Category Archives: Davidson

More than 80 Per Cent of Long-Term Care Residents Have Received First Vaccine Dose COVID-19 Update for February 22: 61,730 Vaccines Delivered, 177 New Cases, 195 Recoveries

Vaccine Delivery 

Eighty-one (81) per cent of residents in long-term care homes across Saskatchewan have now received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.  Forty-three (43) per cent have received both their first and second dose and are now fully vaccinated.

“Our health care workers are doing an excellent job of administering vaccines quickly, safely and efficiently in long-term care facilities across the province,” Health Minister Paul Merriman said.  “The only thing slowing them down is the shortage of vaccines from the federal government.

“When we get enough doses, we will be able to quickly finish vaccinating all the residents and staff in our long-term care homes.  We look forward to having our seniors in long-term care fully vaccinated as soon as possible so they are protected from the threat of COVID-19.”

There were 920 COVID-19 vaccine doses administered yesterday in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 61,730.  

The 920 doses were administered in the Saskatoon (499), North West (43), Central East (187), and South Central (191) zones.  The South Central (63) and Regina (4) zones reported an additional 67 doses administered February 20.

For a listing of first and second doses in Saskatchewan administered by geographic zone, visit

Note that we remain in Phase One of vaccine delivery, targeting residents and staff of long-term and personal-care homes, identified health care providers, residents 70 years and older and residents aged 50 and older in remote/Northern Saskatchewan.  Eligible populations will be contacted directly to receive their vaccinations.  Registration for appointments for Phase Two sequenced populations will be available when Phase Two commences.  Please do not contact HealthLine 811 to register for vaccinations at this time.  Notification will be provided when the registration system is available.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 177 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on February 22, bringing the provincial total to 27,797 cases.  

The new cases are located in the Far North West (15), Far North Central (6), Far North East (5), North West (20), North Central (7), North East (7), Saskatoon (37), Central West (4), Central East (11), Regina (48), South West (1), South Central (5) and South East (3) zones and eight (8) cases have pending residence information.  Two cases with pending residence information were assigned to the North West zone.

There are a total of 25,773 recoveries and 1,652 cases are considered active. 

One hundred and seventy-seven (177) people are in hospital.  One hundred and sixty-two (162) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (8), Far North Central (2), Far North East (2), North West (15), North Central (17), North East (2), Saskatoon (58), Central West (1), Central East (8), Regina (42), South Central (2) and South East (5).  Fifteen (15) people are in intensive care: North West (1), North Central (1), Saskatoon (8), Central East (1), and Regina (4).

There were 2,105 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on February 21, 2021.

Please note that, like most categories of statistics reported, daily testing numbers include those pending by location as noted in the footnotes daily on the Tests By Region page in the dashboard.  Total testing numbers will include tests that are still pending by location; those numbers will not appear in the regional statistics until they are assigned.

To date, 561,183 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of February 20, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 471,694 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 623,697 tests performed per million population.

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 158 (12.9 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  Please visit

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date and the per capita testing rate can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  Please visit

Assess Your Risk and Get Tested

The Government of Saskatchewan continues to recommend against all non-essential travel.  International travelers must abide by federal testing and quarantine measures.  If you choose to travel inter-provincially, get tested as soon as you return to Saskatchewan and plan for a follow up test seven days later.

The presence of new variants across Canada means an elevated risk of bringing more transmissible strains of COVID-19 home with you.  While you cannot test your way out of travel risks, testing is the best tool available to protect your family, friends and all residents of Saskatchewan against COVID-19 if you have travelled.

You do not need to be experiencing symptoms in order to have COVID-19.  Find testing options near you at

Enforcing Public Health Measures

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994.  Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators quickly to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies throughout the province.

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update for February 21: 60,743 Vaccines Delivered, 182 New Cases, 110 Recoveries, Four New Deaths

Vaccine Delivery

There were 2,428 COVID-19 vaccine doses administered yesterday in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 60,743.  

The 2,428 doses were administered in the North West (116), Saskatoon (422), Central East (482), Regina (534) and South Central (874) zones.  The South Central zone has reported an additional 493 doses administered on February 18.  A correction for February 19 resulted in two doses removed from the Central East zone.

For a listing of first and second doses in Saskatchewan administered by geographic zone, visit

Note that we remain in Phase One of vaccine delivery, targeting residents and staff of long-term and personal-care homes, identified health care providers, residents 70 years and older and residents aged 50 and older in remote/Northern Saskatchewan.  Eligible populations will be contacted directly to receive their vaccinations.  Registration for appointments for Phase Two sequenced populations will be available when Phase Two commences.  Please do not contact HealthLine 811 to register for vaccinations at this time.  Notification will be provided when the registration system is available.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 182 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on February 21, bringing the provincial total to 27,620 cases.  

Four Saskatchewan residents who tested positive for COVID-19 have died.  Two deaths were reported in the 60-69 age group from the North West zone and two deaths were reported in the 70-79 age group from the Regina (1) and South Central (1) zones.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (11), Far North Central (2), Far North East (22), North West (10), North Central (5), North East (4), Saskatoon (48), Central West (2), Central East (7), Regina (56), South West (1), South Central (5) and South East (1) zones and eight (8) cases have pending residence information.  Four cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Far North Central (1), North West (1) and North Central (2) zones. 

There are a total of 25,578 recoveries and 1,670 cases are considered active. 

One hundred and seventy-six (176) people are in hospital.  One hundred and sixty-three (163) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (6), Far North Central (2), Far North East (2), North West (15), North Central (14), North East (2), Saskatoon (60), Central West (1), Central East (8), Regina (46), South Central (2) and South East (5).  Thirteen (13) people are in intensive care: North West (1), North Central (1), Saskatoon (8), Central East (1), and Regina (2).

There were 2,186 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on February 20, 2021.

Please note that, like most categories of statistics reported, daily testing numbers include those pending by location as noted in the footnotes daily on the Tests By Region page in the dashboard.  Total testing numbers will include tests that are still pending by location; those numbers will not appear in the regional statistics until they are assigned.

To date, 559,078 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of February 19, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 469,247 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 621,306 tests performed per million population.

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 153 (12.5 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  Please visit

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date and the per capita testing rate can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  Please visit

Assess Your Risk and Get Tested

The Government of Saskatchewan continues to recommend against all non-essential travel.  International travelers must abide by federal testing and quarantine measures.  If you have chosen to travel inter-provincially during the break week, get tested as soon as you return to Saskatchewan and plan for a follow up test seven days later.

The presence of new variants across Canada means an elevated risk of bringing more transmissible strains of COVID-19 home with you.  While you cannot test your way out of travel risks, testing is the best tool available to protect your family, friends and all residents of Saskatchewan against COVID-19 if you have travelled.

You do not need to be experiencing symptoms in order to have COVID-19.  Find testing options near you at

Enforcing Public Health Measures

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994.  Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators quickly to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies throughout the province.

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update for February 20: 57,824 Vaccines Delivered, 193 New Cases, 170 Recoveries, Three New Deaths

Vaccine Delivery

There were 4,233 COVID-19 vaccine doses administered yesterday in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 57,824.  

The 4,233 doses were administered in the Far North West (29), Far North East (20), Far North Central (21), North East (65), North Central (11), North West (886), Central East (1,379), South Central (466), Regina (838) and Saskatoon (518).  The Far North West zone has reported an additional 11 doses administered on February 18. The South Central zone has reported an additional 550 doses administered on February 18.

Note that we remain in Phase One of vaccine delivery, targeting residents and staff of long-term and personal-care homes, identified health care providers, residents 70 years and older and residents aged 50 and older in remote/Northern Saskatchewan.  Eligible populations will be contacted directly to receive their vaccinations.  Registration for appointments for Phase Two sequenced populations will be available when Phase Two commences.  Please do not contact HealthLine 811 to register for vaccinations at this time.  Notification will be provided when the registration system is available.

For a listing of first and second doses in Saskatchewan administered by geographic zone, visit

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 193 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on February 20, bringing the provincial total to 27,438 cases.  

Three Saskatchewan residents who tested positive for COVID-19 have died.  One death was reported in the 80+ age group from the North Central zone, one death was reported in 60-69 age group from the Regina zone, and one death was reported in the 70-79 age group from the South East zone.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (16), Far North Central (12), Far North East (10), North West (14), North Central (8), North East (3), Saskatoon (26), Central West (3), Central East (4), Regina (78), South West (1), South Central (5) and South East (9) zones and four (4) cases have pending residence information.  Six (6) cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Far North East (1), North West (2) and North Central (3) zones. 

There are a total of 25,468 recoveries and 1,602 cases are considered active. 

One hundred and seventy-one (171) people are in hospital.  One hundred and fifty-five (155) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (5), Far North Central (2), Far North East (2), North West (15), North Central (13), North East (2), Saskatoon (59), Central West (1), Central East (8), Regina (43), South Central (1) and South East (4).  Sixteen (16) people are in intensive care: North West (1), North Central (2), Saskatoon (9), Central East (1), and Regina (3).

There were 2,885 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on February 19, 2021.

Please note that, like most categories of statistics reported, daily testing numbers include those pending by location as noted in the footnotes daily on the Tests By Region page in the dashboard.  Total testing numbers will include tests that are still pending by location; those numbers will not appear in the regional statistics until they are assigned.

To date, 556,892 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of February 18, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 466,935 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 617,920 tests performed per million population.

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 150 (12.2 new cases per 100,000), the lowest seven-day average in over three months, and is now available on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  This chart compares today’s average to data collected over the past several months.  Please visit

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date and the per capita testing rate can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  Please visit

Assess Your Risk and Get Tested

The Government of Saskatchewan continues to recommend against all non-essential 

travel.  International travelers must abide by federal testing and quarantine measures.  If you have chosen to travel inter-provincially during the break week, get tested as soon as you return to Saskatchewan and plan for a follow up test seven days later.

The presence of new variants across Canada means an elevated risk of bringing more transmissible strains of COVID-19 home with you.   While you cannot test your way out of travel risks, testing is the best tool available to protect your family, friends and all residents of Saskatchewan against COVID-19 if you have travelled.

You do not need to be experiencing symptoms in order to have COVID-19.  Finding testing options near you at

Enforcing Public Health Measures

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994.  Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators quickly to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies throughout the province.

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

Weekly Reporting of Testing Numbers and Cases for Youth

The trends of COVID-19 cases in school-aged children are being monitored.  The weekly report of cases and testing numbers for children aged 0-19, including data by age and positivity rates, has been posted at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update for February 19: 53,030 Vaccines Delivered, 146 New Cases, 227 Recoveries, Three New Deaths

Vaccine Delivery

There were 2,403 COVID-19 vaccine doses administered yesterday in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 53,030.

The 2,403 doses were administered in the Far North West (33), Far North East (40), Far North Central (11), North West (17), Central East (1,014), Regina (832) and Saskatoon (456). T he Central West zone has reported an additional 33 doses administered on February 8.  The Far North West zone has reported an additional 10 doses administered on February 16 and an additional 31 doses on February 17.  The Far North Central zone has reported an additional 10 doses administered on February 17.  The South Central zone has reported an additional 78 doses administered on February 17.

With Pfizer vaccine shipments arriving this week, Phase One vaccination clinics will resume today and run throughout the weekend to ensure timely administration of the vaccine.

Note that we remain in Phase One of vaccine delivery, targeting residents and staff of long-term and personal-care homes, identified health care providers, residents 70 years and older and residents aged 50 and older in remote/Northern Saskatchewan.  Eligible populations will be contacted directly to receive their vaccinations.  Registration for appointments for Phase Two sequenced populations will be available when Phase Two commences.  Please do not contact HealthLine 811 to register for vaccinations at this time.  Notification will be provided when the registration system is available.

For a listing of first and second doses in Saskatchewan administered by geographic zone, visit

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 146 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on February 19, bringing the provincial total to 27,245 cases.

Three Saskatchewan residents who tested positive for COVID-19 have died.  One death was reported in the 50-59 age group from the North West zone, one death was reported in 80+ age group from the Regina zone, and one death was reported in the 70-79 age group from the South Central zone.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (13), Far North Central (1), Far North East (9), North West (16), North Central (26), North East (2), Saskatoon (32), Central East (11), Regina (30), South West (1), South Central (1) and South East (4) zones. Two (2) cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Regina zone (1 from Feb 13 and 1 from Feb 14).

There are a total of 25,298 recoveries and 1,582 cases are considered active. 

One hundred and seventy-two (172) people are in hospital.  One hundred and fifty-three (153) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (4), Far North Central (1), Far North East (2), North West (16), North Central (13), North East (2), Saskatoon (56), Central West (2), Central East (9), Regina (43), South Central (1) and South East (4).  Nineteen (19) people are in intensive care: North West (1), North Central (2), Saskatoon (11), Central East (1), and Regina (4).

There were 2,724 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on February 18, 2021.

Please note that, like most categories of statistics reported, daily testing numbers include those pending by location as noted in the footnotes daily on the Tests By Region page in the dashboard.  Total testing numbers will include tests that are still pending by location; those numbers will not appear in the regional statistics until they are assigned.

To date, 554,007 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of February 17, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 465,064 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 614,953 tests performed per million population.

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 157 (12.8 new cases per 100,000) and is now available on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  This chart compares today’s average to data collected over the past several months.  Please visit

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date and the per capita testing rate can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  Please visit

Assess Your Risk and Get Tested

The Government of Saskatchewan continues to recommend against all non-essential travel.  International travelers must abide by federal testing and quarantine measures.  If you have chosen to travel inter-provincially during the break week, get tested as soon as you return to Saskatchewan and plan for a follow up test seven days later.

The presence of new variants across Canada means an elevated risk of bringing more transmissible strains of COVID-19 home with you.   While you cannot test your way out of travel risks, testing is the best tool available to protect your family, friends and all residents of Saskatchewan against COVID-19 if you have travelled.

You do not need to be experiencing symptoms in order to have COVID-19.  Finding testing options near you at

Enforcing Public Health Measures

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994.  Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators quickly to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies throughout the province.

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

Weekly Reporting of Testing Numbers and Cases for Youth

The trends of COVID-19 cases in school-aged children are being monitored.  The weekly report of cases and testing numbers for children aged 0-19, including data by age and positivity rates, has been posted at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update for February 18: 50,465 Vaccines Delivered, 146 New Cases, 171 Recoveries, No New Deaths

Vaccine Delivery

There were 109 COVID-19 vaccine doses administered yesterday in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 50,465.

The 109 doses were administered in the Far North West (11), Far North East (30) and North Central (68). The South East zone has reported an additional 10 doses administered on February 5, and the Far North East zone has reported an additional 20 doses administered on February 16.

With the reduction in Moderna vaccines originally scheduled for the week February 22, approximately 900 individuals will receive their second dose after the recommended 42 day period as soon as Moderna supplies are available.  Please note that seniors living in congregate living arrangements and residents 70+ will receive their second dose within the 42 day period.  The remaining long term care and personal care home staff and health care providers will receive their second dose on the basis of age as close to the 42 day interval as possible.  Individuals who have had a delay in the administration of their second dose will not have to restart the series.

Note that we remain in Phase One of vaccine delivery, targeting residents and staff of long-term and personal-care homes, identified health care providers, residents 70 years and older and residents aged 50 and older in remote/Northern Saskatchewan.  Eligible populations will be contacted directly to receive their vaccinations.  Registration for appointments for Phase Two sequenced populations will be available when Phase Two commences.  Please do not contact HealthLine 811 to register for vaccinations at this time.  Notification will be provided when the registration system is available.

For a listing of first and second doses in Saskatchewan administered by geographic zone, visit

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 146 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on February 18, bringing the provincial total to 27,099 cases.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (7), Far North Central (10), Far North East (5), North West (15), North Central (7), North East (10), Saskatoon (41), Central West (4), Central East (10), Regina (34), South Central (1) and South East (1) zones and one (1) case has pending resident information.

There are a total of 25,221 recoveries and 1,516 cases are considered active.

One hundred and seventy-four (174) people are in hospital.  One hundred and fifty-one (151) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (3), Far North Central (1), Far North East (1), North West (16), North Central (14), North East (1), Saskatoon (57), Central West (2), Central East (8), Regina (42), South West (1), South Central (1) and South East (4).  Twenty-three people are in intensive care: North West (1), North Central (2), Saskatoon (11), Central East (1), and Regina (8).

There were 2,206 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on February 17, 2021.

Please note that, like most categories of statistics reported, daily testing numbers include those pending by location as noted in the footnotes daily on the Tests By Region page in the dashboard.  Total testing numbers will include tests that are still pending by location; those numbers will not appear in the regional statistics until they are assigned.

To date, 551,283 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of February 16, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 463,537 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 612,673 tests performed per million population.

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 164 (13.4 new cases per 100,000) and is now available on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  This chart compares today’s average to data collected over the past several months.  Please visit

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date and the per capita testing rate can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  Please visit

Get Tested for COVID-19

While Saskatchewan has been supporting asymptomatic COVID-19 testing throughout the pandemic event, symptomatic residents were advised to get tested 48 hours after symptom onset to reduce the risk of false negative test results.

Recent guidance from the European Centre for Disease Control and the increased risk of variants of concern in Canada has resulted in an update to the policy: if you are symptomatic, get tested for COVID-19 immediately.  Asymptomatic testing remains available.  High rates of testing allow public health to effectively track transmission in our province; effective self-isolation and contact investigations will prevent additional COVID-19 cases.

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are mild, get tested as soon as possible.  Anyone who receives a negative test result but continues to experience symptoms should be retested.  Getting tested and knowing your status is an important step to protecting yourself and others against COVID-19.  

Assess Your Risk and Get Tested

The Government of Saskatchewan continues to recommend against all non-essential 

travel.  International travelers must abide by federal testing and quarantine measures.  If you have chosen to travel inter-provincially during the break week, get tested as soon as you return to Saskatchewan and plan for a follow up test seven days later.  

The presence of new variants across Canada means an elevated risk of bringing more transmissible strains of COVID-19 home with you.   While you cannot test your way out of travel risks, testing is the best tool available to protect your family, friends and all residents of Saskatchewan against COVID-19 if you have travelled.

You do not need to be experiencing symptoms in order to have COVID-19.  Finding testing options near you at  

Enforcing Public Health Measures 

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994.  Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators quickly to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies throughout the province.

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

Weekly Reporting of Testing Numbers and Cases for Youth

The trends of COVID-19 cases in school-aged children are being monitored.  The weekly report of cases and testing numbers for children aged 0-19, including data by age and positivity rates, has been posted at

Saskatchewan Gets Ready For Mass Immunization

Premier Scott Moe and Health Minister Paul Merriman joined Saskatchewan Health Authority officials today to showcase preparations to deliver mass COVID-19 immunizations.

The Premier and Health Minister toured the mass immunization clinic set up in the International Trade Centre at Evraz Place in Regina.

“Saskatchewan’s vaccine delivery plan has a goal of vaccinating as many people as possible, as quickly as possible,” Moe said.  “I am confident that Saskatchewan is well prepared to rapidly deliver immunizations when we start to receive adequate supplies of vaccine, and Regina’s mass immunization clinic is a great example of how we are ready to deliver.”

The vaccine delivery plan will include the use of a combination of mobile vaccination units and drive-thru options in some locations.

“This is an all-hands on deck priority for our government as we work to help our residents stay healthy, prevent illness and saves lives,” Merriman said.  “I want to thank all of our health workforce who are and will be playing a key role in vaccinating our residents, including pharmacists, retired health professionals and others who will be helping in the biggest vaccination campaign our province has seen.”

When the mass immunization clinic gets underway in Regina in April, each immunization table is anticipated to be able to deliver 6-7 vaccines per hour, with a maximum accommodation of 30 immunization tables as vaccine supplies increase and the workforce ramps up later in the spring.  An additional 19 vaccines per hour are anticipated to be processed at the drive-thru site.  Details of clinic locations and hours of operation will be available when Saskatchewan moves into Phase Two of the Saskatchewan COVID-19 immunizations delivery plan.

This mass immunization clinic is one of 226 sites which includes nearly 150 mass clinics along with mobile clinics and drive-thru clinics to be located across the province.

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

COVID-19 Update for February 17: 50,326 Vaccines Delivered, 124 New Cases, 189 Recoveries, Five Deaths

Vaccine Delivery

There were 271 COVID-19 vaccine doses administered yesterday in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 50,326.  With this, 108 per cent of the doses received have been administered to date.  This overage is due to efficiencies in drawing extra doses from vials of vaccine received.

The 271 doses were administered in the Far North West (41), Far North Central (19), Far North East (11), North East (155), North Central (35), and Central East (10) zones.  The Far North West zone has reported an additional 214 doses administered on February 8, 9, and 12.

There are 877 doses remaining in the Far North zones, which will accommodate second dose schedules.  These second doses are expected to be administered by February 25.  This week’s 12,870 Pfizer doses are expected to arrive in Regina and Saskatoon on February 17 and Yorkton, Swift Current, and North Battleford on February 18. 

Note that we remain in Phase One of vaccine delivery, targeting residents and staff of long-term and personal-care homes, identified health care providers, residents 70 years and older and residents aged 50 and older in remote/Northern Saskatchewan.  Eligible populations will be contacted directly to receive their vaccinations.  Registration for appointments for Phase Two sequenced populations will be available when Phase Two commences.  Please do not contact HealthLine 811 to register for vaccinations at this time.  Notification will be provided when the registration system is available.

For a listing of first and second doses in Saskatchewan administered by geographic zone, visit

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 124 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on February 17, bringing the provincial total to 26,953 cases.  

Five Saskatchewan residents who tested positive for COVID-19 have died.  One death was reported in the 30-39 age group from the Saskatoon zone, one death was reported in 50-59 age group from the Regina zone, and three (3) deaths were reported in the 80+ age group from the North West (1), Regina (1) and Saskatoon (1) zones.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (16), Far North Central (4), Far North East (5), North West (14), North Central (12), Saskatoon (9), Central West (5), Central East (3), Regina (48), South Central (1) and seven (7) new cases have pending residence information.

There are a total of 25,050 recoveries and 1,541 cases are considered active. 

One hundred and seventy-eight (178) people are in hospital.  One hundred and fifty-five (155) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (3), Far North Central (1), Far North East (2), North West (15), North Central (15), North East (2), Saskatoon (58), Central West (1), Central East (9), Regina (42), South West (1), South Central (1) and South East (5).  Twenty-three people are in intensive care: North Central (2), Saskatoon (12), Central East (1), and Regina (8).

There were 1,800 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on February 16, 2021.

To date, 549,077 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of February 15, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 462,318 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 609,827 tests performed per million population.

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 160 (13.0 new cases per 100,000) and is now available on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  This chart compares today’s average to data collected over the past several months.  Please visit

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date and the per capita testing rate can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website.  Please visit

Get Tested for COVID-19

While Saskatchewan has been supporting asymptomatic COVID-19 testing throughout the pandemic event, symptomatic residents were advised to get tested 48 hours after symptom onset to reduce the risk of false negative test results. 

Recent guidance from the European Centre for Disease Control and the increased risk of variants of concern in Canada has resulted in an update to the policy:  if you are symptomatic, get tested for COVID-19 immediately.  Asymptomatic testing remains available.  High rates of testing allow public health to effectively track transmission in our province; effective self-isolation and contact investigations will prevent additional COVID-19 cases.

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are mild, get tested as soon as possible.  Anyone who receives a negative test result but continues to experience symptoms should be retested.  Getting tested and knowing your status is an important step to protecting yourself and others against COVID-19.  

Enforcing Public Health Measures 

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994.  Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators quickly to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies throughout the province.

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

Keep It Close to Home this Family Day Week

Keeping COVID-19 transmission low means building best public health practices into all your plans this Family Day week.  Take the opportunity to get outdoors for your physical and mental health, even if it means adding an extra layer of long underwear.

  • Stay safe this Family Day week by keeping your plans within your immediate household.
  • If you are headed outdoors, you may gather in groups of 10 with two metres of physical distancing between household groups.  Food should not be shared between non-household members.
  • Stay close to home.  Non-essential travel is not recommended at this time.  Travel outside our borders means you will be subject to the public health requirements for that jurisdiction, including mandatory quarantine upon return from any international destination.

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to