Category Archives: Davidson

COVID-19 Update For April 29: 421,981 Vaccines Administered, 205 New Cases, 244 Recoveries, One New Death

Vaccines Reported

An additional 6,218 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 421,981. 

The 6,218 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 130; Far North Central, 2; Far North East, 112; North West, 530; North Central, 487; North East, 238; Saskatoon, 1,605; Central West, 220; Central East, 411; Regina, 1,313; South West, 190; South Central, 70; and South East, 592.  There were 318 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Over eighty per cent of Saskatchewan residents over age 60 have received their first dose.  Sixty per cent of those 40+ have received their first dose.  Forty per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

This week’s shipment of Pfizer vaccine (31,590 doses) has now arrived in Saskatchewan and is being distributed in the North West, North Central, Saskatoon, Central East and Regina zones, as well as to select pharmacies participating in the Pharmacy Vaccination Pilot Project.

This week’s shipment of Moderna vaccine (18,800 doses) is expected to arrive in Saskatchewan today.

Vaccination Booking System Opening to Ages 40+ Tomorrow

Effective 8 a.m. tomorrow, eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program moves to age 40, except for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District, where it remains age 30 and older.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-in, pharmacies and mobile clinics.

Once COVID-19 vaccine eligibility has been opened to all residents ages 40 and over, remaining prioritized front-line workers (including firefighters, educational staff working with students, correctional staff and border security officers and front-line health care workers with direct patient contact) will also become eligible.  Notice of eligibility is being provided to regulatory bodies and associations.  To confirm that you are included in this front-line worker category, call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) or email

Please remember that demand for appointments outweighs current available supply.  Additional clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Appointments can be made online at  People who do not have a cell phone or email account, need assistance in booking, or are providing documentation for priority eligibility status must book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines. 

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 205 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 29, bringing the provincial total to 40,824 cases.  Five Saskatchewan residents tested out-of-province have been added to the counts for the following zones: Far North East, 3; Central West, 1; and South West, 1.

One new death is reported today in the 80+ age group from the North West zone.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 16; Far North East, 1; North West, 11; North Central, 4; North East, 3; Saskatoon, 32; Central West, 2; Central East, 11;  Regina, 73; South West, 9; South Central, 13; and South East, 24.  Six new cases are pending residence information.  Six cases pending residence information have been assigned to the following zones: North Central, 1; Regina, 3; and South Central, 2.

Recoveries total 37,929 and 2,408 cases are considered active.

There are 186 people in hospital.  One hundred and forty-eight people are receiving inpatient care: Far North East, 1; North West, 6; North Central, 7; Saskatoon, 58; Central East, 7; Regina, 56; South West, 1; South Central, 3; and South East, 9.  Thirty-eight people are in intensive care: North West, 1; North Central, 2; Saskatoon, 10; Central East, 2; Regina, 22; and South Central, 1.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 239 (19.5 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,306 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 28, 2021.

To date, 765,871 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of April 27, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 642,810 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 820,235.

As of April 28, 6,572 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 96; Far North East, 3; North West, 185; North Central, 104; North East, 14; Saskatoon, 730; Central West, 81; Central East, 290; Regina, 3,632; South West, 178; South Central, 496; and South East, 682. There are 81 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 87 new lineage results reported today.  Of the 2,392 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 2,362 are B. (UK), 21 are P.1 (Brazilian) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,607 (67 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOCs may have been initially identified by means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening).  Whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.  Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Expanded Visitation to Eligible Long-Term and Personal Care Homes 

Effective today, visitor (family presence) restrictions will ease in some long-term and personal care homes.  This will only be allowed if 90 per cent of residents have been fully vaccinated, three weeks after second doses are completed and considering the local COVID-19 context (eg. community transmission, cases within a facility).  Saskatchewan Health Authority Medical Health Officers will have discretion to maintain restrictions to protect homes from potential risks of exposure.  This is a gradual, cautious approach to help keep residents safe, and allow limited and much-needed social contact and support for care needs.

