Category Archives: Davidson

COVID-19 Update: 351 New Cases, 115 in Hospital, 68 Recoveries

There are 351 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 29, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 8,239 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (10), Far North Central (1), Far North East (8), North West (28), North Central (10), North East (12), Saskatoon (94), Central West (2), Central East (15), Regina (120), South West (19), South Central (10) and South East (18) zones and four (4) new cases have pending residence information.

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 250 (20.6 new cases per 100,000 population).

Of the 8,239 reported cases, 3,605 are considered active.  A total of 4,589 people have recovered. 

One-hundred and fifteen people are in hospital. Ninety-two people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, eight in the North West, eight in the North Central, two in the North East, 32 in the Saskatoon, one in the Central East, 21 in the Regina, one in the South Central and 18 in the South East zone.  Twenty-three people are in intensive care: one in the North West, two in the North Central, 13 in the Saskatoon, six in the Regina and one in the South West zone.

Of the 8,239 cases in the province:

  • 470 cases are travelers;
  • 3,562 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,768 have no known exposures; and
  • 2,439 are under investigation by local public health. 

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 252 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances. 
  • 1,710 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults. 
  • 2,934 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 2,201 are in the 40-59 age range; 1,087 are in the 60-79 age range; and 302 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases. 
  • 50 per cent of the cases are females and 50 per cent are males. 
  • 45 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date. 

Of 8,239 confirmed cases: 

  • 2,478 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,681 cases are from the north area (599 north west, 785 north central, 297 north east)
  • 1,466 cases are from the Regina area
  • 1,079 cases are from the south area (407 south west, 399 south central, 273 south east)
  • 889 cases are from the far north area (591 far north west, 80 far north central, 218 far north east)
  • 616 cases are from the central area (271 central west, 345 central east)
  • 30 cases have pending residence information

To date, 341,236 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of November 27, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 218,118 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 301,813 people tested per million population. 

Yesterday, 3,826 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan. 

Public Health Measures 

Community transmission can happen quickly and impact multiple settings.  

  • All individuals who have been in attendance at the Richardson Pioneer Recreation Centre in Shellbrook (Nov 9-26) or the Lakeland Curling Club in Christopher Lake (Nov 16-22) are being identified as close contacts of positive COVID-19 cases.  You are required to isolate by public health order for 14 days from your last attendance.  COVID-19 testing is strongly recommended and can be arranged by calling HealthLine 811. 
  • Another recent outbreak at a curling bonspiel resulted in positive cases on teams from several cities and towns across the province.
  • A recent outbreak on a teenage hockey team resulted in nine players and one coach testing positive.  Multiple teams are currently self-isolating as a result. 
  • Positive cases among attendees at a recent funeral has led to the potential exposure of more than 200 people. 
  • Recently, 17 nurses working in one hospital were required to self-isolate after being identified as close contacts to positive cases linked to sporting events and community transmission.

The extensive amount of investigation and contact tracing as a result of these events and others causes delayed notification of possible exposure resulting in further transmission. 

With significant outbreaks continuing to occur among larger gatherings and sporting events, the public is urged to follow the public health orders in place and are reminded these orders are enforceable.   

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

Clarification on Public Health Measures in Movie Theatres

The current Public Health Order has been amended to clarify that patrons of movie theatres can consume food and beverages during the movie, so long as:

  • they are seated; and
  • maintaining the proper minimum physical distancing of two metres from others, with the exception of household contacts.

The full list of Re-Open Saskatchewan COVID-19 guidelines for theatres can be found here:

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to COVID19@health. gov. sk. ca.

COVID-19 Update: One Death, 197 New Cases, 106 in Hospital, 137 Recoveries

One resident in the 80+ age group who tested positive for COVID-19 has died.  The person was from the North West zone.

