Category Archives: Davidson

COVID-19 Update for April 17: 334,063 Vaccines Administered, 249 New Cases, Two New Deaths

Important note: The total provincial active cases and provincial recoveries plus regional breakdowns are unavailable for Saturday, April 17th, 2021 due to a data reporting issue involving multiple case location reassignments.

Vaccines Reported

An additional 10,490 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 334,063.  

The 10,490 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (41), Far North Central (2), Far North East (225), North West (1,113), North Central (1,133), North East (86), Saskatoon (2,823), Central West (172), Central East (652), Regina (2,582), South West (334), South Central (655) and South East (382).  There were 290 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-nine per cent of Saskatchewan residents age 50+ have received their first dose:

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found on the dashboard at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

The Ministry of Health has been informed of a reduction in the April 26 Moderna shipment. Saskatchewan’s allocation has been reduced by 47 per cent, from 35,800 doses to 18,800 doses.  The Ministry is working with the Saskatchewan Health Authority and Indigenous Services Canada to determine the potential impact this reduction could have on booked appointments, and the pharmacy vaccination pilot project, and will have an update in the coming days.

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 48+ 

In an effort to continue to protect residents as quickly as possible, the eligible age for booking vaccination appointments online or by telephone has been lowered to 48 years.  Appointments can be made online at  People who do not have a cell phone or email account or need assistance can book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).

Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Drive-Thru Vaccination Clinics Open to 48-54 Years 

All drive-thru and walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinics are available to residents aged 48-54 years.

Vaccine supply remains limited and drive-thru/walk-in clinics may close early when all vaccine is administered.

The drive-thru immunization clinic in Regina has now used up its supply of vaccine and has temporarily closed.  Unless there is an unexpected increase in available vaccine supply, the Regina drive-thru clinic is not anticipated to re-open until May 2.

For further information on drive-thru clinics in the province, including hours of operation and wait times, see

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 249 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 17, bringing the provincial total to 37,873 cases.  Nine (9) cases that were tested out of province have been added to the Far North West (2), Far North East (1), North West (1), North Central (3), Central East (1) and pending (1) counts.  Three (3) cases not previously reported were added to the North West (1), Saskatoon (1) and South West (1) zones.  Three (3) cases previously reported were removed from the North West (2) and Saskatoon (1) zones.

There are two new deaths to report today.  One death was reported in the 40-49 age group from the Central East zone.  One death was reported in the 80+ age group from the North West zone.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (3), Far North East (3), North West (14), North Central (10), North East (7), Saskatoon (56), Central West (12), Central East (8), Regina (73), South West (18), South Central (8) and South East (29) zones.  Eight (8) new cases have pending residence information.  Forty-three cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the Far North East (2), North West (15), North Central (3), Saskatoon (3), Central East (1), Regina (13), South West (2), South Central (1) and South East (3) zones.

The total number of recoveries and total number of active cases in Saskatchewan are not available today.  They will be included in tomorrow’s update.

One hundred and ninety-two (192) people are in hospital.  One hundred and forty-five (145) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (1), Far North East (1), North West (5), North Central (7), North East (1), Saskatoon (39), Central East (10), Regina (66), South West (1), South Central (6) and South East (8).  Forty-seven (47) people are in intensive care: North Central (3), Saskatoon (10), Central East (1), Regina (31) and South Central (2).

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 266 (21.7 new cases per 100,000).   A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website at

There were 3,643 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 16, 2021.

To date, 724,868 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 15, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 607,737 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 780,205 tests performed per million population.

As of April 17, 4,529 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (21), Far North East (3), North West (59), North Central (51), North East (5), Saskatoon (424), Central West (52), Central East (164), Regina (2,792), South West (98), South Central (376) and South East (430) zones.  There are 54 cases with residence pending.

These were previously reported as “presumptive positives,” but all screening tests will be considered confirmed VOCs for the purposes of public reporting and contact investigations.

There are zero new lineage results being reported today.  Of the 1,712 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 1,703 are B. (UK) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,294 (76 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOCs may have been initially identified via means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening) and that whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.  

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Public Health Measures

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk in Saskatchewan, the Chief Medical Health Officer announced amendments to the Public Health Order.

Effective April 13, household bubbles are limited to immediate household members only for all of Saskatchewan.  Persons who live alone and single parents of minor children are permitted to meet with one consistent household of less than five individuals.  Co-parenting arrangements are permitted to continue.  Caregivers, support personnel and tradespersons who are not a member of the household are not included in the maximum number of people allowed in that household.

