Firefighters service recognized

Deputy Fire Chief Don Willner presents Captain Jim Schmit, who joined the department in 1978, with a 40-year service pin and an engraved watch.

DAVIDSON—At the Fire and Water community auction Saturday, April 8 a crew of recent recruits received pins recognizing their one-year of service with Davidson Volunteer Fire Department.

But they’ll have to stick with it for 39 more years if they hope to match the ranks of fire department Captain Jim Schmit. He received a 40-year service pin acknowledging his longevity with the department. He also received an engraved watch for this distinguished service.

Schmit said the gesture was quite unexpected. He was happy to receive the watch.

“For 50 years, maybe I’ll get a walker with a red light and siren” he later joked.

He hasn’t any plans to give up firefighting. He enjoys the department and being part of the service it provides to the community.

“I’ll keep going until they tell me not to come,” he said.

He joined back in 1978, answering a call for volunteers because the department was short on personnel.

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