Category Archives: Davidson

COVID-19 Update: One Additional Death, 132 New Cases, 76 in Hospital, 86 Recoveries

One resident in their 60s from the North East zone who tested positive for COVID-19 has died. This brings the total number of deaths in the province to 32.

There are 132 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 18, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 5,553 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (1), Far North Central (8), Far North East (6), North West (6), North Central (10), North East (4), Saskatoon (56), Central West (1), Regina (18), South West (2), South Central (4) and South East (8) zones and eight (8) new cases have pending residence information.

One case with pending residence information was deemed to be an out of province resident and removed from the total case count. 

Of the 5,553 reported cases, 2,099 are considered active.  A total of 3,422 people have recovered.

Seventy-six people are in hospital.  Fifty-nine people are receiving inpatient care; four in the North West, six in North Central, two in the North East, 30 in Saskatoon, six in Regina, four in the South West, one in South Central and six in the South East zone.  Seventeen people are in intensive care: three in North Central, seven in Saskatoon, two in Central East, one in South West and four in Regina.

Of the 5,553 cases in the province:

  • 419 cases are travelers;
  • 2,419 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,138 have no known exposures; and
  • 1,577 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 156 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 1,165 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 2,026 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,515 are in the 40-59 age range; 685 are in the 60-79 age range; and 157 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 32 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 5,553 confirmed cases:

  • 1,618 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,167 cases are from the north area (386 north west, 544 north central, 237 north east)
  • 808 cases are from the Regina area
  • 730 cases are from the south area (279 south west, 299 south central, 152 south east)
  • 693 cases are from the far north area (505 far north west, 49 far north central, 139 far north east)
  • 496 cases are from the central area (224 central west, 272 central east)
  • 41 cases have pending residence information

To date, 305,260 COVID-19 tests have been processed Saskatchewan.  As of November 16, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 200,748 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 278,351 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 1,619 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan.

General COVID-19 Information

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COVID-19: New Public Health Measures in Effect November 19:

The following measures are in effect as of 12:01am Thursday, November 19, 2020.  They, and all other public health measures, will be in effect until December 17 and then subject to review by the provincial Chief Medical Health Officer.

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994–new-public-health-measures-in-effect-november-19

COVID-19 Update: 240 New Cases, 71 in Hospital, 113 Recoveries

There are 240 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 17, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 5,422 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (5), Far North Central (5), Far North East (6), North West (16), North Central (12), North East (2), Saskatoon (97), Central West (11), Central East (3), Regina (27), South West (4), South Central (23) and South East (16) zones and 13 new cases have pending residence information.

Four cases with pending residence information were assigned to North Central (3) and South Central (1) zones.

Of the 5,422 reported cases, 2,055 are considered active.  A total of 3,336 people have recovered.

Seventy-one people are in hospital.  Fifty-six people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, three in the North West, six in North Central, two in the North East, 30 in Saskatoon, three in Regina, four in the South West, one in South Central and six in the South East zone.  Fifteen people are in intensive care: two in North Central, seven in Saskatoon, two in Central East and four in Regina.

Of the 5,422 cases in the province:

  • 417 cases are travelers;
  • 2,351 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,105 have no known exposures; and
  • 1,549 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 152 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 1,139 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 1,987 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,480 are in the 40-59 age range; 660 are in the 60-79 age range; and 151 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 31 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 5,422 confirmed cases:

  • 1,562 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,147 cases are from the north area (380 north west, 534 north central, 233 north east)
  • 790 cases are from the Regina area
  • 716 cases are from the south area (277 south west, 295 south central, 144 south east)
  • 678 cases are from the far north area (504 far north west, 41 far north central, 133 far north east)
  • 495 cases are from the central area (223 central west, 272 central east)
  • 34 cases have pending residence information

To date, 303,641 COVID-19 tests have been processed Saskatchewan.  As of November 15, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 199,196 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 276,748 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 2,803 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan.

General COVID-19 Information

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COVID-19 Update: 181 New Cases, 68 in Hospital, 60 Recoveries

There are once again 181 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 16, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 5,182 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (11), Far North Central (5), Far North East (16), North West (13), North Central (18), North East (11), Saskatoon (41), Central East (5), Regina (32), South West (17), South Central (2) and South East (5) zones and five (5) new cases have pending residence information.

