December 18, 1929 – April 14, 2023
There is No Better Gift in Life…
Than Life itself…
Mom was born in Saskatoon, Dec. 18th, 1929 to Roy & Linda Arnold of Kelfield, SK.
All through her childhood, Mom grew up on her parent’s farm just outside of Kelfield. They grew crops & Gardens, Also raised cows, horses, chickens, sheep, pigs etc.
When Mom was 8 years old, she was blessed with a new baby brother named Earl, now making them a family of 4. She loved having baby brother.
Mom’s cousin Phyllis told me, they never lived far from each other as kids. And every Saturday morning Mom would go to Phyllis’s & they would snare gophers. I guess now we know where Montey got his snaring talents from, Mom.
Mom loved curling, riding horses, dances & playing her guitar. She told me that a friend taught her how to play guitar & they played at many dances…but if she came home late Grandad would let out a Beller “the milk still needs to be delivered!” She still never got away from doing chores!!! But I do believe she had a pretty good childhood!
Mom was also taught how to be a switch board operator from a cousin. (there were many cousins in the Arnold family). She told me that was the Best Job she EVER had. “I just loved it” and I don’t doubt that…she loved her phone!
Mom married William Yohnke, December 22, 1948 in Edson, Alberta. They had 3 children: Mervin Oct. 1949, Irvin Nov. 1950 & Darlene March 1953. They moved around a lot…there were many challenges & things did not work out. Mom was left alone now with 3 kids to care for in Bengough, SK…Rough times.
In the early 60’s she met my dad, Charles Stevenson. He had a farm/ranch with family & hired hands in the Big Muddy Valley south of Bengough, Sask. He took Mom & children there to live with them. In June of 1963 I was born, 14 months later, August 25, 1964 Charles (my dad) passed away of a stroke at the age of 37. Needless to say, Mom had to leave the farm & now had 4 kids to look after…more rough times.
In the late 60’s she met Dale Jensen of Bengough. He convinced her to move to Bladworth, Sask as he had a job at Allan Potash Mine. We moved there in June of 1970. Mom had another baby, Montey, April 1971.
All through the years in Bladworth there were many big gardens, lots of canning & freezing…many wonderful Grand Children were born & loved. Mom also took the Home Care course & enjoyed her job until she retired. Her Dad Roy Arnold passed January 13, 1995 & Her Mom Linda Arnold March 10, 2013.
Mom loved Bingo in her retirement years. Her, Darlene & friends had a real thing going travelling places to “Go play Bingo!!!”
Dale passed away July 2017. By this time Mom had over 20 surgeries in her life time. Knee, hips, shoulders, stomach etc. …I liked to bug her by calling her the “Bionic Woman!” She really was a Tough Little Lady!
We decided Mom could not stay alone in Bladworth by herself, so we moved her into the Elks Housing in Davidson. We were only a call away or a few blocks so we could help her out when needed. Mom’s Son in Law, Jack, passed away May 17, 2019.
Mom still made cakes, puddings, & even buns at times. If her fruit was going bad, she made jams/jellies. She always kept Shawn stalked up with them & the ambulance fella’s thought her jam was delicious!!!
In 2020 Mom had 2 sons pass away: Montey January 4, 2020; Mervin October 21, 2020 and her brother Earl passed June 24, 2021
Mom always loved her phone, tv & visiting. You were always welcome at her house; coffee was always on and cookie jar was full. Her memory was amazing…. she remembered birthdays & anniversaries, AND …if you needed to be “Set Straight” she could do that too!!!
Mom passed away peacefully April 14, 2023 at the age of 93. All of our family would like to thank everyone who had a part in Mom’s life & to all who attended her funeral as well. Greatly Appreciated!
There will Never be Goodbyes from Us…. Where Ever You Are, Mom, You Will Always Be in Our Hearts!!!
Written By Margo (Stevenson) Shaw