Category Archives: Davidson

Interesting Produce

Hitchhiker Pepper: Dave Wurtz holds a pepper his grandson Marvin found in the pepper patch at Loreburn Farming on Sept. 25. Marvin thought it looked like a hitchhiker thumb, as Dave demonstrates, adding that he used to hitch his fair share of rides back in the day. Asked what causes a bell pepper to take such an unexpected turn, Dave said it was stress. Dave’s son Steve, who is garden manager at Loreburn Farming, said it was probably the cold weather that contributed to the misshapen vegetable. All the peppers at Loreburn Farming were picked last Wednesday in advance of freezing temperatures that were expected to hit the region Friday.
Frank Nizinkevich brought this purple potato that weighs two pounds, 11 ounces to The Leader office last Friday. The potato was grown by Michelle Ringdal and family, who farm west of Kenaston. Frank also sports a modified Farmers Edge ball cap. He added the words “are on” to explain the mood in the agriculture community this harvest. Thank you Frank for dropping by The Leader with the potato. We miss your mother Annie’s visits this time of year. Annie Nizinkevich was an avid gardener and regularly brought in fine specimens from her garden. If you have garden greats, (it sure would be nice to see a big pumpkin) please send a picture to, text 306-567-8638 or drop by like Frank did.

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Generosity recognized

On behalf of the Davidson Senior Citizen’s Club, Mary Ann Chomyshen (right) unveils a plaque that will hang in the Senior Centre. The plaque recognizes a financial bequest Robert Stephenson made to the Senior Centre. Robert’s sister Grace Surkan attended the unveiling and was very appreciative of the gesture.

DAVIDSON—Although he never was a member, Robert Stephenson must have valued the importance of the Davidson Senior Citizen’s organization to the community.

The seniors’ club received a substantial donation from Robert’s estate. This donation was recognized last Tuesday with the unveiling of a plaque that will hang in the centre. Robert’s sister Grace Surkan attended the unveiling and was pleased to see her brother’s generosity recognized.

Robert passed away Nov. 23, 2018 at the age of 76. Born in Davidson on Dec. 4, 1941, Robert lived in the community his entire life. He farmed in the Cherry Grove district west of Davidson, the third generation of Stephensons to farm the land. It was a mixed farm with grain and livestock.

He retired from farming in 2008 and moved into Davidson.

Robert’s was a constant presence in the community. He would attend community events, public meetings, suppers and socials and was a regular at the rink where he enjoyed watching hockey and curling games.

Seniors’ Club member Mary Ann Chomyshen said she’s known Robert for as long as she can remember.

“He was our neighbour when I lived on the farm and we are even distantly related,” Chomyshen said during the unveiling. “He was always a friendly and good neighbour.”

She said when Robert and his mother moved to town, Robert would drop by the Senior Centre for coffee occasionally during Senior’s Bridge and he always supported the Alzheimer Society’s Coffee Break fundraiser, also held at the centre.

“Robert must have realized that our members are reaching a point where it is difficult for us to fundraise, as most of us are in our eighties and nineties,” Chomyshen said of the generous donation that will help them keep the club running.

She said the plaque would serve as a reminder of Robert’s generosity, ensuring he won’t be forgotten.