There will be no limit on the total number of designated family members/supports that residents can have, but only two may visit indoors at a time.  Four visitors at a time will be allowed outdoors.  If a fully-vaccinated resident goes on an outing, they will no longer be required to quarantine following their return.

Residents that are not vaccinated can have visits from fully vaccinated family members/supports.  If the designated family members/supports are not vaccinated, family presence will continue to be permitted for compassionate care reasons only.

There are many long-term and personal care homes throughout the province with small resident populations that may not be able to meet the visitor restriction threshold of 90 per cent of residents vaccinated if even one resident is unable to receive immunization.  As a result, there will be flexibility for long-term and personal care homes with fewer than 10 residents.

  • In homes with 10 or fewer residents, all but one resident must be fully vaccinated (both doses).
  • In all cases, before visitor restrictions can be amended, at least three weeks must have passed since the last second doses were received.

The list of SHA-operated long-term care homes currently eligible for family visitation is available at  Restrictions will be reviewed weekly.

Personal care homes are expected to meet the same requirements.  Family of those residing in personal care homes will need to contact those homes to determine if they are currently able to safely support family visitation.  

Based on community transmission risk, long-term and personal care homes in the City of Regina, Emerald Park, Lumsden and Cupar will remain at Level 3 (two family members/supports can be present at the same time for end of life care only; one essential family member/support person can be designated to assist with care if needed).  If a home is currently in an outbreak or suspect outbreak, family presence will be restricted to Level 3.  Additional family presence can be supported for specific circumstances including critical care or intensive care units and maternal, postpartum or pediatric units.  In areas where there are concerns with community transmission, these homes may remain restricted to compassionate care family presence (two family members/supports can be designated to support end of life, and quality of life or care needs unmet).  For more details on levels of family presence in care settings, visit

Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan Clarified for Graduations

Outdoor graduations are limited to 30 guests (assuming two guests per graduate for a total of 45 graduates and guests), with an additional maximum of five teachers/support staff.  Virtualgraduations are permitted with no more than 30 graduates attending in-person and all guests attending virtually.

All other public health measures must be followed, including maintaining a minimum of two metres of physical distancing between household groups.  No food or beverages are permitted.

The guidance for graduations for the month of June will be re-evaluated on May 17, 2021.  Guidance will be reviewed based on the COVID-19 situation in the province, including positive cases and the rates of immunization.  Planned events and activities must abide by the guidance in place at the time of the event/activity.

More details are available at:

Public Health Measures

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk throughout the province, the Chief Medical Health Officer has extended all current provincial public health orders until May 10, 2021.  The orders will be reviewed at that time.  Full details on current public health measures can be found at  

All residents are urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces.
  • Wash non-medical masks daily.
  • Maintain physical distancing.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  Work from home if you are able to do so.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time.

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

Weekly Reporting of Testing Numbers and Cases for Youth

The trends of COVID-19 cases in school-aged children are being monitored.  The weekly report of cases and testing numbers for children aged 0-19, including data by age and positivity rates, has been posted at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

COVID-19 Update For April 28: 415,763 Vaccines Administered, 213 New Cases, 284 Recoveries, Four New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 7,334 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 415,763. 

The 7,334 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 90; Far North Central, 3; Far North East, 39; North West, 829; North Central, 736; North East, 373; Saskatoon, 2,206; Central West, 110; Central East, 595; Regina, 1,278; South West, 230; South Central, 330; and South East, 137.  There were 378 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Eighty per cent of Saskatchewan residents over age 60 have received their first dose.  Forty per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Now Open to Ages 42+ 

Effective today, eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program has expanded to age 42 and older, except for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District, where it has expanded to age 30 and older.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-in, pharmacies and mobile.

Please remember that demand for appointments outweighs current available supply.  Additional clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Appointments can be made online at  People who do not have a cell phone or email account, need assistance in booking, or are providing documentation for priority eligibility status must book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines. 

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 213 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 28, bringing the provincial total to 40,614 cases.

There are four new deaths reported today. Three deaths in the Saskatoon zone from the following age groups: 40 to 49, 1; 50 to 59, 1; and 70 to 79, 1; and one death in the Regina zone from the 70 to 79 age group.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 12; North West, 8; North Central, 4; North East, 3; Saskatoon, 47; Central East, 8; Regina, 81; South West, 4; South Central, 12; and South East, 31.  Three new cases are pending residence information.  Two cases pending residence information have been assigned to the following zones: North West, 1; and Regina, 1.

Recoveries total 37,685 and 2,443 cases are considered active.

There are 184 people in hospital.  One hundred and forty-two people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West, 1; Far North East, 1; North West, 6; North Central, 6; Saskatoon, 52; Central West, 2; Central East, 7; Regina, 53; South Central, 4; and South East, 10.  Forty-two people are in intensive care: North West, 1; North Central, 2; Saskatoon, 11; Central East, 2; Regina, 25; and South Central, 1.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 245 (20.0 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,399 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 27, 2021.

To date, 762,565 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of April 26, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 639,926 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 817,371.

As of April 27, 6,444 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 92; Far North Central, 1; Far North East, 3; North West, 178; North Central, 103; North East, 13; Saskatoon, 711; Central West, 80; Central East, 282; Regina, 3,584; South West, 174; South Central, 486; and South East, 662. There are 75 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are zero new lineage results reported today.  Of the 2,305 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 2,277 are B. (UK), 19 are P.1 (Brazilian) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,581 (69 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOCs may have been initially identified by means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening).  Whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.  Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Expanded Visitation to Eligible Long-Term and Personal Care Homes 

Effective Thursday, April 29, visitor (family presence) restrictions will ease in some long-term and personal care homes.  This will only be allowed if 90 per cent of residents have been fully vaccinated, three weeks after second doses are completed and considering the local COVID-19 context (eg. community transmission, cases within a facility).  Saskatchewan Health Authority Medical Health Officers will have discretion to maintain restrictions to protect homes from potential risks of exposure.  This is a gradual, cautious approach to help keep residents safe, and allow limited and much-needed social contact and support for care needs.

There will be no limit on the total number of designated family members/supports that residents can have, but only two may visit indoors at a time.  Four visitors at a time will be allowed outdoors.  If a fully-vaccinated resident goes on an outing, they will no longer be required to quarantine following their return.

Residents that are not vaccinated can have visits from fully vaccinated family members/supports.  If the designated family members/supports are not vaccinated, family presence will continue to be permitted for compassionate care reasons only.

There are many long-term and personal care homes throughout the province with small resident populations that may not be able to meet the visitor restriction threshold of 90 per cent of residents vaccinated if even one resident is unable to receive immunization.  As a result, there will be flexibility for long-term and personal care homes with fewer than 10 residents.

  • In homes with 10 or fewer residents, all but one resident must be fully vaccinated (both doses).
  • In all cases, before visitor restrictions can be amended, at least three weeks must have passed since the last second doses were received.

The list of SHA-operated long-term care homes currently eligible for family visitation is available at  Restrictions will be reviewed weekly.

Personal care homes are expected to meet the same requirements.  Family of those residing in personal care homes will need to contact those homes to determine if they are currently able to safely support family visitation.  

Based on community transmission risk, long-term and personal care homes in the City of Regina, Emerald Park, Lumsden and Cupar will remain at Level 3 (two family members/supports can be present at the same time for end of life care only; one essential family member/support person can be designated to assist with care if needed).  If a home is currently in an outbreak or suspect outbreak, family presence will be restricted to Level 3.  Additional family presence can be supported for specific circumstances including critical care or intensive care units and maternal, postpartum or pediatric units.  In areas where there are concerns with community transmission, these homes may remain restricted to compassionate care family presence (two family members/supports can be designated to support end of life, and quality of life or care needs unmet).  For more details on levels of family presence in care settings, visit

Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan Updated for Graduations, Sports and Performing Arts, Outdoor Seating Areas

While the guidance for graduations, sports and performing arts, and outdoor seating areas has been updated, note that the risk of transmission of COVID-19 remains high, with the risk variants of concern throughout the province.  The Ministry of Health will continue to review all guidance relative to this risk and may be updated at any point, as required.  Planned events and activities must abide by the guidance in place at the time of the event/activity.


  • In-person graduations must be held outdoors and are limited to 30 guests (assuming two guests per graduate and a maximum of five teachers/support staff for a total of 45 participants).
  • Virtual graduations are permitted with no more than 30 graduates attending in-person and all guests attending virtually.  

All other public health measures must be followed, including maintaining a minimum of two metres of physical distancing between household groups.  No food or beverages are permitted.

The guidance for graduations for the month of June will be re-evaluated on May 17, 2021.  Guidance will be reviewed based on the COVID-19 situation in the province, including positive cases and the rates of immunization.

More details are available at:

Sports/Performing Arts:

  • Effective April 29, 2021, the age distinction will be removed for group training and conditioning for both team and individually practiced sports both indoors and out.  This means individuals 19+ can follow the same format as 18 and under have been using for training and conditioning in groups, i.e.:
  • In addition, dance has been moved from the sports guidelines to the performing arts guidelines.  The change to allow for participants 19+ will also apply to this group. 
  • Groups of eight, plus a coach or two
  • Non-contact only
  • Three metres of physical distancing among all participants
  • Masking as directed in the Re-open Saskatchewan Plan
  • Training and conditioning only
  • Competition remains prohibited for all ages in team sports

More details are available at:

Restaurants and Licensed Establishments:

  • For indoor dining, seating must be arranged in a way that ensures at least two metres of physical distancing between patrons where physical barriers are present and three metres where physical barriers are absent.
  • No physical barriers are required for outdoor seating (e.g. patio) areas, as long as patrons are spaced two metres apart.

For specific requirements on outdoor seating areas, please see:

All Public Health Measures Extended to May 10

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk throughout the province, the Chief Medical Health Officer has extended all current provincial public health orders until May 10, 2021.  The orders will be reviewed at that time.  Full details on current public health measures can be found at  

All residents are urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces.
  • Wash non-medical masks daily.
  • Maintain physical distancing.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  Work from home if you are able to do so.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time.

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

Covid-19 Update For April 27: 408,429 Vaccines Administered, 224 New Cases, 238 Recoveries, Six New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 5,045 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 408,429. 

The 5,045 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 15; Far North Central, 1; Far North East, 18; North West, 370; North Central, 305; North East, 146; Saskatoon, 3,103; Central West, 202; Central East, 119; Regina, 330; South West, 39; South Central, 38; and South East, 75.  There were 284 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-eight per cent of Saskatchewan residents over age 40 have received their first dose.  Thirty-nine per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Saskatchewan is expecting shipments of Moderna (18,800 doses) and Pfizer (31,590 doses) this week a portion of which will be allocated to the Pharmacy Vaccination Pilot.  

Reporting Adverse Events Following Immunization

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Mild reactions are normal and do not require reporting and could include injection site soreness, tiredness, headache, muscle and joint pain.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines. 

Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 224 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 27, bringing the provincial total to 40,401 cases.

There are six new deaths reported today. One death in the 40 to 49 age group from the South East zone; two deaths in the 60 to 69 age group from the following zones: South West, 1; and Regina, 1; three deaths in the 80+ age group from the following zones: South East, 2; and Regina, 1.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 8; North West, 43; North Central, 17; North East, 5; Saskatoon, 70; Central West, 2; Central East, 21; Regina, 30; South West, 4; South Central, 6; and South East, 11.  Seven new cases are pending residence information.  Four cases pending residence have been assigned to the following zones: North Central, 2; and Regina, 2. Two cases tested out-of-province were added to the Saskatoon counts. Two cases found to be out-of-province residents have been removed from the Regina zone.

Recoveries total 37,401 and 2,518 cases are considered active.

There are 186 people in hospital.  One hundred and forty-four (144) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North East, 1; North West, 6; North Central, 6; Saskatoon, 53; Central East, 7; Regina, 57; South West, 1; South Central, 5; and South East, 8.  Forty-two (42) people are in intensive care: North West, 2; North Central, 2; Saskatoon, 10; Central East, 2; and Regina, 26.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 248 (20.2 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 2,865 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 26, 2021.

To date, 759,166 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 25, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 637,496 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 814,635.

As of April 26, 6,301 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 87; Far North East, 2; North West, 167; North Central, 99; North East, 12; Saskatoon, 687; Central West, 81; Central East, 277; Regina, 3,513; South West, 172; South Central, 472; and South East, 643. There are 89 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 153 new lineage results reported today. Of the 2,305 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 2,277 are B. (UK), nine are B.1.351 (SA) and 19 are P.1. (Brazilian).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,580 (69 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOCs may have been initially identified by means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening).  Whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.  Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

All Public Health Measures Extended to May 10

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk throughout the province, the Chief Medical Health Officer has extended all current provincial public health orders until May 10, 2021.  The orders will be reviewed at that time.  Full details on current public health measures can be found at  

All residents are urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces.
  • Wash non-medical masks daily.
  • Maintain physical distancing.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  Work from home if you are able to do so.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time.

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

Covid-19 Update For April 26: 403,384 Vaccines Administered, 245 New Cases, 221 Recoveries, One New Death

Vaccines Reported

An additional 3,639 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 403,384. 

The 3,639 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (10), Far North Central (30), Far North East (3), North West (440), North Central (452), North East (23), Saskatoon (1,704), Central West (20), Central East (86), Regina (411), South West (60), South Central (54) and South East (210).  There were 136 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-seven per cent of Saskatchewan residents over age 40 have received their first dose.  Thirty-eight per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 44+

Eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program is currently age 44 and older, except for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District, where it remains age 40 and older.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-in and mobile.

Please remember that demand for appointments outweighs current available supply.  Additional clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Appointments can be made online at People who do not have a cell phone or email account, need assistance in booking, or are providing documentation for priority eligibility status must book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Once COVID-19 vaccine eligibility has been opened to all residents ages 40 and over, remaining prioritized front-line workers (including dentists, optometrists, chiropractors, teachers, correctional staff and border security officers) will also become eligible.  Details on how these groups can book appointments will be provided later this week.

Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

Pharmacy Vaccination Pilot Project

Appointments may be available at select pharmacies in 14 Saskatchewan communities scheduled to start receiving vaccine on April 29 as part of a pilot program to offer COVID-19 vaccinations.  The list of pharmacies participating in the pilot is now available at

This is a small-scale rollout to refine distribution and vaccination processes so appointments may be limited and may include staff working in participating pharmacies and stores housing those pharmacies that are eligible for vaccination.  All pharmacies will be providing vaccinations based on age groups and populations who are eligible on the day the appointment is booked.

Additional pharmacies in more communities will be added as larger volumes of vaccine become available in the coming weeks.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 245 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 26, bringing the provincial total to 40,177 cases.

There is one (1) new death reported in the 60 to 69 age group in the Far North West zone.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (10), North West (17), North Central (9), North East (1), Saskatoon (39), Central West (4), Central East (20), Regina (80), South West (8), South Central (32) and South East (25) zones.  Two (2) cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the North West (1) and Regina (1) zones.

Recoveries total 37,163 and 2,538 cases are considered active.

