Pump to be pulled at water treatment plant

The regular meeting of Davidson Town Council took place on Aug. 20 at the Town chambers. There was one delegate. Council learned of a mechanical issue at the water treatment facility in town. Public works reported an alarming vibration on a plant restart operation. The electrical motor was reported to be in good state of repair but the vibration points to an imbalance, possibly due to wear, of the submersible pump. Council approved $10,000 to remove the pump and assess the health of the pump and identify a corrective action.

• Public works provided an update on maintenance activity being performed on the irrigation pivot located southeast of Davidson. A vendor was at the site to fix a locomotion issue on the pivot, so its move- ment is now restored. Council moved to replace a pump control box necessary for lagoon operations for $4,700 before taxes.

 • Unused public works equipment has been listed on McDougall Auctioneers online platform. Close date for bids is Aug. 27 at 12 p.m.

• Tenders opened Aug. 16 for the Enter- prise Lane local improvement. Tenders will be accepted until Aug 29. The invitation to tender has a project start date of Sept. 9.

• Director of Recreation & Culture Dave Whitenect provided updates on upgrades for the Panther Swimming Pool and the ball diamonds. A contract was awarded to build an additional shade structure at the pool, matching the design of the existing structure. The construction is entirely dona- tion funded. Also, work on two new dugouts on Diamond #2 is set to begin shortly with funding coming from a donation and from the recreation budget. Both projects have a completion date of Sept. 30.

• Council approved a recommended 10 per cent rate increase to curling fees for the 2024 season. This adjustment is on par with other usage fees.

• Council approved advertising rate increases for billboards and in-ice logos in the curling rink and skating rink in the AGT Centre. All advertising rates are increased $100 per anum. The rate increase could generate an additional $3,100 in revenue per anum.

• Council had accepted a tender to per- form general upgrades to the lift station on Government Road. The awarded proposal had a start date of Oct. 15 and will include electrical upgrades, ventilation improvements, and a genset. The genset, which produces electricity for pump operation from natural gas in the event of a power outage, has an estimated one-year wait time.

• Administration will be contacting property owners to trim back overgrown trees and/ or bushes that encroach across sidewalks.