Longtime gardener, but first time pumpkin grower Tim Bruch had great success this year in the pumpkin patch. He sent in this picture of a 48-pound pumpkin he grew in his Davidson garden. Blanche Klovansky sent in this picture of some big treasures unearthed in the Klovansky garden. This huge turnip weighed 11 pounds and the big beet beside it is no slouch either. The beet weighs 7.2 pounds. Nick Anton holds a giant vegetable marrow he grew in his garden near Bladworth. The marrow weighs 15 pounds. Nick says he was watching it for about a month to see how big it would get. He was hoping it would make it to 20 pounds, however, he had to pick it Sunday, Sept. 29 to save it from the snow and freezing temperatures. He picked two wheelbarrow loads of squash Sunday, so if anyone needs some, they may contact Nick. The 15-pound vegetable marrow is on display at The Leader office.