There are 197 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 28, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 7,888 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (6), Far North East (4), North West (5), North Central (17), North East (5), Saskatoon (56), Central West (1), Central East (5), Regina (73), South West (16), South Central (5) and South East (2) zones and two (2) new cases have pending residence information

Five cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the North Central (4) and North West (1) zones. 

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 234 (19.3 new cases per 100,000 population). 

Of the 7,888 reported cases, 3,322 are considered active.  A total of 4,521 people have recovered. 

One-hundred and six people are in hospital. Eighty-eight people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, nine in the North West, seven in North Central, one in North East, 30 in Saskatoon, one in Central East, 18 in Regina, one in South West, one in South Central and 19 in the South East zone.  Eighteen people are in intensive care: one in North Central, 11 in Saskatoon, one in South West and five in Regina. 

Of the 7,888 cases in the province:

  • 466 cases are travelers;
  • 3,502 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,713 have no known exposures; and
  • 2,207 are under investigation by local public health. 

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 244 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances. 
  • 1,651 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults. 
  • 2,803 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 2,086 are in the 40-59 age range; 1,054 are in the 60-79 age range; and 289 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases. 
  • 50 per cent of the cases are females and 50 per cent are males. 
  • 45 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date. 

Of 7,888 confirmed cases: 

  • 2,384 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,631 cases are from the north area (571 north west, 775 north central, 285 north east)
  • 1,346 cases are from the Regina area
  • 1,032 cases are from the south area (388 south west, 389 south central, 255 south east)
  • 870 cases are from the far north area (581 far north west, 79 far north central, 210 far north east)
  • 599 cases are from the central area (269 central west, 330 central east)
  • 26 cases have pending residence information

To date, 337,410 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of November 26, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 216,534 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 299,608 people tested per million population. 

Yesterday, 3,359 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan. 

Public Health Measures 

Community transmission can happen quickly and impact multiple settings.  

  • A recent outbreak on a teenage hockey team resulted in nine players and one coach testing positive.  Multiple teams are currently self-isolating as a result. 
  • A recent outbreak at a curling bonspiel resulted in positive cases on teams from several cities and towns across the province. 
  • Positive cases among attendees at a recent funeral has led to the potential exposure of more than 200 people. 
  • Recently, 17 nurses working in one hospital were required to self-isolate after being identified as close contacts to positive cases linked to sporting events and community transmission.

The extensive amount of investigation and contact tracing as a result of these events causes delayed notification of possible exposure resulting in further transmission. 

With significant outbreaks continuing to occur among larger gatherings and sporting events, the public is urged to follow the public health orders in place and are reminded these orders are enforceable.   

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to COVID19@health. gov. sk. ca

COVID-19 Update: Four Deaths, 329 New Cases, 111 in Hospital, 208 Recoveries

Four residents who tested positive for COVID-19 have died.  Three of the deceased were residents from the North Central, Regina and South East zones and in the 80+ age group and one resident was from South Central in the 70-79 age group. 

There are 329 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 27, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 7,691 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (8), Far North East (4), North West (23), North Central (21), North East (1), Saskatoon (158), Central West (6), Central East (11), Regina (61), South West (16), South Central (1) and South East (14) zones and five (5) new cases have pending residence information. 

Four cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the North Central zone.

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 268 (22.1 new cases per 100,000 population).

Of the 7,691 reported cases, 3,263 are considered active.  A total of 4,384 people have recovered. 

One-hundred and eleven people are in hospital.  Ninety-five people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, eight in the North West, 12 in North Central, one in North East, 32 in Saskatoon, two in Central East, 16 in Regina, two in South West, one in South Central and 20 in the South East zone.  Sixteen people are in intensive care: one in North West, 11 in Saskatoon, one in South West and three in Regina.

Of the 7,691 cases in the province:

  • 466 cases are travelers;
  • 3,419 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,569 have no known exposures; and
  • 2,237 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 241 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 1,611 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 2,740 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 2,045 are in the 40-59 age range; 1,020 are in the 60-79 age range; and 270 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 44 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 7,691 confirmed cases: 

  • 2,328 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,599 cases are from the north area (565 north west, 754 north central, 280 north east)
  • 1,273 cases are from the Regina area
  • 1,009 cases are from the south area (372 south west, 384 south central, 253 south east)
  • 860 cases are from the far north area (575 far north west, 79 far north central, 206 far north east)
  • 593 cases are from the central area (268 central west, 325 central east)
  • 29 cases have pending residence information

To date, 334,051 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of November 25, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 214,607 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 297,154 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 3,687 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan. 

New Pilot Projects on Rapid Point of Care Testing Added

New rapid point of care testing units (Abbott ID Now) with results in 15 minutes are being rolled out in a pilot program for hospitals in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Moose Jaw, and mobile testing locations to quickly determine status of an asymptomatic individual.  This testing option will assist with hospital admissions, and discharges to a long-term-care facility. 

A rapid antigen test (Abbot Panbio) pilot project is also being rolled out to participating long-term care (LTC), personal care homes (PCH) and congregate living settings.  Results are available in 15 minutes and used for rapid recurrent asymptomatic screening of staff and residents.  

All rapid positive tests will be presumed positive and will need to be confirmed by a laboratory test for now.

Public Health Measures in Effect November 27

For more information on the additional public health measures that take effect today or to see the Public Health Order, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update: Three Deaths, 299 New Cases, 108 in Hospital, 178 Recoveries

Three residents who tested positive for COVID-19 have died.  One in Saskatoon in the 70-79 age group, and two in the 80+ age group in the North West. 

There are 299 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 26, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 7,362 cases.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (11), Far North Central (4), Far North East (16), North West (17), North Central (34), North East (3), Saskatoon (125), Central West (4), Central East (6), Regina (44), South West (7), South Central (12) and South East (8) zones and eight (8) new cases have pending residence information.

Of the cases announced today, 72 are from the Saskatoon Correctional Centre—68 of these are offenders, and four are staff.  To date, there are a total of 85 active cases among offenders and staff at Saskatoon Correctional Centre
Corrections officials are working with public health on measures to reduce the spread within the facility and the correctional system.  This will include ongoing testing of offenders and staff at the Saskatoon Correctional Centre.
Additionally, all new admissions to provincial correctional centres will be tested for COVID-19 starting early next week.  New admissions will continue to be quarantined for 14 days.
Corrections is also instituting mandatory continuous masking for offenders across all provincial correctional facilities.  Employees at correctional centres have been continuously masking since the summer. 
As of today, there will be no new admissions to Saskatoon Correctional Centre.  Remanded and sentenced offenders are being redirected to Regina and Prince Albert Correctional Centres.

Ten cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the following zones: Regina (3), North West (3), and North Central (4).  Eighteen Saskatchewan residents tested out-of-province were added to the total counts in the following zones: North West (10), Far North West (2), North Central (1), Regina (1), Saskatoon (4). 

One case with pending residence information and one case assigned to Saskatoon were deemed to be out-of-province residents and removed from the total counts. 

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 243 (20.1 new cases per 100,000 population).

Of the 7,362 reported cases, 3,146 are considered active.  A total of 4,176 people have recovered. 

One-hundred and eight people are in hospital. Ninety people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, eight in the North West, eight in North Central, one in North East, 34 in Saskatoon, two in Central East, 16 in Regina, one in South West, and 19 in the South East zone.  Eighteen people are in intensive care: one in North West, one in North Central, 10 in Saskatoon, two in South West and four in Regina.

Of the 7,362 cases in the province:

  • 463 cases are travelers;
  • 3,299 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,496 have no known exposures; and
  • 2,104 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 225 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 1,552 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 2,603 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,962 are in the 40-59 age range; 980 are in the 60-79 age range; and 260 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 40 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 7,362 confirmed cases: 

  • 2,170 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,550 cases are from the north area (542 north west, 729 north central, 279 north east)
  • 1,212 cases are from the Regina area
  • 978 cases are from the south area (356 south west, 383 south central, 239 south east)
  • 848 cases are from the far north area (567 far north west, 79 far north central, 202 far north east)
  • 576 cases are from the central area (262 central west, 314 central east)
  • 28 cases have pending residence information

To date, 330,364 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of November 24, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 212,857 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 295,051 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 3,493 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan. 

Weekly Reporting of Testing Numbers and Cases for Youth

Monitoring the trends of COVID-19 cases in school-aged children, the weekly report of cases and testing numbers for children aged 0-19 with data by age categories and testing positivity rates has been posted for the two-week period November 10-24, 2020 at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update: New Measures in Effect November 27

COVID-19 transmission rates in Saskatchewan continue to increase, resulting in serious illness and deaths, placing provincial health care resources under increasing strain.  Additional public health measures are being introduced based on the transmission patterns observed in Saskatchewan, providing further guidance to help reduce COVID-19 case numbers over the coming weeks.

These additional health measures come into effect at 12:01 am, Friday November 27 and, along with current health measures, remain in effect until December 17, 2020.  At that time they will be reviewed by the provincial Chief Medical Health Officer.

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994. 

Restaurants and Licensed Establishments

All restaurants and licensed establishments (bars, taverns, nightclubs) are limited to seat four at a single table.  If there are impermeable barriers between the tables, tables must be placed two metres apart.  If there are no impermeable barriers between tables, there must be a three metre distance between all tables.

Restaurants and licensed establishments must maintain guest/reservation information on all patrons.

The curfew on liquor service remains in effect.

Performance and Gaming Venues

Capacity will be restricted to 30 people at all casinos, bingo halls, arenas, live theatres, movie theatres, performing arts venues and any other facilities that are currently supporting a capacity of 150 people. 

  • Where any of these facilities offer food or beverage service, they must keep the activity separate (i.e. cordoned off) from the food and beverage service.  No food or drink may be in the activity area. 

Indoor Public Event Gatherings

Indoor public banquets, conferences, wedding and funeral receptions in public venues will be limited to 30 people.  Food or beverages may not be present or served. 

Note that the maximum allowable gathering size for private gatherings in the home setting remains at five. This includes in the home or in buildings located on the private property (e.g. garages, sheds).  If your immediate family is five or greater, you cannot have additional visitors.  Individuals, recurring caregivers, support personnel (i.e. therapists, nursing staff) and tradespersons (i.e. housekeeper, plumber) are permitted, though they should maintain two metre distancing and be masked during service provision.

Gatherings of any size beyond your immediate household are strongly discouraged at this time. 

Sports, Fitness and Dance

  • All team/group sports, activities, games, competitions, recitals, practices, etc. are suspended, including amateur and recreational leagues for all age groups.  Examples include hockey, curling, racquet sports, cheerleading, dance practices in group setting, etc.  
  • Athletes and dancers 18 years of age and under may continue practicing, conditioning and skills training in groups of eight or fewer, abiding by the required mask use and at least three metres of physical distancing between participants at all times.  
  • Individual groups of eight may not share a training/rehearsal surface or space at the same time.
  • Coaches /trainers are not included in the training group numbers as long as they are masked and maintain a minimum physical distance of three metres.

Fitness activities and group fitness classes in groups of eight or fewer continue to be permitted, for all ages.  Mask use and at least three metres of physical distancing between participants must be maintained.

Places of Worship

All places of worship must reduce capacity to 30 people, including wedding, funeral and baptismal services.  No food or drink may be present or served. 

Mandatory Masking Expanded

Mandatory, non-medical mask use will be required during all indoor fitness activities, with aquatic activities the only exception.

Mandatory, non-medical masking will be extended to:

  • All students, employees and visitors in all schools and day cares (except while consuming food or beverage or engaging in aquatic fitness activities).  Children ages 0-2 years are exempt from wearing masks.  Children ages 3-12 should wear a mask if they are able to;
  • All employees and visitors in all common areas in businesses and workplaces, even in those areas which the public does not have access (e.g. construction sites, manufacturing facilities); and 
  • All residents, employees and visitors in all common areas in provincial and municipal correctional facilities.

Note that masking continues to be required in indoor public areas that have installed barriers.  

Information on mask use is available at

Malls and Retail 

Retail businesses must enhance the expectation of mask use and mitigation measures (reduced traffic, directional flow signage, hand sanitizer, etc.) through signage and staff training. 

  • Large retail locations are required to limit customer access to 50 per cent capacity or four square metres of space per person, whichever is less.  Large retail locations are defined as retailers with a square footage larger than 20,000 square feet, and 50 per cent capacity is determined by half of the specified fire-code capacity. 
  • Mandatory masking posters to assist businesses and organizations to inform their customers are available at

Note that each sector has guidance under the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan at

It is expected that these measures will be applied in addition to that guidance.  In the event that there is any disparity between the Re-Open Saskatchewan guidance and the public health order, the public health order must be followed. 

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update: 164 New Cases, 111 in Hospital, 79 Recoveries

There are 164 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on November 25, 2020, bringing the provincial total to date to 7,047 cases.

The seven-day average of daily cases is 214 (17.7 new cases per 100,000 population).

The new cases are located in the Far North West (7), Far North Central (3), Far North East (8), North West (1), North Central (10), North East (5), Saskatoon (37), Central East (3), Regina (69), South West (9), South Central (1) and South East (9) zones and two (2) new cases have pending residence information. 

One case with pending residence information was assigned to the South Central.

Of the 7,047 reported cases, 3,012 are considered active.  A total of 3,998 people have recovered. 

One-hundred and eleven people are in hospital.  Ninety-two people are receiving inpatient care; one in the Far North West, eight in the North West, nine in North Central, one in North East, 36 in Saskatoon, two in Central East, 14 in Regina, two in South West, and 19 in the South East zone.  Nineteen people are in intensive care: two in North West, 11 in Saskatoon, two in South West and four in Regina.

Of the 7,047 cases in the province:

  • 460 cases are travelers;
  • 3,195 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
  • 1,473 have no known exposures; and
  • 1,919 are under investigation by local public health.

Overall in Saskatchewan to date:

  • 216 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
  • 1,494 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
  • 2,490 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,883 are in the 40-59 age range; 929 are in the 60-79 age range; and 246 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases.
  • 51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
  • 37 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.

Of 7,047 confirmed cases: 

  • 2,042 cases are from the Saskatoon area
  • 1,478 cases are from the north area (512 north west, 690 north central, 276 north east)
  • 1,164 cases are from the Regina area
  • 951 cases are from the south area (349 south west, 371 south central, 231 south east)
  • 815 cases are from the far north area (554 far north west, 75 far north central, 186 far north east)
  • 566 cases are from the central area (258 central west, 308 central east)
  • 31 cases have pending residence information

To date, 326,871 COVID-19 tests have been processed Saskatchewan.  As of November 23, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 211,426 people tested per million population.  The national rate was 293,363 people tested per million population.

Yesterday, 2,811 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan. 

Cases in Long-Term and Personal Care Homes

Positive COVID-19 cases in long-term and personal care homes are now available at

Support Contact Tracing and Download the COVID Alert App 

Health Canada’s COVID Alert application is available to Saskatchewan residents.  This free, voluntary app provides digital alerts to let people know if they may have been exposed to COVID-19.  It does not collect personal health information or track the location of users but can ensure your contacts get the earliest possible exposure notifications, if utilized. 

COVID Alert is available for Canadians as a free download from the App Store or the Google Play Store. 

More information on using the app and how your privacy is protected at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to