The new Public Health Order also includes limits on worship gathering sizes to allow no more than 30 people effective.

Full details on current public health measures, including the additional measures in effect for Regina and area, can be found at

These Public Health Order measures are in effect until April 26 and will be reviewed at that time.

Residents are also urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces
  • Wash non-medical masks daily
  • Maintain physical distancing
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  If you are able to work from home, work from home at this time.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

COVID-19 Update for April 16: 323,573 Vaccines Administered, 221 New Cases, 225 Recoveries, Two New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 8,168 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 323,573.  

The 8,168 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (11), Far North Central (1), Far North East (134), North West (452), North Central (463), North East (60), Saskatoon (2,532), Central West (78), Central East (740), Regina (2,468), South West (65), South Central (529) and South East (437).  There were 198 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-eight per cent of Saskatchewan residents age 50+ have received their first dose:

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found on the dashboard at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Now Open to Ages 48+ 

In an effort to continue to protect residents as quickly as possible, the eligible age for booking vaccination appointments online or by telephone has been lowered to 48 years.  Appointments can be made online at  People who do not have a cell phone or email account or need assistance can book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).

Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Drive Thru Vaccination Clinics Open to 48-54 Years 

All drive thru and walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinics are now available to residents aged 48 – 54 years with the exception of Regina, where the COVID-19 vaccine drive thru is available to residents aged 46 – 54 years. All drive thru clinics are first come first serve.  For further information on drive-thru clinics in the province, including hours of operation and wait times, see

Additional Health Care Workers Eligible for Vaccination

Vaccine eligibility for non-SHA healthcare workers on the frontline in clinical care areas is being expanded to include:

  • Frontline staff in private physician offices who provide patient care
  • Frontline staff in private digital imaging clinics
  • Frontline staff in community labs
  • Frontline staff at the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency 

These healthcare workers will receive a letter of eligibility over the coming days, which will be required to register for COVID-19 vaccination. Appointments for this group must be made through the telephone booking system only.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 221 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 16, bringing the provincial total to 37,615 cases. Ten (10) cases that were tested out of province have been added to the Far North East (2), Far North West (4), North West (3), and Central West (1) zones.

There are two new deaths to report today.  One death was reported in the 60-69 age group from the North West zone.  One death was reported in the 40-49 age group from the South East zone.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (5), Far North East (5), North West (21), North Central (8), North East (4), Saskatoon (25), Central West (1), Central East (11), Regina (57), South West (18), South Central (25) and South East (25) zones.  Sixteen (16) new cases have pending residence information.  Five cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the Far North East (1), Regina (1), Saskatoon (1) and South East (2) zones.  There are a total of 34,550 recoveries and 2,603 cases are considered active.

One hundred and ninety (190) people are in hospital.  One hundred and forty-six (146) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (1), Far North East (1), North West (5), North Central (7), North East (2), Saskatoon (39), Central East (13), Regina (66), South Central (4) and South East (8).  Forty-four (44) people are in intensive care: North Central (1), Saskatoon (9), Central East (1), Regina (30), South West (1) and South Central (2).

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 264 (21.6 new cases per 100,000).   A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website at

There were 3,739 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 15, 2021.

To date, 721,225 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 14, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 604,565 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 776,131 tests performed per million population.

As of April 16, 4,326 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (11), Far North East (2), North West (57), North Central (49), North East (4), Saskatoon (385), Central West (44), Central East (158), Regina (2,731), South West (70), South Central (349) and South East (419) zones.  There are 47 cases with residence pending.

These were previously reported as “presumptive positives,” but all screening tests will be considered confirmed VOCs for the purposes of public reporting and contact investigations.

There are 277 new lineage results being reported today. Of the 1,712 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 1,703 are B. (UK) and nine are B.1.351 (SA). The Regina zone accounts for 1,294 (76 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOC may have been initially identified via means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening) and that whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case. Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Public Health Measures

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk in Saskatchewan, the Chief Medical Health Officer announced amendments to the Public Health Order.

Effective April 13, household bubbles are limited to immediate household members only for all of Saskatchewan. Persons who live alone and single parents of minor children are permitted to meet with one consistent household of less than five individuals. Co-parenting arrangements are permitted to continue. Caregivers, support personnel and tradespersons who are not a member of the household are not included in the maximum number of people allowed in that household.

The new Public Health Order also includes limits on worship gathering sizes to allow no more than 30 people effective today.

