DAVIDSON—The latest edition of the Saskatchewan Command of the Royal Canadian Legion’s Military Service Recognition Book features the pictures and stories of 47 Second World War Veterans from the Davidson area.
Published March 2015, a copy of this book as well as past editions is available at the Davidson branch of Palliser Regional Library and at Davidson School’s library.
The books are not for sale and are instead available to the public at educational facilities.
The service recognition books honour those who have served in the First and Second World War, Korean War as well as more recent armed conflicts and peacekeeping missions.
The Legion’s Military Service Recognition Book is an ongoing project and people may continue to submit information about their own, a relative or a friend’s service for future books. A new volume is printed each year.
With 47 local veterans recognized, there is still much more to do, said Gord McRae, president of the Davidson branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.
“I started researching and I found 512 names of men who served and were from Davidson, Girvin and Bladworth,” McRae said.
He wants to do more research on First World War veterans.
“They are just names. The Second World War, we’ve done a great job (with getting their stories) but with the First World War, we’re lacking,” McRae said.
He would like for schools to take up the challenge by having senior students pick a veteran’s name and do some research.