Re-Open Saskatchewan 5 Phase Plan

A methodical 5 phased approach to slowly life restrictions and re-open businesses and services.

Phase 1:

-Re-open medical services, Angling & Boat launch (May 4th), Golf Courses (May 15th), and Parks & Campgrounds (June 1st)

Phase 2:

-Re-opening Retail and Personal Care Services (May 19th)

Phase 3:

-Re-open Food Services, Gyms & Fitness facilities, licensed Establishments and Child Care facilities (TBD). Increase public & private gatherings to 15 people (TBD).

Phase 4:

-Re-open Indoor & Outdoor Recreation and Entertainment facilities (TBD). Increase public gatherings to 30 people (TBD).

Phase 5:

-Consider lifting some long-term restrictions, such as limits on the size of public gatherings (TBD).

Restrictions related to the highest risk areas like travel, large gatherings and long term care facilities, will stay in place for the forseeable future