Category Archives: Davidson

Red Devil

Now that there is snow on the ground, the sleds are coming out. Mike Beckie took his 1968 Bolens Diablo Rouge for a spin last Thursday. The vintage sled features an articulated design with the seat overtop the skis and the engine sitting above the tracks. It’s a fun machine that comfortably seats three adults.

Goldfish race for Telemiracle

Kinsmen members Jason Low (left) and Kevin Farden load goldfish into the starting blocks for the first race of the night.

The Davidson Kinsmen Club and the Bladworth Elks teamed up to put on a fish fry and goldfish races Feb. 8 at the Bladworth Community Hall.  The Elks cooked a fish fry supper before the auction and races. They fed a large crowd, serving 113 meals of steelhead trout.

The goldfish races have become an annual tradition for the local Kinsmen. It’s a fun event that is entertaining for the family.

This goldfish auction raised $6,055 for Kinsmen Telemiracle 43. sport. The telethon takes place March 2 and 3 in Saskatoon.



Unlike humans, livestock have to remain outdoors year round, including during last week’s sustained cold temperatures that were as low as minus 40.

DAVIDSON—”An arctic high pressure ridge has settled in over Saskatchewan,” was the opening line of Environment Canada’s extreme cold warning issued last Thursday for Saskatchewan.

The entire province was included in the special weather alert, including this region of south central Saskatchewan.

Temperatures under this ridge were very cold with early morning in the mid-to-low minus 30s with a few localities sneaking past the -40 mark. Even with winds of five or 10 kilometres per hour, extreme wind chill values of -40 to -50 were widespread, according to Environment Canada.

Environment Canada warned people of the risk posed by the extreme cold including frostbite and hypothermia.

People were advised to keep emergency supplies in vehicles such as extra blankets and jumper cables.

Last Wednesday’s cold temperatures set new records. Elbow’s -36.1 set a new extreme cold temperature record, according to Environment Canada. At -41.7° Celsius, Feb. 6, 2019 marked the coldest day on record in Saskatoon on a Feb. 6 in more than 100 years. The last time it was that cold on that day was in 1907.

Living snowfence considered

The Town of Davidson is considering replacing ineffective snow fencing such as this one behind Northside Manor with a tree row.

The Town of Davidson is considering a living windbreak instead of fences to contain the force of the prairie wind.

The town is consulting with Davidson’s Communities in Bloom committee for advice on planting trees to replace snow fencing behind Northside Manor and along the east side of Sellers Crescent.

They are looking at a proposal to plant two lines of shelterbelt trees adjacent to one another

“If anyone has seen the condition of the snow fence, this is a great idea,” said Mayor Tyler Alexander.

Council suggested inviting Community in Bloom members and the landowner to council’s Feb. 26 meeting to discuss the matter further.