Sharon Miller (1944-2024)

September 7, 1944 – September 3, 2024

It is with great sorrow that we announce the death of Sharon Jessie May Miller (Oddan) on Sept. 3, 2024. Sharon would have been 81 on Sept. 7 and was the daughter of Adriannah Reynoldson and Harold Oddan. Harold was a FO in the RCAF serving in WWII and died on May 13, 1944 overseas.

After Harold’s death, Sharon and Adrie moved in with Adrie’s parents, George and Jessie Reynoldson of Chamberlain until Lorne McRae asked Sharon’s permission to marry her mother in 1949. Sharon was delighted and would always refer to Lorne as Dad until his passing in 1987. The family moved to Aylesbury and Lorne and Adrie had two sons, Gordon and Donald McRae who both predeceased Sharon in 2020.

Growing up Adrie ensured Sharon knew her Oddan grandparents and sent her by train every summer to Lloydminster where Sharon became friends with her many Oddan cousins.

After high school, Sharon attended Roberson Secretarial School and worked in Regina until marrying Christian Miller of Aylesbury / Craik in 1966. Sharon and Chris raised two Children, Kevin born in 1967 and Corrinne born in 1975. While raising her children Sharon sold Trichem and Nutramedics and also provided home care to many ladies in the Craik community.

Later in life, Sharon would care for her mother, Adrie, and brother in-law, John Miller of Aylesbury. John always referred to Sharon as the daughter he never had.

Sharon’s favorite place was always the cabin at Loverin Lakes near Chamberlain and made many lifelong friends there. Her favorite activity was reading and from childhood always had a room full of books and often read at least three books a week.

After Chris’s passing in 2018, Sharon moved to Calgary, Alberta to be close to Kevin and Corrinne who became her caregivers. Sharon was diagnosed with terminal heart failure in 2019 and was always happy to boast how she had proved those doctors wrong in surviving longer than they had predicted. The three of us developed a very close bond over those six years and her loss will be felt for a long time.