By Joel van der Veen
WARMAN — Despite facing some tough competition at this year’s regional festival, Davidson’s senior drama club put on what co-director Jason Low said was their best performance this year.
“They represented our school well,” said Low. “They were a fantastic pleasure to work with and direct.”
Davidson was one of seven schools to compete at the Region 11 Drama Festival at Warman High School from April 14 to 16.
The drama club presented SOuLD, an original play written by Low, with a total of 26 students forming the cast and crew.
Grade 12 student Carter Shaw, a longtime lighting and sound technician who served as stage manager for the first time, was named the best stage manager at the festival.
Noting that Shaw won the award the only time he was eligible for it, Low said, “He went in and out with a bang.”
Cast members Jacob Schilling and Sarah Bublish received acting awards of merit, while Ethan Schilling and Logan Farrell received technical awards of merit for their work with lighting and sound, respectively.
For the full story, please see the April 25 edition of The Davidson Leader.