There are 187 people in hospital.  One hundred and forty-two (142) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North East (1), North West (6), North Central (7), Saskatoon (52), Central East (6), Regina (58), South West (1), South Central (4) and South East (7).  Forty-five (45) people are in intensive care: North West (2), North Central (2), Saskatoon (11), Central East (3) and Regina (27).

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 251 (20.5 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,122 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 25, 2021.

To date, 756,301 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 24, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 634,847 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 810,657.

As of April 25, 6,204 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (85), Far North East (2), North West (156), North Central (91), North East (12), Saskatoon (639), Central West (79), Central East (266), Regina (3,511), South West (172), South Central (472) and South East (644) zones. There are 75 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are zero new lineage results reported today. Of the 2,152 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 2,138 are B. (UK), nine (9) are B.1.351 (SA) and five (5) are P.1. (Brazilian).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,510 (70 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOCs may have been initially identified by means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening).  Whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.  Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

All Public Health Measures Extended to May 10

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk throughout the province, the Chief Medical Health Officer has extended all current provincial public health orders until May 10, 2021.  The orders will be reviewed at that time.  Full details on current public health measures can be found at  

All residents are urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces.
  • Wash non-medical masks daily.
  • Maintain physical distancing.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  Work from home if you are able to do so.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time.

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

Covid-19 Update For April 25: 399,745 Vaccines Administered, 249 New Cases, 290 Recoveries, Two New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 7,451 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 399,745. 

The 7,451 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (39), Far North Central (6), Far North East (48), North West (1,102), North Central (615), North East (596), Saskatoon (2,517), Central West (75), Central East (276), Regina (430), South West (495), South Central (79) and South East (913).  There were 260 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-seven per cent of Saskatchewan residents over age 40 have received their first dose. Thirty-eight per cent of those 18+ and thirty per cent of the total provincial population have received a first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 44+

Eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program is currently age 44 and older, except for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District, where it remains age 40 and older.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-in and mobile.

Please remember that demand for appointments outweighs current available supply. Additional clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Appointments can be made online at People who do not have a cell phone or email account, need assistance in booking, or are providing documentation for priority eligibility status must book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 249 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 25, bringing the provincial total to 39,932 cases.

There are two (2) new deaths reported, both in the North West zone. One is in the 50 to 59 age group and the other in the 80+ age group.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (17), North West (12), North Central (7), North East (5), Saskatoon (42), Central West (1), Central East (15), Regina (101), South West (8), South Central (6) and South East (27) zones.  Eight (8) new cases have pending residence information.  Four (4) cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the Far North Central (1), Far North East (1), North West (1) and Regina (1) zones.

Recoveries total 36,942 and 2,515 cases are considered active.

There are 186 people in hospital.  One hundred and thirty-seven (137) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North East (1), North West (8), North Central (7), Saskatoon (46), Central East (5), Regina (57), South West (2), South Central (3) and South East (8).  Forty-nine (49) people are in intensive care: North Central (2), Saskatoon (13), Central East (3), Regina (30) and South West (1).

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 251 (20.5 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,423 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 24, 2021. To date, 753,179 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 23, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 631,943 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 807,923.

As of April 24, 6,026 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (81), Far North East (2), North West (149), North Central (88), North East (12), Saskatoon (619), Central West (77), Central East (251), Regina (3,447), South West (160), South Central (455) and South East (617) zones. There are 68 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 92 new lineage results reported today. Of the 2,152 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 2,138 are B. (UK), nine (9) are B.1.351 (SA) and five (5) are P.1. (Brazilian).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,510 (70 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOCs may have been initially identified by means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening). Whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results. Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

All Public Health Measures Extended to May 10

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk throughout the province, the Chief Medical Health Officer has extended all current provincial public health orders until May 10, 2021.  The orders will be reviewed at that time. Full details on current public health measures can be found at  

All residents are urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces.
  • Wash non-medical masks daily.
  • Maintain physical distancing.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  Work from home if you are able to do so.
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time.

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

Enforcing Public Health Measures 

Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994.  Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies in the province.
 For more information on current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

COVID-19 Update for April 24: 392,294 Vaccines Administered, 286 New Cases, 194 Recoveries, Two New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 10,159 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 392,294.  

The 10,159 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following regions: Far North West (346), Far North East (253), North West (930), North Central (859), North East (552), Saskatoon (3,277), Central West (458), Central East (529), Regina (627), South West (871), South Central (233) and South East (908).  There were 316 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Fifty-six per cent of Saskatchewan residents age 40+, thirty-seven per cent of Saskatchewan residents 18+ and thirty per cent of Saskatchewan’s total population have received their first dose:

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found on the dashboard at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 44+ 

Eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program is currently age 44 and older, except for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District, where it remains age 40 and older.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-in and mobile.  

Please remember that demand for appointments outweighs current available supply.  Additional clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Appointments can be made online at  People who do not have a cell phone or email account, need assistance in booking, or are providing documentation for priority eligibility status must book by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at

Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 286 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on April 24, bringing the provincial total to 39,683 cases.  Five (5) cases tested out of province have been added to the Regina (2) and Saskatoon (3) zone totals.

There are two (2) new deaths reported in the 70 to 79 age group from the Regina zone.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (15), North West (28), North Central (25), North East (4), Saskatoon (55), Central West (1), Central East (16), Regina (90), South West (18), South Central (10) and South East (15) zones.  Nine (9) new cases have pending residence information.  Eleven (11) cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the North Central (2), North West (1), Saskatoon (1) and Regina (7) zones.

There are a total of 36,652 recoveries and 2,558 cases are considered active.

There are 186 people in hospital.  One hundred and thirty-five (135) people are receiving inpatient care: Far North East (1), North West (11), North Central (7), Saskatoon (46), Central East (5), Regina (52), South West (3), South Central (3) and South East (7).  Fifty-one (51) people are in intensive care: North Central (3), Saskatoon (11), Central East (2), Regina (34) and South West (1).

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number was 257 (21.0 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past several months is available on the Government of Saskatchewan website at

There were 4,321 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on April 23, 2021.

To date, 749,756 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.   As of April 22, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 628,277 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 804,081 tests performed per million population.

As of April 23, 5,880 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the Far North West (69), Far North East (2), North West (140), North Central (85), North East (10), Saskatoon (600), Central West (77), Central East (248), Regina (3,382), South West (151), South Central (444) and South East (607) zones.  There are 65 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are zero (0) new lineage results reported today. Of the 2,060 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 2,046 are B. (UK), nine (9) are B.1.351 (SA) and five (5) are P.1. (Brazilian).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,475 (72 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOCs may have been initially identified via means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening) and that whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.  

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

All Public Health Measures Extended to May 10

Due to increased COVID-19 transmission risk throughout the province, the Chief Medical Health Officer has extended all current provincial public health orders until May 10, 2021.  The orders will be reviewed at that time. Full details on current public health measures can be found at  

All residents are urged to adhere to best personal protective measures:

  • Wear your mask in all public places including all workplaces
  • Wash non-medical masks daily
  • Maintain physical distancing
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Reduce activities outside of your home.  Order take-out or curbside pick-up.  Work from home if you are able to do so. 
  • Avoid all unnecessary travel throughout the province at this time.

If you have any symptoms, stay home and arrange for a COVID-19 test.  If anyone in your home has symptoms, the entire household should remain home until the test results are known.  Testing information is available at

Enforcing Public Health Measures 
Enforcement of public health orders is permitted under The Public Health Act, 1994.  Public health inspectors will be supported in their efforts to ticket violators to ensure that businesses and events are brought into compliance as quickly as possible, in addition to the enforcement efforts that have been undertaken by police agencies throughout the province.

For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe: