Category Archives: Davidson

Raiders ready despite low numbers

Jacob Schilling and teammates take part in an agility drill at a senior football practice in Davidson on Aug. 28.

By Joel van der Veen

DAVIDSON — An uncertain week gave way to optimism on Thursday as Davidson coaches agreed to move forward on another season of senior football.

Early last week, the coming season appeared to be in jeopardy with nine or 10 players showing up at the first two practices, well short of the minimum number required for a six-man team.

But Thursday’s practice drew 14 players, said coach Jason Low, adding that he’s also waiting to hear from “maybe a few more who are on the fence.”

“We decided to give it a go,” he said Friday in a phone call from Outlook, where he was attending a coaching convention hosted by Football Saskatchewan.

The Davidson Raiders will begin their season with a home game against Lanigan on Friday, Sept. 8, at 4 p.m.

The team plays in the 2A league in a conference that also includes Assiniboia, Preeceville, Watrous and Wynyard. (Watson was originally part of the league but had to drop out due to low player numbers.)

Davidson’s coaching staff this year includes Low, John Jamieson and Garrett Bailey, along with Greg Bennett, a new addition to the staff at Davidson School. (Bailey and Bennett are also leading the school’s junior football program.)

Kenaston principal Greg McJannet is joining the coaching staff of the Outlook High School Blues, where his son is on the roster. Trevor Ouellette, whose son Addison graduated last year, also decided to retire from coaching football after last season.

The Raiders have a co-op agreement with three area schools, allowing players from Craik, Kenaston and Loreburn to play on the team.

The senior team met three times last week and will soon transition into its regular schedule of early-morning practices.

Low attributed the low initial turnout to a couple of factors, including some miscommunication. For instance, he said some out-of-town parents were unaware of the co-op arrangement and didn’t know their kids were eligible to play.

As well, some potential players have chosen to focus on one specific sport like basketball.

Eight players graduated from Grade 12 last year, including much of the team’s offensive core.

This year Davidson also has to contend with a small Grade 12 class, meaning fewer potential players.

“We’re kind of back to our drawing board this year,” said Low, calling it something of an “anomaly year.”

While the coach wasn’t sure about what the season would hold, he said he’s looking forward to it, adding that the players have demonstrated their enthusiasm and willingness to work hard.

Last year Davidson finished the regular season in third place out of four teams in their conference with two wins and four losses. They lost 49-12 to Assiniboia in the first round of playoffs.

Locals join shoebox squad in Senegal

Bonnie Jean Low, at left, and Dave and Colleen Spelliscy travelled to Senegal in July to distribute gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

By Joel van der Veen

DAVIDSON — A month after returning home from the West African country of Senegal, three Davidson folks are still working through the experience in their minds.

Dave and Colleen Spelliscy and Bonnie Jean Low spent two weeks there in July volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse, distributing thousands of gift boxes through the organization’s Operation Christmas Child (OCC) program.

They and their teammates personally handed out close to 3,500 shoeboxes, containing toys, school supplies and toiletries, to children in need.

“It felt like a whirlwind because we were very busy,” said Colleen, adding, “You’re so concentrated on what you’re doing, you don’t have time to be tired.”

“It wasn’t as exhausting as we thought it would be,” said Bonnie Jean.

Each year, boxes are packed by volunteers in Canada and other countries, then distributed across Latin America, the Carribean and West Africa. Last year, Canadians donated more than 664,000 shoeboxes.

This was the second such trip for the Spelliscys, a retired couple who previously went to Costa Rica in May 2016.

After learning that one volunteer had to cancel their plans, Dave and Colleen thought of Bonnie Jean and extended an invitation to her.

Bonnie Jean, a home care worker, had just told friends that she had no summer plans yet when she received their text message. After making arrangements to take time off from work, she was able to join them.

They were part of a team of 24 Canadian volunteers, mostly from Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

For the full story, please see the Aug. 28 edition of The Davidson Leader or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.

Stubble fire followed by combine fire

A combine caught fire on a section of land northwest of Davidson on Aug. 19.

By Joel van der Veen

BLADWORTH — Two fires on the same section of land made for a busy Saturday for local firefighters and nearby farmers.

The Davidson Volunteer Fire Department was called around noon on Aug. 19 to a stubble fire on a field northwest of Davidson along the Allan Road.

After that fire was extinguished, they returned to the same section six hours later to respond to a combine fire, about a mile west.

“This was actually two completely separate fires,” deputy fire chief Don Willner told the Leader.

In both cases, he said, area farmers responded with their tractors, discers and water trucks, helping to keep the fires from spreading.

“The discers did most of the work,” said Willner. “They knocked it down faster than we did.”

Given the dry, windy conditions, Willner said their help was crucial in preventing the fire from crossing the Allan Road into the adjacent pasture land, “which would have been extremely difficult to contain.”

The first call came in at 12:10 p.m., with Rescue 481, Engine 482 and Tanker 481 responding.

Willner said the smoke was visible from town as the firefighters headed out.

Upon arrival, they found the farmer using a 4WD tractor with a discer around the perimeter to limit the spread.

Neighbours brought two or three additional tractors and discers, while water trucks were also brought to the site, including a truck from the Clear Spring colony.

Willner said firefighters were on the scene for roughly two hours.

The second call came in around 6:30 p.m., reporting a combine fire located about a mile west of the first blaze.

After realizing the machine was on fire, Willner said, the combine operator began driving back towards the direction of the first fire, hoping to limit the damage and spread.

With the combine, a Case IH Model 7120, already believed to be a total loss, the firefighters focused on extinguishing the fire on the ground.

“We concentrated on the fire itself,” said Willner. “We didn’t want it to reach around where it had already burned.”

Again, firefighters were on the scene for around two hours.

The affected barley field had already been harvested, so no crops were lost in either blaze.

Willner said the cause of both fires was undetermined, though it may have been as simple as a blade making a spark after striking a rock.

The Hodgins family, who own the affected land, later expressed their thanks to firefighters and their neighbours in a Facebook post.

Taylor makes powerlifting debut

Jonathan Taylor executes a squat, one of three events he completed in his first powerlifting competition in Medicine Hat, Alta., on Aug. 19.

By Joel van der Veen

MEDICINE HAT — A year after he began training in earnest, his efforts are paying off.

Davidson resident Jonathan Taylor competed in his first powerlifting competition in Medicine Hat, Alta., on Aug. 19.

Taking part in the 2017 Grind Powerlifting Challenge at the Temple Fitness club, Taylor posted some impressive results.

He finished first in his age and weight class, and took second for the men’s open category in his weight class.

“It’s a great personal test, in my opinion,” Taylor said. “It was exciting to get a plaque.”

Taylor, 21, lives in Davidson and works as a primary care paramedic for Davidson EMS.

He competed in the junior age division (20-24 years) and the 90-kg and under weight division.

In that category, he placed first in the squat, where his best was 207.5 kg (465 lbs), and first in the deadlift, with a result of 265 kg (586 lbs).

He came in second in the bench press, where his best was 117.5 kg (260 lbs), though he missed his third attempt in that event.

For the full story, please see the Aug. 28 edition of The Davidson Leader or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.

Riding club wraps up season

Aidan Haraldson, left, and Hunter Wightman bring their horses to a halt during a meet in Davidson on Aug. 19.

By Joel van der Veen

DAVIDSON — Local horseback riders wrapped up their season with a western performance and gymkhana event at the Davidson rodeo grounds on Aug. 19.

The Davidson Riding Club hosted the event, their sixth and last meet of the season, though several riders have qualified to compete in provincial finals next month.

The club’s membership includes riders from Davidson and other nearby communities, and as far away as Saskatoon.

Riders are divided into seven age groups. Members of the local club range in age from three years to 60-plus, with the eldest being categorized as “Pioneers.”

“If you’re still riding at that age, it’s quite a compliment,” said organizer Gloria Kadlec.

JC Manz, age 3, was the youngest rider at Saturday’s event, riding by herself for the first time on Blackie, a Shetland pony. Her mom Beth was close by.

Other local riders included Hunter Wightman in the Junior C age group. His horse, Lacey, had been out of commission for most of the season, recovering from an abscess in one hoof.

Competitors are judged and assigned points in different categories.

For the full story, please see the Aug. 28 edition of The Davidson Leader or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.

Vimy flight tour stops in Davidson

Pilot Larry Ricker lands a replica Neiuport II biplane at the Davidson airport on Wednesday.

By Joel van der Veen

DAVIDSON — Outside the Davidson town hall, the town cenotaph lists 35 names of World War One casualties — all men who lost their lives fighting on Canada’s behalf.

“That’s 35 too many,” said Allan Snowie, one of three pilots visiting Davidson last week. “We don’t want that to ever happen again.”

Snowie said his generation represents the last living link with the men and women who fought in that war. As such, they have an important task — to keep the memories of their sacrifice alive.

“What we’re striving to do is to pass their stories on to our grandchildren,” he said.

Davidson was one of the official stops for “Birth of a Nation,” a cross-country tour featuring replicas of the planes used in the historic Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Three biplanes — replicas of the Nieuport II model flown by Canadians at Vimy — landed at the Davidson airport on Wednesday.

Those planes, along with two specially-built Sopwith Pup replicas, were also part of the 100th anniversary ceremony held in France on April 9 of this year.

The five aircraft performed a commemorative flight over the Canadian National Vimy Memorial during the ceremony, before a crowd of 25,000 people.

After landing in Davidson, the planes were on display at Terry Dieno’s hangar, with upwards of 300 people attending a meet and greet and enjoying coffee and doughnuts.

Later, the pilots and the rest of the crew were the guests of honour for a dinner at the town hall, served by the ladies of Davidson United Church and attended by roughly 100 people.

Mary Jane Morrison served as emcee for the event, representing Branch 51 of the Royal Canadian Legion.

Legion branch president Gordon McRae had been working since last fall to arrange a stop for the tour in Davidson, but the visit was only confirmed a few weeks in advance.

“Terry (Dieno) and I worried about that,” he recalled. “For a while there we thought we weren’t going to get them.”

Presentations were made by both McRae and Larry Sinnett, the latter representing the Saskatchewan committee of the Air Cadet League.

Both presented donations to Snowie, on behalf of the Legion and the Air Cadet League, in support of the flight tour.

McRae also presented a Saskatchewan flag, signed by Premier Brad Wall and the other provincial MLAs, as well as members of the Royal Canadian Legion Saskatchewan Command, the branches in Davidson, Loreburn-Elbow and Moose Jaw, and the directors of the Air Cadets League provincial committee.

For the full story, please see the Aug. 21 edition of The Davidson Leader or call 306-567-2047 to subscribe today.