Full details on current public health measures, including the additional measures in effect for Regina and area, can be found at

These Public Health Order measures are in effect until April 26 and will be reviewed at that time.

Residents are also urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces
Wash non-medical masks daily
Maintain physical distancing
Wash your hands frequently
Reduce activities outside of your home. Order take-out or curbside pick-up. If you are able to work from home, work from home at this time.
Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time
If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test. If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known. Testing information is available at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk. Keep yourself and others safe.

COVID-19 Update for April 15: 315,405 Vaccines Administered, 293 New Cases, 223 Recoveries, Two New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 7,956 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 315,405.  

The 7,956 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (220), Far North Central (2), Far North East (134), North West (619), North Central (224), North East (39), Saskatoon (1,888), Central West (146), Central East (715), Regina (2,777), South West (116), South Central (389) and South East (420).  There were 267 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-six per cent of Saskatchewan residents age 50+ have received their first dose:

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found on the dashboard at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 48+ Friday

In an effort to continue to protect residents as quickly as possible, the eligible age for booking vaccination appointments online or by telephone will be lowered to 48 years starting at 8:00 a.m. Friday, April 16.  Online appointments can be made by visiting  People who do not have a cell phone or email account or need assistance can book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).

Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Drive Thru Vaccination Clinics Open to 51-54 Today, 48-54 Years Friday

Today, all drive thru and walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinics will be available to residents 51-54 years.  Starting Friday, April 16, all vaccination drive thru clinics will expand eligibility to residents from 48-54 years.

NOTE: This does not include Regina.  The Regina COVID-19 vaccine drive thru will be available to residents 46-54 years starting Friday, April 16.

All drive thru clinics are first come first serve.  For further information ondrive-thru clinics in the province, including hours of operation and wait times, see

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 293 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 15, bringing the provincial total to 37,384 cases.  One (1) case with pending residence information has been found to be an out-of-province resident and removed from the counts.  Seven (7) cases that were tested out of province have been added to the North West (1), Saskatoon (3), Regina (1) and South East (2) zones.

There are two new deaths to report today.  One death was reported in the 70-79 age group from the Regina zone.  One death was reported in the 80+ age group from the South East zone.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (8), North West (24), North Central (8), North East (5), Saskatoon (74), Central West (15), Central East (22), Regina (87), South West (4), South Central (4) and South East (24) zones.  Eighteen (18) new cases have pending residence information.  Five cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the North West (1), Regina (3)  and South East (1) zones.  There are a total of 34,325 recoveries and 2,599 cases are considered active.

One hundred and eighty-eight (188) people are in hospital.  One hundred and forty-seven (147) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (1), Far North East (1), North West (3), North Central (6), North East (2), Saskatoon (40), Central East (10), Regina (73), South West (1), South Central (1) and South East (9).  Forty-one (41) people are in intensive care: North Central (1), Saskatoon (9), Central East (2), Regina (27), South West (1) and South Central (1).

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 284 (23.2 new cases per 100,000).   A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website at

There were 3,573 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 14, 2021.

To date, 717,486 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 13, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 601,533 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 772,612 tests performed per million population.

As of April 15, 4,183 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (10), Far North East (2), North West (51), North Central (48), North East (4), Saskatoon (372), Central West (44), Central East (135), Regina (2,673), South West (67), South Central (342) and South East (398) zones.  There are 37 cases with residence pending.

These were previously reported as “presumptive positives,” but all screening tests will be considered confirmed VOCs for the purposes of public reporting and contact investigations.

There were zero (0) new lineage results being reported today.  Of the 1,435 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 1,426 are B. (UK) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,138 (79 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOC may have been initially identified via means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening) and that whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.  

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Public Health Measures

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk in Saskatchewan, the Chief Medical Health Officer announced amendments to the Public Health Order.

Effective April 13, household bubbles are limited to immediate household members only for all of Saskatchewan.  Persons who live alone and single parents of minor children are permitted to meet with one consistent household of less than five individuals.  Co-parenting arrangements are permitted to continue.  Caregivers, support personnel and tradespersons who are not a member of the household are not included in the maximum number of people allowed in that household.

The new Public Health Order will also include limits on worship gathering sizes to allow no more than 30 people effective 12:01 tomorrow (Friday, April 16).

Full details on current public health measures, including the additional measures in effect for Regina and area, can be found at

These Public Health Order measures are in effect until April 26 and will be reviewed at that time.

Residents are also urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces
  • Wash non-medical masks daily
  • Maintain physical distancing
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  If you are able to work from home, work from home at this time.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

Weekly Reporting of Testing Numbers and Cases for Youth
The trends of COVID-19 cases in school-aged children are being monitored.  The weekly report of cases and testing numbers for children aged 0-19, including data by age and positivity rates, has been posted at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe.

COVID-19 Update for April 14: 307,449 Vaccines Administered, 193 New Cases, 222 Recoveries, One New Death

Vaccines Reported

An additional 8,682 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 307,449.  

The 8,682 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (59), Far North East (36), North West (451), North Central (686), North East (105), Saskatoon (1,944), Central West (758), Central East (657), Regina (2,473), South West (366), South Central (517) and South East (369).  There were 261 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-five per cent of Saskatchewan residents age 50+ have received their first dose:

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found on the dashboard at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Now Open to Ages 52+ Province Wide

In an effort to continue to protect residents as quickly as possible, the eligible age for booking vaccination appointments online or by telephone has been lowered to 52.  Online appointments can be made by visiting  People who do not have a cell phone or email account or need assistance can book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).

Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Regina Drive Thru Vaccination Clinic Open to Ages 48-54

The Regina COVID-19 vaccine drive thru has expanded eligibility to include all residents aged 48-54 years.  This clinic is first come first serve, open 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily at Evraz Place on the Regina Exhibition grounds.

For further information on all drive-thru clinics in the province, including wait times, see

Pharmacy Vaccination Pilot Project

Saskatchewan is preparing to offer COVID-19 vaccinations in pharmacies.  In late April, select pharmacies will participate in a small-scale rollout to refine distribution and vaccination processes before larger volumes of vaccine are distributed to more pharmacies province-wide.

Appointments for pharmacy vaccinations are not yet available.  Once participating pharmacies are ready to provide vaccinations, there will be additional information provided by the Ministry of Health and pharmacies will communicate directly with the public.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 193 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 14, bringing the provincial total to 37,085 cases.

There is one (1) new death reported in the 70 to 79 age group in the South East zone.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (5), North West (20), North Central (2), North East (2), Saskatoon (40), Central East (13), Regina (66), South West (8), South Central (9) and South East (17) zones.  Eleven (11) new cases have pending residence information.  Six cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the North West (1), South Central (1) and South East (4) zones.  There are a total of 34,102 recoveries and 2,525 cases are considered active.

Two hundred and three (203) people are in hospital.  One hundred and sixty-two (162) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (1), Far North East (1), North West (2), North Central (9), North East (1), Saskatoon (43), Central East (10), Regina (79), South West (3), South Central (2) and South East (11).  Forty-one (41) people are in intensive care: North Central (1), Saskatoon (8), Central East (2), Regina (27), South West (1) and South Central (2).

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 271 (22.2 new cases per 100,000).   A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website at

There were 3,258 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 13, 2021.

To date, 713,913 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 12, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 598,769 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 769,666 tests performed per million population.

As of April 14, 3,901 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (9), Far North East (2), North West (40), North Central (46), North East (3), Saskatoon (328), Central West (29), Central East (121), Regina (2,532), South West (48), South Central (333) and South East (378) zones.  There are 32 cases with residence pending.

These were previously reported as “presumptive positives,” but all screening tests will be considered confirmed VOCs for the purposes of public reporting and contact investigations.

There were zero (0) new lineage results being reported today.  Of the 1,435 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 1,426 are B. (UK) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,137 (79 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOC may have been initially identified via means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening) and that whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.  

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Public Health Measures

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk in Saskatchewan, the Chief Medical Health Officer announced amendments to the Public Health Order.

Effective April 13, household bubbles are limited to immediate household members only for all of Saskatchewan.  Persons who live alone and single parents of minor children are permitted to meet with one consistent household of less than five individuals.  Co-parenting arrangements are permitted to continue.  Caregivers, support personnel and tradespersons who are not a member of the household are not included in the maximum number of people allowed in that household.

The new Public Health Order will also include limits on worship gathering sizes to allow no more than 30 people effective 12:01, Friday, April 16.

Full details on current public health measures including the additional measures in effect for Regina and area can be found at

These Public Health Order measures are in effect until April 26 and will be reviewed at that time.

Residents are also urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces
  • Wash non-medical masks daily
  • Maintain physical distancing
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  If you are able to work from home, work from home at this time.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe.

COVID-19 Update for April 13: 298,767 Vaccines Administered, 288 New Cases, 280 Recoveries, Two New Deaths, New Public Health Orders, Age Lowered for Vaccination Booking, New Groups Eligible for Priority Vaccination

Vaccines Reported

An additional 7,846 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 298,767.  

The 7,846 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (40), Far North Central (1), Far North East (40), North West (137), North Central (311), North East (78), Saskatoon (1,632), Central West (339), Central East (589), Regina (2,742), South West (324), South Central (331) and South East (1,051).  There were 231 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-three per cent of Saskatchewan residents age 50+ have received their first dose:

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found on the dashboard at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

The AstraZeneca Covax shipment (9,800 doses) is expected to arrive in Saskatchewan today (April 13).

Public Health Order Change

A change to the Public Health Order will come into effect immediately limiting household bubbles to immediate households only for all of Saskatchewan.

The new Public Health Order will also include limits of worship gathering sizes to allow no more than 30 people effective 12:01 Friday April 16.

These Public Health Order measures are in effect until April 26 and will be reviewed at that time.

Vaccination Booking System Expanding to Ages 52+ Province Wide

In an effort to continue to protect residents as quickly as possible, the eligible age for booking vaccination appointments online or by telephone is also being lowered from 55 to 52.  This change will take effect at 8 a.m. Wednesday April 14.  Online appointments can be made by visiting  People who do not have a cell phone or email account or need assistance can book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).

There are also several changes being made to the vaccine delivery plan to include more vulnerable groups to priority vaccination including all pregnant woman, young adults ages 16 and 17 who are considered clinically extremely vulnerable and everyone over the age of 40 in the far north.

Pregnant women and vulnerable 16 and 17 year olds will receive an eligibility letter from their physician and will need to use the 1-833-SaskVax telephone number to book. 

Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Regina Drive Thru Vaccination Clinic Open to Ages 49-54 ONLY

The Regina COVID-19 vaccine drive thru has expanded eligibility to include all residents aged 49-54 years only.  This clinic will be first come first serve, open 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily at Evraz Place on the Regina Exhibition grounds.  For further information on all drive-thru clinics in the province, including wait times, see

The speed of the immunization delivery plan continues to be dependent on vaccine supply.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 288 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 13, bringing the provincial total to 36,892 cases.

There are two new deaths to report today.  Both deaths were reported in the Regina zone from the 30-39 and 60-69 age groups.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (4), North West (31), North Central (5), North East (3), Saskatoon (44), Central West (2), Central East (22), Regina (117), South West (18), South Central (17) and South East (17) zones.  Eight (8) new cases have pending residence information.  Seven cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the North Central (2), Saskatoon (1), Regina (1), South Central (1) and South East (2) zones.  There are a total of 33,880 recoveries and 2,555 cases are considered active. 

Two hundred and two (202) people are in hospital.  One hundred and sixty-one (161) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (2), Far North East (1), North West (2), North Central (8), North East (1), Saskatoon (47), Central East (10), Regina (80), South West (3) and South East (7).  Forty-one (41) people are in intensive care: North Central (2), Saskatoon (6), Central East (2), Regina (28), South West (1) and South Central (2).

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 271 (22.1 new cases per 100,000).   A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website at

There were 3,007 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 12, 2021.

To date, 710,655 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 11, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 596,218 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 766,796 tests performed per million population.

As of April 13, 3,813 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (8), Far North East (2), North West (28), North Central (44), North East (3), Saskatoon (302), Central West (29), Central East (111), Regina (2,505), South West (40), South Central (329) and South East (371) zones. There are 41 cases with residence pending.

These were previously reported as “presumptive positives,” but all screening tests will be considered confirmed VOCs for the purposes of public reporting and contact investigations.

There were zero (0) new lineage results being reported today.  Of the 1,435 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 1,426 are B. (UK) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,131 (79 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOC may have been initially identified via means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening) and that whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.  

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Regina and Area

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk in Regina and area, revisions were made March 24 including: closing all restaurants and licensed establishments for in-person dining; and most event venues supporting 30 persons or less are not permitted to operate. Travel is also not recommended in or out of the Regina area unless absolutely necessary.

Full details on current public health measures can be found at

These Public Health Order measures are in effect until April 26 and will be reviewed at that time.

Residents in the entire province are urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces
  • Wash non-medical masks daily
  • Maintain physical distancing
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  If you are able to work from home, work from home at this time.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel to and from Regina, Moose Jaw and Weyburn.

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe.

COVID-19 Update for April 12: 290,921 Vaccines Administered, 300 New Cases, 253 Recoveries, One New Death

Vaccines Reported

An additional 8,856 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 290,921.  

The 8,856 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (6), Far North East (48), North West (274), North Central (332), North East (62), Saskatoon (1,752), Central West (343), Central East (896), Regina (2,881), South West (461), South Central (542) and South East (1,040).  There were 219 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-two per cent of Saskatchewan residents age 50+ have received their first dose:

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found on the dashboard at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

The Pfizer shipment (31,590 doses) is expected April 13 and 14 and will be distributed throughout he province. The April 19 Moderna shipment is delayed however, very few rescheduled appointments are anticipated. Residents will be contacted if their booking is affected. 

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 55+ Province Wide

Saskatchewan’s vaccine booking system is available to all individuals 55 years of age and older.  Eligible residents ages 55+ can book their appointment online at, or by phone at 1-833-SASKVAX.  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at  

Regina Drive Thru Vaccination Clinic Open to Ages 50-54 ONLY

The Regina COVID-19 vaccine drive thru has expanded eligibility to include all residents aged 50-54 years only, with possible changes to age ranges as demand allows.  This clinic will be first come first serve, open 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily at Evraz Place on the Regina Exhibition grounds.  For further information on all drive-thru clinics in the province, including wait times, see

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 300 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 12, bringing the provincial total to 36,604 cases.  Four (4) cases were found to be out-of-province residents and removed from Saskatoon (1), South East (1) and pending (2) counts. Three (3) cases not previously reported were added to Saskatoon zone. 

There was one (1) new death reported in the 60 to 69 range in the Regina zone.  

The new cases are located in the Far North West (4), Far North East (3), North West (17), North Central (9), North East (1), Saskatoon (72), Central West (15), Central East (22), Regina (96), South West (10), South Central (17) and South East (22) zones.  Twelve (12) new cases have pending residence information.  Three (3) cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the Central West (1) and Regina (2) zones.  There are a total of 33,600 recoveries and 2,549 cases are considered active. 

One hundred and ninety-eight (198) people are in hospital.  One hundred and fifty-seven (157) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West (2), Far North East (1), North West (4), North Central (7), North East (2), Saskatoon (46), Central East (10), Regina (77), South West (1) and South East (7).  Forty-one (41) people are in intensive care: North Central (3), Saskatoon (5), Central East (3), Regina (26), South West (1) and South Central (3).

The seven-day average of daily new cases is 261 (21.3 new cases per 100,000).   A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website at

There were 3,093 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 11, 2021.

To date, 707,648 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 10, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 593,594 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 763,047 tests performed per million population.

As of April 12, 3,485 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (7), Far North East (1), North West (13), North Central (39), North East (3), Saskatoon (181), Central West (13), Central East (94), Regina (2,423), South West (33), South Central (309) and South East (348) zones. There are 21 cases with residence pending.

These were previously reported as “presumptive positives,” but all screening tests will be considered confirmed VOCs for the purposes of public reporting and contact investigations.  

There were zero (0) new lineage results being reported today.  Of the 1,435 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 1,426 are B. (UK) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,131 (79 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOC may have been initially identified via means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening) and that whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.  

Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

All Public Health Measures Extended to April 26

The Chief Medical Health Officer has extended the provincial public health orders announced Tuesday, March 9 and the Regina and area revisions announced Tuesday, March 24.  The orders will remain in effect until April 26, 2021, and be reviewed at that time.

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk in Regina and area, revisions were made March 24 including: restricting private indoor gatherings to immediate household members only; all restaurants and licensed establishments must close for in-person dining; and most event venues supporting 30 persons or less are not permitted to operate.

Travel is also not recommended in or out of the Regina area unless absolutely necessary.  It is strongly recommended that all individuals in the Regina area able to work from home do so.

Full details on current public health measures can be found at

Please note: Variants of concern (VOC) are beginning to rise across Saskatchewan, particularly in the Regina, Moose Jaw, Estevan, Weyburn and Saskatoon areas.  Residents in the entire province are urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces
  • Wash non-medical masks daily
  • Maintain physical distancing
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  If you are able to work from home, work from home at this time.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel to and from Regina, Moose Jaw and Weyburn.

All Saskatchewan residents should monitor active cases in their area and adjust their activity accordingly.  Active and new case information for each area can be found at

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe.