includes 28,700 layers.

At the Cramer Ag Expo competition, the eggs were candled and graded. The two flats of eggs—30 eggs to a flat—were judged on eggshell thickness, eggshell quality and yolk quality.

Of the 21 producers entered, Loreburn Colony’s eggs were picked as grand champion.

After the competition, Cramer held a “Sale of Champions” to raise money for charity.

Entz said Loreburn’s eggs were sold for the record price of $450, well above last year’s champion eggs, which sold for $150.

Proceeds from the Sale of Champions are donated to charity. Entz said it was suggested proceeds from the egg sale go to Stars air ambulance or to the Salvation Army.

“We suggested the Davidson and District Health Foundation to support our local community. That’s our hospital,” he said.

Davidson Health Centre received the $450 on April 26.