Category Archives: Davidson

P.A. Raiders select Allan with third pick in WHL Bantam draft

This was Davidson’s Nolan Allan’s last year wearing a Humboldt Bantam AA Bronco’s jersey. He’ll be playing Midget AAA hockey for the Saskatoon Blazers next season and should also get some ice time with the Prince Albert Raiders, who used their third overall selection to pick Allan in the WHL Bantam draft.
(Photo courtesy of CSSHL)

DAVIDSON—The Prince Albert Raiders used their third overall pick to select Davidson’s Nolan Allan in the 2018 Western Hockey League (WHL) Bantam Draft on May 3.

The 15-year-old defenceman, played for the Humboldt Bantam AA Broncos the last two seasons. He scored 12 goals and had 32 assists in 26 regular season games, adding another two goals and two assists in four playoff games.

Along with Allan’s defensive skills, his ability to move the puck attracted the Raiders’ attention.

“We really liked Nolan’s ability to skate, he is a very good skater with an offensive upside,” said Ron Gunville, Raiders’ director of player personnel. “We like his ability to move pucks out of trouble by making nice first pass as well as skating the puck out of trouble. Nolan has the potential to play on our power play and he has a great shot from the point.”

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Kenaston is a welcoming ‘Communi-tree’

The Communi-tree has leafed out. Green leaves explaining what people like about their community fill its branches.

In many small towns, the school is the heart of the community. Kenaston exemplifies this, so students invited the community to Kenaston School May 3 to celebrate their pride of place at their first ever “Communi-tree” event. The event was a way for students and people from the community to meet each other and visit in a social setting. The kids provided the entertainment, performing songs and dances. After the program, everyone created leaves to place on the school’s “communi-tree” and then the elementary-age students coloured and read with their guests. The high school students were also involved by organizing and playing games with everyone.

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Freedom From Injustice Walk

Kayla Ironstar Murray, holding the eagle staff; her mother Angela Ironstar and Katryna Smith, members of the Freedom From Injustice Walk, are walking to Winnipeg to raise awareness of the injustices faced by Indigenous people in the Canadian judicial system. They walked by Davidson last Thursday.

DAVIDSON—The Freedom From Injustice Walk passed by Davidson last Thursday.

It marked the fourth day of a month-long journey that began May 7 at the Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench and will end June 7 at the federal courthouse in Winnipeg.

The purpose of the walk, say two of its organizers Kayla Ironstar Murray and Katryna Smith, is to bring their community together, “Across the province and across the country to support Indigenous men and women across this country.”

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Top eggs aid Davidson Health Centre

Arnie Entz holds some of the top-quality eggs produced by the layers at Loreburn Colony. Loreburn Colony’s eggs won the Grand Champion prize at the Cramer Ag Expo in Swift Current in February. The eggs were auctioned with proceeds going to charity. The Loreburn Colony chose to send $450, proceeds from the egg sale, to the Davidson and District Health Foundation.

DAVIDSON—Davidson Health Centre is richer thanks to some award-winning eggs.

Recently the Davidson and District Health Foundation received a $450 donation courtesy of Loreburn Colony’s laying hens.

Two flats of eggs produced by the hens were selected as Grand Champion at the Cramer Livestock and Crop Production Expo in Swift Current on Feb. 22.

Ike Entz, laying manager for Loreburn Colony, said this was the colony’s first year entering the egg competition. He oversees a large operation that includes 28,700 layers.

At the Cramer Ag Expo competition, the eggs were candled and graded. The two flats of eggs—30 eggs to a flat—were judged on eggshell thickness, eggshell quality and yolk quality.

Of the 21 producers entered, Loreburn Colony’s eggs were picked as grand champion.

After the competition, Cramer held a “Sale of Champions” to raise money for charity.

Entz said Loreburn’s eggs were sold for the record price of $450, well above last year’s champion eggs, which sold for $150.

Proceeds from the Sale of Champions are donated to charity. Entz said it was suggested proceeds from the egg sale go to Stars air ambulance or to the Salvation Army.

“We suggested the Davidson and District Health Foundation to support our local community. That’s our hospital,” he said.

Davidson Health Centre received the $450 on April 26.

Leader wins awards

Davidson Leader publisher Tara de Ryk (left) accepts the “Best Feature Story” of 2018 award in the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association’s (SWNA) Better Newspapers Competition (BNC). Alison Squires, a member of the SWNA board of directors, presents the award during the BNC award ceremony in Saskatoon April 28. The award-winning story “Filipino family awaits reunion in Canada” was published in the June 26, 2017 edition of The Davidson Leader.

In the 2018 BNCs, The Davidson Leader won third place in the General Excellence Awards category for best front page, Class B – circulation 1,200 – 1,999. The Davidson Leader also won third place under the Best Agriculture Coverage, single story or feature category for the beekeeping story de Ryk wrote last September. Joel van der Veen, former editor of The Davidson Leader, won third place in the Best Saskatchewan Recreational Story or Series of Stories category for his series about the Strongfield curling rink.

(Leader photo by Daniel Bushman)