It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of Rita Mooney who passed peacefully at home on April 17th , at the age of 68. She was born November 24th, 1951.
Rita’s work took her many places through the years. She met her soul mate Dave Mooney, moved to the farm near
Imperial SK and they married on January 2nd , 1999.
Rita’s vitality and sharp wit were always enjoyed; she quickly made new friends and became actively involved in the community. After working at Kelly’s General Store for many years, she decided to buy it when the occasion arose. She was excited for an opportunity that allowed her to continue to contribute to the community she had grown to love and call home.
An avid gardener, Rita loved to be out doors and next to nature. The many pine trees, Saskatoon berry bushes and
flowers that adorn the farm pay tribute to this. Large vegetable and potato crops were planted and harvested even though, “those darn potato beetles”, were always a pet peeve of hers.
Rita was a very creative person, her hands were rarely still. She loved quilting, wood burning, sculpting with her scroll saw and painting. She was always trying new techniques and had a unique talent of visualizing an object and seeing it for another use. She would often enlist Dave’s help to laminate wood, build her a new template or manufacture pieces in his shop.
Together they would tweak and adjust until they were satisfied with the outcome. These works of “heart” have made their way into many of our homes and are truly cherished.
Family love is a special type of love that comes with its own unique feelings. Rita was a dedicated mother first and
foremost. She treasured her children and embraced every moment with them. She especially loved her role as grandma and enjoyed teaching and sharing her many creative talents with her grandchildren.
She is held close in the hearts of her husband Dave; daughters Kim Rabut (Mark) and Trina Leedahl (Mark), her mother and father in-law Norman and Cleone Mooney, step-daughters Anita Webster (Aaron) and Candace Mooney, granddaughters Michaela, Gabriell, Brianna, Brooklynn and grandsons Carter and Trevor. Her siblings: Ingrid Lindbergh (Fenton), Roger Hirschfeld, Brenda Miner (Doug), Ernie Hirschfeld (Gale). Her extended family; Stan Spendelow, Howard Mooney (Gerri), Grant Mooney (Bev), Holly Marvin (Dave), Dianne Mooney (Colin) and many nieces and nephews.
Rita has been reunited with her parents Adam and Erna Hirschfeld, her sister Edith Spendelow, her brother Byron
Hirschfeld and step-sons Eric and Aaron Mooney, in eternity.
On behalf of Rita we would like to extend heartfelt thanks to the Davidson Home Care nurses from the Heartland Health Region. Your special attention and extra care meant so very much to her.
A private celebration of Rita’s life will be held at a later date.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society.
“Feel no guilt in laughter; she’d know how much you care.
Feel no sorrow in a smile that she’s not here to share.
You cannot grieve forever; she would not want you to.
She’d hope that you could carry on the way you always do.
So talk about the good times and the way you showed you cared, the days you spent together, all the happiness you shared. Let memories surround you, a word someone may say will suddenly re-capture a time, an hour, a day,
that brings her back so clearly as though she were still here, and fills you with the feeling that she is always near.
For if you keep those moments, you will never be apart
and she will live forever, locked safely in your heart.”