Fire ban lifted

DAVIDSON—Over an inch of rain and consistently cool, damp weather has not only put a halt to harvest, it has also helped terminate the Town of Davidson fire ban.

At its meeting last Tuesday, Davidson town council agreed to lift the ban on open fires.

This means people may once again enjoy a fire in their backyard fire pits.


Lock out

After an in camera discussion, council denied a request from Panther Industries for a key to the Davidson landfill.

To better manage the dump, the town changed the lock on the gate so that contractors, industry and the general public may only access it during operating hours. The public works department and some town employees are the only ones who have keys to the landfill.

Council had received correspondence from Clayton Schneider of Panther Industries requesting a key to the new lock.

Council did agree that the Davidson fire department should have a key that unlocks the landfill gate.

Council also talked about having a special meeting to discuss the landfill plan.


Highway Talks

Tuesday, members of Davidson town council will meet with officials from Saskatchewan Highways and Infrastructure’s southern region traffic engineering staff to discuss plans to improve safety at Highway 11 intersections in Davidson.

Concerns over safety, particularly the intersection where the A&W, DQ, Esso and Tim Hortons are located, were mentioned by some members of town council.

A recent video posted on Facebook illustrates the problem with vehicles, mainly semis, impeding traffic flow and views of oncoming traffic as they attempt to enter and exit the busy intersection.