Community project

A brand new John Deere seeding outfit from Western Sales makes a tight turn while seeding canola for Davidson’s community farmland project. Proceeds from the sale of the crop support recreation in Davidson and the Davidson Kinsmen Club. It is a joint initiative among the town, the Kinsmen and Western Sales, which provides the equipment, manpower to seed and harvest the crop as well as agronomy services. Other local businesses and companies support the project by providing crop inputs and fuel. Their efforts are recognized on a sign in the AGT Centre. Over the years the irrigated land project has raised a total of $201,777. This season the project has added another 90 acres of land. This land is of better quality, so yields and returns to the community are expected to be better. This additional land brings the total acres up to 260 with 230 acres seeded land and 30 acres in grass. This year’s crop was seeded with a John Deere 9620RX tractor, 1870 76-foot drill and C850 air cart.