Category Archives: Davidson

COVID-19 Update For May 11: 530,307 Vaccines Administered, 186 New Cases, 266 Recoveries, Four New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 3,050 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 530,307.

The 3,050 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 82; Far North Central, 1; Far North East, 19; North West, 164; North Central, 334; North East, 40; Saskatoon, 1,341; Central West, 21; Central East, 160; Regina, 269; South West, 162; South Central, 66; and South East, 307.  There were 84 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Seventy-two per cent of those over the age of 40 have received their first dose.  Sixty-one per cent of those 30+ have received their first dose.  Fifty-one per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 29+; Changes to 26+ Tomorrow

Eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program is currently age 29 and older.  Effective at 8 a.m. tomorrow (May 12), eligibility will expand to age 26 and older.  It remains age 18 and older for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-ins, pharmacies and mobile clinics. 

Prioritized front-line workers are also eligible.  A list of those occupations is available at  Eligible priority groups may visit a drive-thru or walk-in clinic, arrange an appointment with a participating pharmacy, or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) to make an appointment through the SHA booking system.  Prioritized front-line workers will be required to provide proof of employment at the time of immunization (a pay stub, letter from their employer, or a copy of a professional license).

Residents aged 29+ may book online at or by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  They may also attend a scheduled drive-thru or book at a participating pharmacy.  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at  Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has scheduled drive-thru and walk-in clinics throughout the province.  For street addresses and hours of operation for these clinics, see

The current list of pharmacies offering vaccinations is available at  Find participating pharmacies near you using the map tool.

There may be clinic options outside your community and residents are encouraged to consider those alternate locations for immunization.  Additional stops should be avoided if possible when travelling to another community for an appointment.  More clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Starting tomorrow (May 12), the vaccination clinic in Drayton, North Dakota is changing its hours.  Eligible truck drivers and essential energy workers will be able to receive their vaccine between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 186 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on May 11, bringing the provincial total to 43,481 cases.  Seven cases tested out of province were added to the following zones: Far North West, 2; North West, 2; and Regina, 3.

There are four new deaths reported today.  Three deaths in the North West zone from the following age groups: 30 to 39, 1; 70 to 79, 1; and 80+, 1; and one death in the South Central zone from the 60 to 69 age group.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 1; Far North East, 5; North West, 13; North Central, 29; North East, 3; Saskatoon, 53; Central West, 1; Central East, 7; Regina, 46; South West, 7; South Central, 12; and South East, 7.  Two new cases are pending residence information.  Four cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the following zones: Far North East, 1; Central East, 1; and Regina, 2.

Recoveries total 40,911 and 2,064 cases are considered active.

There are 162 people in hospital.  One hundred and twenty-four people are receiving inpatient care: North West, 5; North Central, 4; North East, 1; Saskatoon, 61; Central East, 3; Regina, 40; South West, 1; South Central, 3; and South East, 6.  Thirty-eight people are in intensive care: North Central, 2; Saskatoon, 13; Central East, 2; Regina, 19; South West, 1; and South Central, 1.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 204 (16.6 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,043 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on May 10, 2021.

To date, 805,679 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of May 9, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 676,807 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 861,639.

As of May 10, 8,514 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 191; Far North East, 8; North West, 324; North Central, 251; North East, 50; Saskatoon, 1,064; Central West, 91; Central East, 384; Regina, 4,253; South West, 279; South Central, 616; and South East, 871. There are 132 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 60 new lineage results reported today.  Of the 3,496 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 3,436 are B. (UK), 51 are P.1 (Brazilian) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Don’t Let COVID-19 Hitch a Ride Home with You

While Saskatchewan continues to monitor COVID-19 trends throughout the province, public health reminds all residents to ensure any travel both within the province and inter-provincially is for essential purposes only.

If your interprovincial travel is necessary, please be aware of the risk of transmission in those jurisdictions, the public health orders that are in effect there, and plan to be tested immediately upon returning home.

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

COVID-19 Update For May 10: 527,257 Vaccines Administered, 147 New Cases, 266 Recoveries, No New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 9,124 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 527,257.

The 9,124 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 42; Far North Central, 1; Far North East, 9; North West, 519; North Central, 596; North East, 170; Saskatoon, 4,019; Central West, 64; Central East, 953; Regina, 1,280; South West, 292; South Central, 316; and South East, 516.  There were 347 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Seventy-one per cent of those over the age of 40 have received their first dose.  Sixty-one per cent of those 30+ have received their first dose.  Fifty-one per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 29+

Eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program expanded today to include ages 29 years and older.It remains 18 years and older for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-ins, pharmacies and mobile clinics. 

Prioritized front-line workers are also eligible.  A list of those occupations is available at  Eligible priority groups may visit a drive-thru or walk-in clinic, arrange an appointment with a participating pharmacy, or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) to make an appointment through the SHA booking system. Prioritized front-line workers will be required to provide proof of employment at the time of immunization (a pay stub, letter from their employer, or a copy of a professional license).

There may be clinic options outside your community and residents are encouraged to consider those alternate locations for immunization.  Additional stops should be avoided if possible.  More clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Residents aged 29+ may book online at or by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  They may also attend a scheduled drive-thru or book at a participating pharmacy.  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at  Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has scheduled drive-thru and walk-in clinics throughout the province.  For street addresses and hours of operation for these clinics, see

The current list of pharmacies offering vaccinations is available at  Find participating pharmacies near you using the map tool.

Starting on Wednesday, May 12, the vaccination clinic in Drayton, North Dakota is changing its hours.  Eligible truck drivers and essential energy workers will be able to receive their vaccine between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 147 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on May 10, bringing the provincial total to 43,288 cases.  

No new deaths are reported today.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 2; North West, 11; North Central, 9; North East, 6; Saskatoon, 43; Central East, 8; Regina, 35; South West, 10; South Central, 11; and South East, 9.  Three new cases are pending residence information.  Two cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the following zones: North West, 1; and Regina, 1.

Recoveries total 40,645 and 2,141 cases are considered active.

There are 156 people in hospital.  One hundred and nineteen people are receiving inpatient care: North West, 8; North Central, 3; North East, 2; Saskatoon, 56; Central East, 3; Regina, 41; South West, 1; South Central, 1; and South East, 4.  Thirty-seven people are in intensive care: North Central, 3; Saskatoon, 13; Central East, 2; Regina, 17; South West, 1; and South Central, 1.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 204 (16.7 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 2,507 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on May 9, 2021.

To date, 802,636 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of May 8, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 674,680 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 858,901.

As of May 9, 8,392 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 187; Far North East, 6; North West, 318; North Central, 237; North East, 50; Saskatoon, 1,029; Central West, 90; Central East, 373; Regina, 4,223; South West, 274; South Central, 612; and South East, 863. There are 130 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 92 new lineage results reported today.  Of the 3,436 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 3,378 are B. (UK), 49 are P.1 (Brazilian) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Be Safe and Limit Your Travel

Saskatchewan is a land of living skies and long highways.  In a province as big as ours, travel is often required to meet the everyday needs of residents but we also start taking advantage of the warm weather to make get-away plans.  At this time, please continue to minimize your travel.  If residents are taking trips outside of their community, there are best practices to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission:

  • Continue to follow the guidance of the current Public Health Orders.
  • Manage as many retail or business needs in your home community as possible prior to any other destination.
  • If you are travelling to or from a location with increased COVID-19 transmission, consider whether travel can be delayed.
  • Where possible, travel in the same vehicle with members of your immediate household only.
  • Travel directly from your home community to your destination with no unnecessary stops.
  • Once you reach your destination, make as few stops as possible and minimize contact with residents of that community.
  • Document date(s) of travel and the location of stops in case you need to refer to it later.
  • While medical appointments are considered essential travel, access medical services in your home community only if possible.

Don’t Let COVID-19 Hitch a Ride Home with You

While Saskatchewan continues to monitor COVID-19 trends throughout the province, public health reminds all residents to ensure any travel both within the province and inter-provincially is for essential purposes only.

If your interprovincial travel is necessary, please be aware of the risk of transmission in those jurisdictions, the public health orders that are in effect there, and plan to be tested immediately upon return home.

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

COVID-19 Update For May 9: 518,133 Vaccines Administered, 177 New Cases, 210 Recoveries, No New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional daily record of 13,651 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 518,133. 

The 13,651 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 123; Far North Central, 6; Far North East, 90; North West, 679; North Central, 848; North East, 486; Saskatoon, 4,664; Central West, 425; Central East, 1,170; Regina, 2,311; South West, 493; South Central, 973; and South East, 988.  There were 395 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Seventy-one per cent of those over the age of 40 have received their first dose, which meets an important vaccination threshold criteria for Step One of the Saskatchewan Re-Opening Roadmap to be activated in three weeks. A separate news release containing additional information on the Step-One target date has been issued and can be accessed at  Fifty-nine per cent of those 30+ have received their first dose.  Fifty per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Saskatchewan expects to receive 63,180 Pfizer doses the week of May 10. The vaccine will be distributed as follows: Regina (10,530), Saskatoon (8,190), pharmacies (31,590), North Battleford (2,340), Prince Albert (1,170), Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) North (2,340), ISC South (2,340), ISC North Battleford (1,170), and Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority (NITHA) Prince Albert (3,510) with deliveries to be completed by Wednesday, May 12. 

Vaccination Booking System Open to Age 32+; changes to 29+ tomorrow

Eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program has expanded to include age 32+.  Effective 8 a.m. Monday, May 10, 2021, eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program moves to 29 years of age and older.  It remains 18+ for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-ins, pharmacies and mobile clinics. 

Prioritized front-line workers are also eligible.  A list of those occupations is available at  Eligible priority groups may visit a drive-thru or walk-in clinic, arrange an appointment with a participating pharmacy, or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) to make an appointment through the SHA booking system. Prioritized front-line workers will be required to provide proof of employment at the time of immunization (a pay stub, letter from their employer, or a copy of a professional license).

There may be clinic options outside your community and residents are encouraged to consider those alternate locations for immunization.  Additional stops should be avoided if possible.  More clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Residents aged 32+ may book online at or by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  They may also attend a scheduled drive-thru or book at a participating pharmacy.  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at  Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has scheduled drive-thru and walk-in clinics throughout the province.  For street addresses and hours of operation for these clinics, see

The pharmacy vaccination pilot rollout continues and additional pharmacies will be added as larger volumes of vaccine become available.  The current list of pharmacies participating is available at  Find the participating pharmacies near you now on the new map tool. 

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 177 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on May 9, bringing the provincial total to 43,141 cases.  

No new deaths are reported today.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 8; North West, 18; North Central, 9; Saskatoon, 40; Central West, 1; Central East, 14; Regina, 42; South West, 11; South Central, 15; and South East, 18.  One new case is pending residence information.  Two new cases with pending residence information has been assigned to the North Central zone (1) and Regina (1).

Recoveries total 40,379 and 2,260 cases are considered active.

There are 157 people in hospital.  One hundred and sixteen people are receiving inpatient care: North West, 8; North Central, 3; North East, 2; Saskatoon, 52; Central East, 2; Regina, 41; South West, 1; South Central, 3; and South East, 4.  Forty-one people are in intensive care: North Central, 3; Saskatoon, 15; Central East, 2; Regina, 19; South West, 1; and South Central, 1.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 213 (17.4 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,055 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on May 8, 2021.

To date, 800,129 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of May 7, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 672,088 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 856,454.

As of May 8, 8,258 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 183; Far North East, 6; North West, 307; North Central, 230; North East, 48; Saskatoon, 1,001; Central West, 91; Central East, 366; Regina, 4,185; South West, 263; South Central, 601; and South East, 848. There are 129 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 230 new lineage results reported today.  Of the 3,344 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 3,288 are B. (UK), 47 are P.1 (Brazilian) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Keep Mom, Grandma and All Your Loved Ones Safe this Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day and while we all want to show that special person who raised us we care, mom would also want us to stay safe.  Some options for you this Mother’s Day:

  • Plan a virtual visit – a call or video chat can brighten someone’s day.
  • If you are visiting in person, meet outside!  Go for a walk, sit around a fire or on the porch.  Remember: all private dwelling indoor gatherings are limited to household members only.  Outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people.  And don’t forget that non-household members need to physically distance.
  • Postpone visits and stay home if you are sick, even if your symptoms are mild.
  • For visitation in SHA facilities, long-term and personal care homes, check on the current visitation guidelines at

Please continue to follow public health orders.  You can find them at  All current public health orders will remain in place until reviewed as part of implementing Step One of the Re-Opening Roadmap.

Be Safe and Limit Your Travel

Saskatchewan is a land of living skies and long highways.  In a province as big as ours, travel is often required to meet the everyday needs of residents but we also start taking advantage of the warm weather to make get-away plans.  At this time, please continue to minimize your travel.  If residents are taking trips outside of their community, there are best practices to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission:

  • Continue to follow the guidance of the current Public Health Orders.
  • Manage as many retail or business needs in your home community as possible prior to any other destination.
  • If you are travelling to or from a location with increased COVID-19 transmission, consider whether travel can be delayed.
  • Where possible, travel in the same vehicle with members of your immediate household only.
  • Travel directly from your home community to your destination with no unnecessary stops.
  • Once you reach your destination, make as few stops as possible and minimize contact with residents of that community.
  • Document date(s) of travel and the location of stops in case you need to refer to it later.
  • While medical appointments are considered essential travel, access medical services in your home community only if possible.

Don’t Let COVID-19 Hitch a Ride Home with You

  • While Saskatchewan continues to monitor COVID-19 trends throughout the province, public health reminds all residents to ensure any travel both within the province and inter-provincially is for essential purposes only.
  • If your travel interprovincial is necessary, please be aware of the risk of transmission in those jurisdictions, the public health orders that are in effect there, and plan to be tested immediately upon return home.

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

COVID-19 Update For May 8: Saskatchewan Passes 500,000 Vaccines Administered, 269 New Cases, 215 Recoveries, No New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 13,042 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 504,482. 

The 13,042 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 244; Far North Central, 7; Far North East, 181; North West, 514; North Central, 776; North East, 286; Saskatoon, 2,782; Central West, 138; Central East, 1,189; Regina, 4,245; South West, 506; South Central, 515; and South East, 1,242.  There were 417 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Almost 70 per cent (69.6 per cent) of those over the age of 40 have received their first dose.  Fifty-eight per cent of those 30+ have received their first dose.  Forty-nine per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Saskatchewan expects to receive 63,180 Pfizer doses the week of May 10. The vaccine will be distributed as follows: Regina (10,530), Saskatoon (8,190), pharmacies (31,590), North Battleford (2,340), Prince Albert (1,170), Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) North (2,340), ISC South (2,340), ISC North Battleford (1,170), and Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority (NITHA) Prince Albert (3,510) with deliveries to be completed by Wednesday, May 12. 

Vaccination Booking System Now Open to Age 32+ 

Today, eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program has expanded to include age 32+.  It remains 18+ for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-ins, pharmacies and mobile clinics. 

Prioritized front-line workers are also eligible.  A list of those occupations is available at  Eligible priority groups may visit a drive-thru or walk-in clinic, arrange an appointment with a participating pharmacy, or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) to make an appointment through the SHA booking system. Prioritized front-line workers will be required to provide proof of employment at the time of immunization (a pay stub, letter from their employer, or a copy of a professional license).