Four cases with pending residence information were assigned to North Central (3) and North East (1) zones.

Of the 5,182 reported cases, 1,928 are considered active.  A total of 3,223 people have recovered.

Sixty-eight people are in hospital.  Fifty-two people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, three in the North West, six in North Central, five in the North East, 27 in Saskatoon, one in Regina, two in the South West, one in South Central and six in the South East zone.  Sixteen people are in intensive care: two in North Central, seven in Saskatoon, two in Central East and five in Regina.

Of the 5,182 cases in the province:

  • 412 cases are travelers;
  • 2,287 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,074 have no known exposures; and
  • 1,409 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 148 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 1,081 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 1,894 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,424 are in the 40-59 age range; 643 are in the 60-79 age range; and 134 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for six cases.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 31 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 5,182 confirmed cases:

  • 1,465 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,114 cases are from the north area (364 north west, 519 north central, 231 north east)
  • 763 cases are from the Regina area
  • 672 cases are from the south area (273 south west, 271 south central, 128 south east)
  • 662 cases are from the far north area (499 far north west, 36 far north central, 127 far north east)
  • 481 cases are from the central area (212 central west, 269 central east)
  • 25 cases have pending residence information

To date, 300,838 COVID-19 tests have been processed Saskatchewan.  As of November 14, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 197,545 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 275,292 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 3,134 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan.

Public Health Measures in Effect November 16

For more information on the additional public health measures that take effect today or to see the Public Health Order, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update: Two Additional Deaths, 181 New Cases, 62 in Hospital, 63 Recoveries

Two residents from the North Central zone who tested positive for COVID-19 have died. One individual was in their 20s and one was in the 80+ age group.  This brings the total number of deaths in the province to 31.

There are 181 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 15, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 5,001 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (9), Far North East (7), North West (16), North Central (9), North East (6), Saskatoon (64), Central West (2), Central East (1), Regina (28), South West (1), South Central (10) and South East (18) zones and 10 new cases have pending residence information.

Six cases with pending residence information were assigned to North Central (3) and North West (3) zones.

Of the 5,001 reported cases, 1,807 are considered active.  A total of 3,163 people have recovered.

Sixty-two people are in hospital.  Forty-six people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, one in the Far North East, three in the North West, four in North Central, three in the North East, 25 in Saskatoon, two in Regina, two in the South West, one in South Central and four in the South East zone.  Sixteen people are in intensive care; one in the North West, three in North Central, seven in Saskatoon, two in Central East and three in Regina.

Of the 5,001 cases in the province:

  • 409 cases are travelers;
  • 2,225 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,063 have no known exposures; and
  • 1,304 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 141 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 1,036 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 1,842 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,381 are in the 40-59 age range; 616 are in the 60-79 age range; and 126 are in the 80-plus range.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 31 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 5,001 confirmed cases:

  • 1,424 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,068 cases are from the north area (351 north west, 498 north central, 219 north east)
  • 731 cases are from the Regina area
  • 648 cases are from the south area (256 south west, 269 south central, 123 south east)
  • 630 cases are from the far north area (488 far north west, 31 far north central, 111 far north east)
  • 476 cases are from the central area (212 central west, 264 central east)
  • 24 cases have pending residence information

To date, 297,704 COVID-19 tests have been processed Saskatchewan.  As of November 13, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 195,892 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 273,835 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 2,967 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan.

Additional Public Health Measures

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health and Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab are implementing additional public health measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 that will take effect Monday, November 16.  For more information, visit

General COVID-19 Information

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COVID-19 Update: 308 New Cases, 57 in Hospital, 43 Recoveries

There are 308 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 14, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 4,820 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (26), Far North Central (8), Far North East (16), North West (23), North Central (30), North East (30), Saskatoon (123), Central West (7), Central East (7), Regina (20), South West (2), South Central (3) and South East (3) zones and 10 new cases have pending residence information.

Of the 4,820 reported cases, 1,691 are considered active.  A total of 3,100 people have recovered.

Today’s high number of reported cases is due in part to the snowstorm early in the week, which resulted in fewer people going for testing, and some delays in getting samples from remote locations to the provincial labs.  Although we expect to see higher and lower case numbers daily which will average out, there is an upward trend in positive case numbers.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) laboratories process large batches of COVID-19 tests.  These large batches may be reported throughout the day, immediately before, or after the cut off time that is used when issuing public reporting numbers.  When multiple large batches are reported immediately after the public reporting cut off time, it makes the day to day testing volumes and case numbers appear variable.

Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab is reminding residents of Saskatchewan to get back to the basics.

“Today’s record high case numbers are a reminder that the spread of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan is higher now than it has even been throughout Saskatchewan including urban, rural, Northern and First Nations areas and that we all need to redouble our efforts to protect ourselves and others,” Shahab said.   “Wear a mask, limit your number of personal contacts, limit your number of visitors from outside your household, don’t leave home if you are feeling sick, and make sure you’re always physically distancing and washing your hands often.   We all need to do our part to limit the spread.”

Fifty-seven people are in hospital.  Forty-one people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, one in the Far North East, four in the North West, four in North Central, four in the North East, 22 in Saskatoon, one in Regina, one in the South West and 3 in South East zone.  Sixteen people are in intensive care; one in the North West, three in North Central, eight in Saskatoon, two in Central East and two in Regina.

Of the 4,820 cases in the province:

  • 405 cases are travelers;
  • 2,152 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,043 have no known exposures; and
  • 1,220 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 140 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 1,002 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 1,763 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,343 are in the 40-59 age range; 591 are in the 60-79 age range; and 121 are in the 80-plus range.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 29 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 4,820 confirmed cases:

  • 1,360 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,031 cases are from the north area (332 north west, 486 north central, 213 north east)
  • 703 cases are from the Regina area
  • 619 cases are from the south area (255 south west, 259 south central, 105 south east)
  • 614 cases are from the far north area (479 far north west, 31 far north central, 104 far north east)
  • 473 cases are from the central area (210 central west, 263 central east)
  • 20 cases have pending residence information

To date, 294,737 COVID-19 tests have been processed Saskatchewan.  As of November 12, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 193,920 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 272,114 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 3,665 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan, the highest test count in the 24 hour reporting period to date.

Additional Public Health Measures

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health and Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab are implementing additional public health measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 that will take effect Monday, November 16.  For more information, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update: 81 New Cases, 53 in Hospital, 108 Recoveries

There are 81 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 13, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 4,513 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (1), Far North Central (6), Far North East (3), North West (7), North Central (10), North East (11), Saskatoon (5), Central East (4), Regina (16), South West (6), South Central (8) and South East (4) zones.

Of the 4,513 reported cases, 1,427 are considered active.  A total of 3,057 people have recovered.

Fifty-three people are in hospital.  Thirty-eight people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, one in the North West, five in North Central, five in the North East, 20 in Saskatoon, two in Regina, one in the South West and three in the South East zone.  Fifteen people are in intensive care; one in the North West, three in North Central, eight in Saskatoon, two in Central East and one in Regina.

Of the 4,513 cases in the province:

  • 401 cases are travelers;
  • 2,071 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,018 have no known exposures; and
  • 1,023 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 134 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 915 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 1,666 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,260 are in the 40-59 age range; 557 are in the 60-79 age range; and 115 are in the 80-plus range.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 29 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 4,513 confirmed cases:

  • 1,237 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 948 cases are from the north area (309 north west, 456 north central, 183 north east)
  • 683 cases are from the Regina area
  • 611 cases are from the south area (253 south west, 256 south central, 102 south east) 564 cases are from the far north area (453 far north west, 23 far north central, 88 far north east)
  • 459 cases are from the central area (203 central west, 256 central east)
  • 11 cases have pending residence information

To date, 291,072 COVID-19 tests have been processed Saskatchewan.  As of November 11, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 193,007 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 270,258 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 1,706 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan.

Additional Public Health Measures

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health and Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab are implementing additional public health measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 that will take effect Monday, November 16.  For more information, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to