Category Archives: Davidson


As of April 7, 2020, Saskatchewan has seven new, confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the provincial total to 260. One hundred and sixty-nine of the cases are considered active.

Seven more people have recovered, bringing the provincial total to 88. Currently, there are seven people hospitalized in the province from COVID-19. Five people are receiving inpatient care – four in Saskatoon and one in Regina – while there is also one person in the intensive care unit in Saskatoon and one in Regina.

Of the 260 cases in the province:
• 115 cases are travellers;
• 80 are community contacts (mass gatherings included);
• 13 have no known exposures; and
• 52 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan:
• 131 of the cases are from the Saskatoon area, 52 from the Regina area, 48 from the north, 15 from the south, 10 from the central region and four from the far north.
• 13 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
• 112 cases are in the 20-44 age range; 92 are in the 45-64 age range; and 43 are in the 65-plus range.
• 53 per cent of the cases are males and 47 per cent are females.
• Three deaths related to COVID-19 reported to date.

To date, 14,722 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. Saskatchewan continues to have the second highest rate of testing per capita among the provinces.

Case surveillance and testing information, including regional locations of confirmed/presumptive cases is available at

Public inquiries may be directed to

Host a Virtual Easter Gathering:
With the holiday long weekend approaching, be prepared to celebrate Easter in a different way this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of inviting family and friends over for dinner, host a virtual gathering using digital technology.

Here are some other things to keep in mind:
• Restrict in-person Easter gatherings to only people living in the same home.
• Beat the pre-holiday rush and purchase your Easter dinner groceries ahead of time. Remember, only one person from a household should go shopping. Make a list so you can quickly purchase your goods.
• Always practice preventative measures – frequent hand washing and physical distancing.


As of April 6, 2020, Saskatchewan has four new, confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the provincial total to 253.  One hundred and sixty-nine of the cases are considered active. These are confirmed cases, minus those reported as recovered and deaths.  The active case count may be overestimated based on recovery information reported to date.Currently, there are four people in hospital in the province.  Two people are receiving inpatient care in Saskatoon, while two people are currently in intensive care – one in Regina and one in Saskatoon. Fourteen more people have recovered from COVID-19 in Saskatchewan, bringing the provincial total to 81.

Of the 253 cases in the province:

  • 112 cases are travellers;
  • 77 are community contacts (mass gatherings included);
  • 14 have no known exposures; and
  • 50 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan:

  • 127 of the cases are from the Saskatoon area, 51 from the Regina area, 47 from the north, 15 from the south, 10 from the central region and three from the far north.
  • 11 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 110 cases are in the 20-44 age range; 89 are in the 45-64 age range; and 43 are in the 65-plus range.
  • 53 per cent of the cases are males and 47 per cent are females.
  • Three deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

To date, 14,178 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province.

Saskatchewan continues to have the second highest rate of testing per capita among the provinces.  Case surveillance and testing information, including regional locations of confirmed/presumptive cases is available at

Public inquiries may be directed to

Prevent Transmission in Essential Workplaces:

While all residents should stay home if they can, there are many essential workplaces throughout the province, including healthcare and industrial settings, grocery stores and supported and group living homes. There continues to be a risk of local transmission in these essential workplaces and all employers and employees are reminded to practice prevention methods at all times – on the job site, in the breakroom or when working outdoors.

  • Actively monitor for symptoms.  At the first sign of cough, immediately self-isolate for 14 days.
  • Practice physical distancing in the workplace, including those workplaces that are outdoors.  Maintain a two-metre separation between individuals.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Cough/sneeze into your elbow or tissue and wash your hands immediately.

Workplaces must ensure their occupational health and safety guidelines are up to date and being enforced to prevent the transmission of respiratory illnesses.


As of April 5, 2020, Saskatchewan has 18 new, confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the provincial total to 249. Currently, there are four people in hospital in the province.  Two people are receiving inpatient care in Saskatoon, one person is in ICU in Saskatoon and one person is in ICU in Regina. Twelve more people have recovered from COVID-19 in Saskatchewan, bringing the provincial total to 67. Of the 249 cases in the province:

  • 109 cases are travelers
  • 71 are community contacts (mass gatherings included)
  • 14 have no known exposures
  • 55 are under investigation by local public health

Overall in Saskatchewan:

  • 123 of the cases are from the Saskatoon area, 51 from the Regina area, 47 from the north, 15 from the south, 10 from the central region and three from the far north.
  • 11 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 108 cases are in the 20-44 age range; 88 are in the 45-64 age range; and 42 are in the 65-plus range.
  • 54 per cent of the cases are males and 46 per cent are females
  • To date, 13,528 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province.

Saskatchewan continues to have the second highest rate of testing per capita among the provinces. 

Case surveillance and testing information, including regional locations of confirmed/presumptive cases is available at

Public inquiries may be directed to

 COVID-19 and pets

There is no evidence to date that domestic livestock and pets can be infected with or transmit COVID-19 but infection and transmission by animals has also not been ruled out.  Therefore, anyone who has COVID-19 should avoid contact with animals, just as they should with people, until more information is available.  If there is already an animal in the household, that animal should remain in isolation along with the patient.

 For more on COVID-19 and animals visit

And the winner is!

Meet the new owner of The Davidson Leader. Dan Senick is the winner of the “Win Your Own Publication contest”. He is pictured with Tara de Ryk, who will retire in the new year.

DAVIDSON—Tara de Ryk is pleased to announce that Dan Senick will become the Publisher and Editor of The Davidson Leader.

He is the winner of the “Win Your Own Publication” contest.

Having decided to retire from the newspaper business, de Ryk launched the contest in order to find someone to carry on The Davidson Leader, a community newspaper that has served Davidson, Craik, Bladworth, Kenaston, Hanley and surrounding areas since 1904.

The contest proved to be successful in not only finding a new publisher for The Davidson Leader, but also in sparking interest in local news and a discussion on the importance of local newspapers to the communities and people they serve.

“I received more than a dozen entries and I interviewed several whom I thought were good candidates,” de Ryk said.

“I picked Dan because of his experience in the community newspaper industry and the fact he is bringing with him a team of seasoned newspaper people who have the skill set needed to maintain and improve The Davidson Leader.”

About Dan and his team

Dan started a local community newspaper yourSaskatoonnews in Saskatoon after previously being the general manager of the Saskatoon Express community newspaper. Before that he was director of sales for a group of newspapers including the Prince Albert Daily Herald and other weeklies.

Also joining The Leader team is Cam Hutchinson, who will provide support with editorial content. Cam was most recently the editor of the Saskatoon Express for eight years. Before helping start the Express, he had a lengthy career in writing and helping manage the Saskatoon Star Phoenix.

Darren Steinke will provide local reporting. He is currently a freelance/writer photographer and has a blog called Stank’s Sermon He was previously a reporter for the Medicine Hat News and Prince Albert Daily Herald.

Sales will be handled by Carol Trap and Aaron Shutra. Carol has worked in sales at the Saskatoon Express and the AutoTrader. Carol’s passion for community newspapers started while working at the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association. Aaron worked in sales at the Saskatoon Express for over five years.

“We are very excited to become part of the Davidson and area community and continue the tradition of people reading The Davidson Leader for many more years to come,” Dan said. “We are all community newspaper people, priding ourselves in providing local community news.”

De Ryk agrees, “I picked these people because they are passionate about newspapers and believe in print. Us newspaper people are a strange bunch. We work long hours to meet constant deadlines and then repeat it all over again the next week. It’s exhausting and stressful but very rewarding too to create something that people depend on and look forward to reading each week. Unless you bleed ink, the average person doesn’t get it. Dan and his team do.”

De Ryk adds, “I believe Dan and his team have the sales and marketing skills that will ensure the success of The Davidson Leader for years to come. They have the editorial skills to maintain the community news and improve it. They’ll be able to do more than I ever could.”

There will be familiar faces at The Leader too. Dianne Murfitt will continue to work at The Leader office, handling accounts receivable and providing the same exceptional customer service.

Holly LePoudre is taking over Midway Flowers and will operate it out of The Leader building.

“I’m happy that Dianne and Holly will continue to be part of these two community institutions,” de Ryk said.

Reader favourites will remain

The Davidson Leader won’t change much under new ownership.

Reader favourites including The Way it Is by Flo Shaw, Yesteryears News and the town news will remain an important part of The Leader each week.

Dan will continue publishing The Leader on Mondays. He’s also going to retain The Leader’s commercial printing business, which should reassure commercial print clients that they may continue to shop local when it comes to their printing needs. To ensure a successful transition de Ryk said her wish is that readers, advertisers and the community as a whole continues to offer Dan the same support they have shown her all these years. The first edition of The Davidson Leader under Dan will be published Jan. 13, 2020.

Win Your Own Publication!

Tara de Ryk, publisher for The Davidson Leader, invites budding journalists and entrepreneurs to enter the Win Your Own Publication contest.

Have you ever thought of owning your own newspaper?

The Davidson Leader has been providing the voice of Davidson, Saskatchewan for 116 years. The current owner is retiring from the community newspaper industry for personal reasons and wants to make sure that the tradition of the newspaper and the support of the community continues.

Rather than selling, the owners have decided to give something back to the community. So, The Davidson Leader has decided to hold a contest to find a new owner that is passionate about carrying on the tradition of a great community newspaper. The prize? The winner will become the new owner and publisher of The Davidson Leader, a 1200+ paid circulation newspaper situated south of Saskatoon on the number 11 highway.

What’s the catch?

No catch. The winner of the contest will win the newspaper for the total cost of $1. Turn-key, ready to start and continue from January 1, 2020. 

How to enter:

Write a short editorial (500-word max.) on why you would be the perfect fit to take over this well-established newspaper business.

One entry per entrant. All entries must be submitted by email by December 13, 2019.

Send entries to: Please use “Contest” in the subject line.