There may be clinic options outside your community and residents are encouraged to consider those alternate locations for immunization.  Additional stops should be avoided if possible.  More clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Residents aged 32+ may book online at or by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  They may also attend a scheduled drive-thru or book at a participating pharmacy.  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at  Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has scheduled drive-thru and walk-in clinics throughout the province.  For street addresses and hours of operation for these clinics, see

The pharmacy vaccination pilot rollout continues and additional pharmacies will be added as larger volumes of vaccine become available.  The current list of pharmacies participating is available at  Find the participating pharmacies near you now on the new map tool. 

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 269 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on May 8, bringing the provincial total to 42,964 cases.  

No new deaths are reported today.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 11; North West, 25; North Central, 23; North East, 3; Saskatoon, 73; Central West, 1; Central East, 22; Regina, 51; South West, 10; South Central, 14; and South East, 31.  Five new cases are pending residence information.  One case with pending residence information has been assigned to the North Central zone.

Recoveries total 40,169 and 2,293 cases are considered active.

There are 168 people in hospital.  One hundred and twenty-six people are receiving inpatient care: North West, 9; North Central, 3; North East, 4; Saskatoon, 57; Central East, 2; Regina, 42; South West, 1; South Central, 3; and South East, 5.  Forty-two people are in intensive care: North Central, 3; Saskatoon, 15; Central East, 2; Regina, 20; South West, 1; and South Central, 1.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 222 (18.1 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,803 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on May 7, 2021.

To date, 797,074 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of May 6, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 668,861 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 852,749.

As of May 7, 8,103 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 179; Far North East, 6; North West, 285; North Central, 205; North East, 44; Saskatoon, 980; Central West, 91; Central East, 360; Regina, 4,155; South West, 256; South Central, 591; and South East, 830. There are 121 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 83 new lineage results reported today.  Of the 3,114 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 3,064 are B. (UK), 41 are P.1 (Brazilian) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Keep Mom, Grandma and All Your Loved Ones Safe this Mother’s Day

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and while we all want to show that special person who raised us we care, mom would also want us to stay safe.  Some options for you this Mother’s Day:

  • Plan a virtual visit – a call or video chat can brighten someone’s day.
  • If you are visiting in person, meet outside!  Go for a walk, sit around a fire or on the porch.  Remember: all private dwelling indoor gatherings are limited to household members only.  Outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people.  And don’t forget that non-household members need to physically distance.
  • Postpone visits and stay home if you are sick, even if your symptoms are mild. 
  • For visitation in SHA facilities, long-term and personal care homes, check on the current visitation guidelines at

Please continue to follow public health orders.  You can find them at  All current public health orders will remain in place until reviewed as part of implementing Step One of the Re-Opening Roadmap.

Be Safe and Limit Your Travel

Saskatchewan is a land of living skies and long highways.  In a province as big as ours, travel is often required to meet the everyday needs of residents but we also start taking advantage of the warm weather to make get-away plans.  At this time, please continue to minimize your travel.  If residents are taking trips outside of their community, there are best practices to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission:

  • Continue to follow the guidance of the current Public Health Orders.
  • Manage as many retail or business needs in your home community as possible prior to any other destination.
  • If you are travelling to or from a location with increased COVID-19 transmission, consider whether travel can be delayed.
  • Where possible, travel in the same vehicle with members of your immediate household only.
  • Travel directly from your home community to your destination with no unnecessary stops.
  • Once you reach your destination, make as few stops as possible and minimize contact with residents of that community.
  • Document date(s) of travel and the location of stops in case you need to refer to it later.
  • While medical appointments are considered essential travel, access medical services in your home community only if possible.

Don’t Let COVID-19 Hitch a Ride Home with You

  • While Saskatchewan continues to monitor COVID-19 trends throughout the province, public health reminds all residents to ensure any travel both within the province and inter-provincially is for essential purposes only.  
  • If your travel interprovincial is necessary, please be aware of the risk of transmission in those jurisdictions, the public health orders that are in effect there, and plan to be tested immediately upon return home.  

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

COVID-19 Update For May 7: 491,440 Vaccines Administered, 295 New Cases, 237 Recoveries, One New Death

Vaccines Reported

An additional 10,530 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 491,440. 

The 10,530 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 170; Far North Central, 2; Far North East, 231; North West, 787; North Central, 800; North East, 323; Saskatoon, 2,462; Central West, 323; Central East, 457; Regina, 3,536; South West, 43; South Central, 404; and South East, 618.  There were 374 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Sixty-nine per cent of those over the age of 40 have received their first dose.  Fifty-six per cent of those 30+ have received their first dose.  Forty-seven per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Next week’s scheduled Moderna shipment of 31,000 doses has arrived early.  Shipments totaling 30,200 doses arrived in Saskatchewan yesterday, with the remaining 800 doses expected to arrive today.  They are now being distributed to vaccination clinics, First Nations and participating pharmacies province-wide.

Vaccination Booking System Opens to Ages 32+ Tomorrow

On Saturday, May 8, eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program will expand to include age 32+.  It remains 18+ for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-ins, pharmacies and mobile clinics. 

Prioritized front-line workers are also eligible.  A list of those occupations is available at  Eligible priority groups may visit a drive-thru or walk-in clinic, arrange an appointment with a participating pharmacy, or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) to make an appointment through the SHA booking system. Prioritized front-line workers will be required to provide proof of employment at the time of immunization (a pay stub, letter from their employer, or a copy of a professional license).

There may be clinic options outside your community and residents are encouraged to consider those alternate locations for immunization.  Additional stops should be avoided if possible.  More clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Starting at 8 a.m. tomorrow, residents aged 32+ may book online at or by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  They may also attend a scheduled drive-thru or book at a participating pharmacy.  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at  Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has scheduled drive-thru and walk-in clinics throughout the province.  For street addresses and hours of operation for these clinics, see

The pharmacy vaccination pilot rollout continues and additional pharmacies will be added as larger volumes of vaccine become available.  The current list of pharmacies participating is available at  Find the participating pharmacies near you now on the new map tool. 

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 295 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on May 7, bringing the provincial total to 42,695 cases.  Twenty-four cases tested out of province were added to the North West, 7; North Central, 1; Saskatoon, 5; Central West, 1; Central East, 2; Regina, 4; South West, 1; and South East, 1. Two cases tested out of province are pending residence information.

One new death is reported today in the 70-79 age group from the South West zone.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 2; Far North East, 5; North West, 33; North Central, 17; North East, 9; Saskatoon, 98; Central West, 1; Central East, 10; Regina, 68; South West, 9; South Central, 7; and South East, 32.  Four new cases are pending residence information.  Two cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the following zones: North West, 1; and Regina, 1.

Recoveries total 39,954 and 2,239 cases are considered active.

There are 174 people in hospital.  One hundred and thirty-six people are receiving inpatient care: Far North East, 1; North West, 8; North Central, 3; North East, 4; Saskatoon, 62; Central East, 2; Regina, 46; South West, 2; South Central, 3; and South East, 5.  Thirty-eight people are in intensive care: North Central, 2; Saskatoon, 12; Central East, 3; Regina, 20; and South Central, 1.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 221 (18.0 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,652 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on May 6, 2021.

To date, 793,271 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of May 5, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 665,763 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 848,995.

As of May 6, 7,905 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 172; Far North East, 6; North West, 262; North Central, 190; North East, 43; Saskatoon, 930; Central West, 90; Central East, 339; Regina, 4,119; South West, 246; South Central, 576; and South East, 817. There are 115 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 27 new lineage results reported today.  Of the 3,031 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 2,986 are B. (UK), 36 are P.1 (Brazilian) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  

Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Keep Mom, Grandma and all your loved ones safe this Mother’s Day

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and while we all want to show that special person who raised us we care, mom would also want us to stay safe.  Some options for you this Mother’s Day:

  • Plan a virtual visit – a call or video chat can brighten someone’s day.
  • If you are visiting in person, meet outside!  Go for a walk, sit around a fire or on the porch.  Remember: all private dwelling indoor gatherings are limited to household members only.  Outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people.  And don’t forget that non-household members need to physically distance.
  • Postpone visits and stay home if you are sick, even if your symptoms are mild. 
  • For visitation in SHA facilities, long-term and personal care homes, check on the current visitation guidelines at

Please continue to follow public health orders.  You can find them at  All current public health orders will remain in place until reviewed as part of implementing Step One of the Re-Opening Roadmap.

Be Safe and Limit Your Travel

Saskatchewan is a land of living skies and long highways.  In a province as big as ours, travel is often required to meet the everyday needs of residents but we also start taking advantage of the warm weather to make get-away plans.  At this time, please continue to minimize your travel.  If residents are taking trips outside of their community, there are best practices to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission:

  • Continue to follow the guidance of the current Public Health Orders.
  • Manage as many retail or business needs in your home community as possible prior to any other destination.
  • If you are travelling to or from a location with increased COVID-19 transmission, consider whether travel can be delayed.
  • Where possible, travel in the same vehicle with members of your immediate household only.
  • Travel directly from your home community to your destination with no unnecessary stops.
  • Once you reach your destination, make as few stops as possible and minimize contact with residents of that community.
  • Document date(s) of travel and the location of stops in case you need to refer to it later.
  • While medical appointments are considered essential travel, access medical services in your home community only if possible.

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe:

COVID-19 Update For May 6: 480,910 Vaccines Administered, 156 New Cases, 265 Recoveries, No New Deaths

Vaccines Reported

An additional 10,195 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in Saskatchewan, bringing the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 480,910. 

The 10,195 doses of COVID-19 vaccine reported today were administered to residents living in the following zones: Far North West, 315; Far North Central, 10; Far North East, 182; North West, 454; North Central, 409; North East, 678; Saskatoon, 2,932; Central West, 384; Central East, 572; Regina, 2,772; South West, 287; South Central, 243; and South East, 589.  There were 368 doses administered with zone of residence pending.

Eighty-two per cent of Saskatchewan residents over age 60 have received their first dose.  Sixty-seven per cent of those 40+ have received their first dose.  Forty-six per cent of those 18+ have received their first dose.

All vaccine administration details for the province, including first and second doses, can be found at  As the source database for vaccine information, Panorama is subject to continuous data updates which may result in revised counts, day over day.

Vaccination Booking System Open to Ages 35+ 

On Thursday, May 6, eligibility in the provincial age-based immunization program expanded to include age 35+.  It remains 18+ for the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.  This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-ins, pharmacies and mobile clinics. 

Prioritized front-line workers are also eligible.  A list of those occupations is available at  Eligible priority groups may visit a drive-thru or walk-in clinic, arrange an appointment with a participating pharmacy, or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) to make an appointment through the SHA booking system. Prioritized front-line workers will be required to provide proof of employment at the time of immunization (a pay stub, letter from their employer, or a copy of a professional license).

There may be clinic options outside your community and residents are encouraged to consider those alternate locations for immunization.  Additional stops should be avoided if possible.  More clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

Residents aged 35+ may book online at or by calling 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829).  They may also attend a scheduled drive-thru or book at a participating pharmacy.  Additional information on how to book your appointment is available at  Please do not call until you are eligible to book your vaccination appointment.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has scheduled drive-thru and walk-in clinics throughout the province.  For street addresses and hours of operation for these clinics, see

The pharmacy vaccination pilot rollout continues, refining distribution and vaccination processes so appointments may be limited.  Additional pharmacies in more communities will be added as larger volumes of vaccine become available.  The current list of pharmacies participating in the pilot is available at

Individuals who experience a severe or unusual reaction after getting a COVID-19 vaccination can report it by calling 811.  Anyone experiencing a severe reaction such as difficulty breathing should call 911.  Any adverse event that may be related to a vaccination is reported in order to continuously monitor the safety of vaccines.

Daily COVID-19 Statistics

There are 156 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on May 6, bringing the provincial total to 42,376 cases.   

No new deaths are reported today. 

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 1; Far North East, 1; North West, 11; North Central, 31; North East, 11; Saskatoon, 10; Central East, 10; Regina, 40; South West, 5; South Central, 13; and South East, 22.  One new case is pending residence information.  Three cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the following zones: North West, 1; and North Central, 2.

Seventeen cases tested out of province were added to the North West, 3; North Central, 1; Central East, 2; Saskatoon, 9; South West, 1; South East, 1.

Recoveries total 39,717 and 2,158 cases are considered active.

There are 173 people in hospital.  One hundred and thirty-two people are receiving inpatient care: Far North West, 1; Far North East, 1; North West, 8; North Central, 4; North East, 2; Saskatoon, 60; Central East, 3; Regina, 43; South West, 2; South Central, 3; and South East, 5.  Forty-one people are in intensive care: North Central, 1; Saskatoon, 14; Central East, 2; Regina, 23; and South Central, 1.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 case number is 216 (17.6 new cases per 100,000).  A chart comparing today’s average to data collected over the past few months is available at

There were 3,494 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on May 5, 2021.

To date, 789,619 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan.  As of May 4, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 662,799 tests performed per million population.  The national rate was 845,348.

As of May 5, 7,695 variants of concern have been identified by screening in Saskatchewan, reported in the following zones: Far North West, 171; Far North East, 2; North West, 249; North Central, 181; North East, 32; Saskatoon, 906; Central West, 87; Central East, 328; Regina, 4,047; South West, 236; South Central, 564; and South East, 775. There are 117 screened VOCs with residence pending.

There are 39 new lineage results reported today.  Of the 3,004 VOCs with lineages identified by whole genome sequencing in Saskatchewan, 2,962 are B. (UK), 33 are P.1 (Brazilian) and nine are B.1.351 (SA).  The Regina zone accounts for 1,877 (62 per cent) of the VOC cases with confirmed lineage reported in Saskatchewan.

Please note that these VOCs may have been initially identified by means other than screening (i.e. selection for whole genome sequencing without screening).  Whole genome sequencing results to identify lineage are included in the screening results.  Confirmed variant of concern cases may appear in both columns on the website, depending on testing for that case.  Adding the cases identified by screening and those that have received whole genome sequencing may result in double-counting individual cases.

Further statistics on the total number of cases among health care workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date, per capita testing rate and current numbers of confirmed variants of concern can be found at

Be Safe and Limit Your Travel

Saskatchewan is a land of living skies and long highways.  In a province as big as ours, travel is often required to meet the everyday needs of residents but we also start taking advantage of the warm weather to make get-away plans.  At this time, please continue to minimize your travel.  If residents are taking trips outside of their community, there are best practices to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission:

  • Continue to follow the guidance of the current Public Health Orders.
  • Manage as many retail or business needs in your home community as possible prior to any other destination.
  • If you are travelling to or from a location with increased COVID-19 transmission, consider whether travel can be delayed.
  • Where possible, travel in the same vehicle with members of your immediate household only.
  • Travel directly from your home community to your destination with no unnecessary stops.
  • Once you reach your destination, make as few stops as possible and minimize contact with residents of that community.
  • Document date(s) of travel and the location of stops in case you need to refer to it later.
  • While medical appointments are considered essential travel, access medical services in your home community only if possible.

General COVID-19 Information

General public inquiries may be directed to

Know your risk.  Keep yourself and others safe: